Title: Home and Heart Improvements 4/4

Author: christykq

Rating: M for language and innuendos mostly, some sex

Characters/Pairings: some Logan/Parker, LoVe, ensemble

Word Count: 9,120 in this section; 34,118 total

Spoilers: This fic takes place just after 3.15 and continues AU from there.

Disclaimer: I own nothing in the VM universe, it all belongs to the master RT and no copyright infringement is intended. Transcripts from Indigo Mantoya at twiztv dot com.


A/N: This is an oneshot that is too big to post as only one document, therefore, this fic is broken into four sections. It's split for no other reason than size because I just can't write a short story, no matter how hard I try.

A/N2: Character's thoughts are italic.


"Supafly, I haven't seen you around much lately." Wallace states as he steps in stride with Mac and Veronica as they walk to the their next class on Hearst campus.

"I've been busy." Veronica defends.

"More like getting' busy." Mac teases.

"Wrong." Veronica scoffs. "Logan and I taking things slow-ow-ow."

"Uh huh." Wallace gives the tiny blonde a pointed look.

"No, really. We're moving at a snail's pace this time around. We don't want to screw things up. Our problems have never been in bed." Veronica says staring into the distance, across the quad as a big grin grows on her face.

"Come on, Girl, TMI." Wallace scowls then notices her smile and follows Veronica's line of sight.

Logan and Dick are laughing and goofing around as they walk toward the trio of friends from the other side of the large open area.

"Oh geez." Wallace mutters under his breath at his lovesick best friend's reaction to seeing her boyfriend from afar.

"Logan looks awfully happy and relaxed for moving at a snail's pace." Mac comments with a raised eyebrow.

"We're moving slow, we're not dead." Veronica clarifies as she watches Logan and Dick approach, unaware of Veronica, Mac and Wallace walking in their direction.

When the two '09ers are within ten feet of Veronica, Logan's face breaks into a huge smile and unconsciously hops with each step as he locks eyes with his girlfriend. He pushes past the people in his path to the tiny blonde investigator, leaving Dick behind, and rushes to Veronica, placing his palms on her cheeks and planting a hot, deep, slow kiss on her mouth.

Wallace rolls his eyes at the kissing couple and Mac looks anywhere but at Logan and Veronica as they continue to play tonsil hockey.

"Dude, get a fuckin' room." Dick says as he dodges passing students and joins the group.

Logan finally separates his mouth from Veronica's, kissing her lightly on the tip of her nose and swaggers away. "I'll see you tonight at home." He says over his shoulder and wipes her lip gloss from his mouth with the back of his hand as he continues to his destination, leaving Veronica breathless and stunned in her spot.

"Jesus, Dude. Wait up." Dick hurries after his friend down the sidewalk.

Mac turns to Veronica with curious eyes. "Did he just say 'see you tonight at home'?"

"Uh huh." Veronica grunts as she tries to regulate her breathing.

"He said 'at home' not like my home or your home but our home." Mac swats Veronica's arm. "Snap out of it. Did you move in with Logan?"

"Ow. Why did you hit me?"

"Answer the question, V." Wallace says protectively with a stern voice.

She nods yes and they begin walking toward their next classes again.

"Holy crap, Veronica. What did your dad say?" Wallace quizzes.

"He officially did not give me permission to have sleepovers at my boyfriend's house but he knows I'm going to do what I want to do anyway." Veronica shrugs, matter-of-factly. "So, I forgot a bunch of my stuff and some clothes in his guest room, by accident, of course."

"Of course." Wallace and Mac say in unison.


Veronica tiptoes up the steps of Logan's house notices Logan's bedroom door open about an inch. Hmm, is that an invitation? Or should I just sleep in my room? I am exhausted and I could use some sleep. She turns into the guest room, throws her messenger bag on the floor, kicking off her shoes and changes into a tank top and pajama pants.

Logan hears the steps creaking as Veronica comes upstairs and goes into her room. Damn it, she's not coming in here. He swats the mattress with his hand and sighs. Well, this is what she wanted, to go slow. I'll let her set the pace and when she's ready, she knows where my bed is.

Fuck. Should I go into Logan's room or not? Veronica sits on the edge of her bed and weighs her options. Damn it, I'm so tired. Why is this such a big deal? You're being stupid, Veronica, just suck it up and climb into bed with him. But, I need to sleep. I have an early class tomorrow. She sighs. Fuck it! Slapping her thigh with resolve, she creeps to Logan's door.

Logan watches his bedroom door when he hears footsteps in the hallway.

Veronica takes a deep breath and pushes Logan's bedroom door open, peeking into his dark room. "Are you awake?" She whispers.

"Yeah." He responds, matching her soft tone. Grow a spine, Dude, ask her to sleep with you tonight.

"I… I um… just…" She struggles to decide as she looks back toward her room and bites her lower lip. "…I'm really exhausted." She complains.

"Oh. Okay." Logan mutters and Veronica can hear the disappointment in his voice.

She looks over her shoulder at her room one more time and steps over the threshold of Logan's room. "Is there room in your big bed for little ole me?"

He flips the covers up dramatically. "Of course." He whispers as Veronica crosses his room and climbs into bed, snuggling against Logan's warm, firm body.

Logan tucks her small frame in close to his chest and kisses her hair, close to her ear. "Good night, Sugarpuss." I love you. He thinks as he shuts his eyes.

"Logan?" Veronica says softly and he grunts in response. "Thank you."

He opens his eyes and whispers. "For what?"

"For letting me set the pace. You have no idea how comforting it is to know that there's no pressure to go right back where we were before and I love you for it." Veronica gasps as the words slip from her mouth and she can feel Logan's hold around her body tighten.

He doesn't respond for a few seconds as he replays her words over and over in his head.

Logan adjusts their bodies and rolls Veronica onto her back and looks directly into her eyes. "What did you say?" He mutters softly.

Veronica smiles and touches his face with her fingertips, looking deep into Logan's soul. "I love you." She pauses. "I've loved you for a long time now. I was just scared and stupid. I'm sorry I never said it before now."

His grin grows as he runs his thumb gently down her cheek. "Say it again."

"I love you, Logan." She states matter-of-factly and stretches her head off the mattress to kiss her boyfriend.

His hand slips behind her neck to support her head as he deepens the kiss, expressing his desire and love for her but masterfully allowing Veronica to maintain control of the tempo of their lip lock.

Her fingers tickle his sides just above his boxers' waistband as his fingers graze the side of her breast, over her shirt.

Veronica pushes Logan's body weight back away from her as they break their kiss and lay on their sides, facing each other.

Logan can't stop smiling at his girlfriend as her fingers dance over the muscles of his chest.

"You've made me the happiest man in the history of the world, Bobcat." He whispers as his fingers play with the ends of her hair.

Her eyes slowly rise to meet Logan's. "I can't believe how good it feels to tell you that I love you."

"Say it again." He smirks.

"I love you." She smiles and places a chaste kiss on his lips. "But I have to get some sleep. I'm exhausted and I have an early class tomorrow morning."

"Shh. You don't have to explain. I know you're tired." Logan kisses the middle of her forehead. "Go to sleep. The alarm is set for seven."

Veronica's eyes flutter closed as she sighs and wiggles into Logan's arms. "Perfect."

"Perfect." He repeats, shutting his eyes and tightening his hold around Veronica's body, falling asleep with a smile on his face.


A few days after declaring her love for Logan, Veronica drags her tired and hungry body into Logan's house, dropping her messenger bag on the floor at the door.

Logan looks up from typing on his computer. "Hey, Babe. Did you eat?"

She lumbers over to the brand new dining room table and chairs and slides onto Logan's lap. "Hi." Veronica plants a steamy kiss on his mouth while her fingers run through his hair.

She moans as Logan's tongue circles hers and his hand rests on her cheek, subtly directing her movements as his other hand wiggles under the seam of her t-shirt. Jesus, her skin is so fuckin' soft.

They end their kiss and stare into each other's eyes. Veronica leans her forehead against Logan's and silently tells him she's ready. He wordlessly raises his eyebrows in question and she answers by shimmying off his lap and pulling his hand turning towards the steps. "Come on, there's a bubble bath in our future."

"You know, there's a two-man Jacuzzi tub in the master bathroom." Logan snarks.

"You don't say." She chuckles, towing Logan behind her as she climbs the stairs. "Well, it's a good thing we're heading to the master suite then."

When they reach the top of the steps, Logan wraps his arms around her petite frame from behind and whispers in her ear. "Are you sure about this? I don't want to assume anything."

Veronica pulls his arms tighter around her body. "I'm ready." She tilts her head back to look at Logan's face. "Are you?" She smirks mischievously.

"You have no idea." He breathes against her skin, in between peppered kisses down her neck as they awkwardly waddle, entwined, to the master bathroom.

Once they reach the expansive bathroom, Veronica breaks from Logan's hold and turns toward him, standing a few feet away. She looks deep into his eyes and sees desire and lust as she shakes her hips seductively and pulls her t-shirt over her head.

Logan's mouth goes dry watching her show as he leans against the bathroom doorframe. It takes every bit of restraint he can muster to not rip her clothes off and fuck her right there against the bathroom sink. "You're beautiful." He mumbles and swallows audibly as his eyes devour Veronica's body.

She reaches behind her back to unhook her bra and the doorbell echoes through the small house.

Veronica freezes in her position without removing her bra and Logan's fingers grip the doorframe until his knuckles are white. "Are you fuckin' kidding me?!" He sighs, rubbing his hand over his painfully hard erection.

"Oh geez." Veronica huffs under her breath as she leans on the edge of the tub, rolling her eyes and bowing her head as the doorbell rings again.

"Don't move. I'll go get rid of whoever's at the door and I'll be right back." Logan says quickly as he turns to leave his room, rubbing his hard-on and adjusting his pants.

The doorbell rings a third time and Logan checks to make sure he's presentable. This is fuckin' unbelievably bad timing. "This better be good." He mutters to himself as he swings the door open.


"Keith." He says through a fake smile and clenched teeth as Keith comes into his living room, holding a bottle of champagne and a large envelope.

Logan quickly adjusts his pants around his fading erection once Keith passes him and enters his house.

Veronica tiptoes to Logan's bedroom door, in only her jeans and bra, to try to identify the intruder, listening closely to the voices coming from the living room.

"I'm replacing your housewarming gift and checking up on my daughter." Keith looks around the first floor of the house. "I haven't seen her in a few days."

"Shit." She says quietly. My dad's here. Fuck. She scurries back to the bathroom and finds her shirt on the floor, putting it on as she walks.

Logan laughs and turns to face the man who has become a good friend and father figure in his life. He must have a libido detector embedded in Ronnie's molar or something. He points to the champagne in Keith's hand. "My replacement housewarming gift?"

Keith lifts the items in his hands, looking from the bottle of champagne to the large envelope and back to the champagne then places both objects on the counter with a chuckle. "No. This is your housewarming gift." He reaches in his shirt's chest pocket and hands Logan a small envelope.

Logan opens the envelope and smiles. "Thank you. Maybe I'll get really crazy and buy a new kitchen faucet or some exterior paint with your gift card. Thank you Keith, you didn't have to replace the book. It was the thought that counts."

Keith gestures with his hand. "It's the least I could do." He looks around the living room. "So, where's my daughter?"

Logan nods toward the steps. "Upstairs-…"

"Studying." Veronica says as she strolls down the steps and walks right to her dad for a big bear hug. "I was upstairs studying." She eyes Logan while she hugs Keith's body.

They break away from their embrace and Keith looks deep into Veronica's eyes. "Honey… you got some interesting mail yesterday. I thought I should bring it right over, the first chance I got."

Veronica furrows her brow as she looks at Logan then back to her dad. Logan walks to the other side of the kitchen island and watches the Mars interact.

"What kind of mail?" Veronica asks skeptically.

Keith holds up the large envelope with the logo of the F.B.I. in the top left corner of the paper.

Veronica snags the envelope from Keith's hand and gasps. "The F.B.I.? Oh my gosh. This is probably about my internship." Her eyes creep to Logan's face nervously and she's greeted with a broad smile.

Her breath hitches and her chest tightens with nerves as she fingers the paper of the envelope.

"Ronnie, just open it. You'll never know what they want unless you open the damn envelope." He smiles warmly at his girlfriend.

She bites her lower lip nervously and wipes her sweaty palms on her jeans. "It's only an internship, right? No big deal if I didn't get it, right?" Veronica's voice breaks as she looks at her father and her boyfriend, trying to delay opening the envelope a little bit longer.

Keith offers a warm smile of encouragement and waits for his daughter to find out if she will be a F.B.I. gopher all summer or not.

Veronica hands the envelope to Logan with a shaky hand. "Will you do the honors? I can't open it."

Logan takes the envelope from her fingers and smiles. "It's only an internship. There are other opportunities out there if they don't want you." He opens the flap quickly and pulls out the paperwork, reading out loud. "Dear Ms. Mars, we are happy to welcome you…"

"WOHOO!" Keith yells and twirls Veronica in his arms.

"…to our twelve-week internship program…"

"I got it!" She shouts with enthusiasm with her arms and legs flailing in the air in her father's arms. "I got it!"

"…in Langley, Virginia beginning May 20th." Logan says with excitement as he throws the paper and the envelope on the counter.

Keith releases Veronica from his hold and she runs into Logan's arms.

"You did it!" Logan shouts and kisses Veronica, clutching her body in his arms tightly. "You did it! Wohoo!" He pulls her off the ground several feet and shakes her up and down in a tight hug, kissing her cheek and placing her gently on the floor again.

"I knew we were going to be celebrating when I saw that envelope show up yesterday." Keith says as he pulls the foil and wire off the top of the champagne bottle.

Logan plants another long, but chaste, kiss on Veronica's lips as he releases her from his hold and looks through his minimal glassware selection for something remotely like champagne glasses.

Logan laughs as he places one champagne flute and two highball glasses on the countertop with a shrug. "I have no idea why I have one champagne glass in with the bar glasses but I do and I think Ronnie, the F.B.I. intern, should use it. What do you think, Keith?" Logan and Keith share a look and Keith gives Logan a nod in agreement.

Keith pops the cork then pours champagne in each of the glasses and holds his glass in the air to meet Logan and Veronica in celebration.

"To Veronica." Logan says with a big, adoring smile.

"My daughter the feebie." Keith says with pride.

The trio drink their champagne happily, draining their glasses and refilling them until the bottle is empty, sitting around Logan's kitchen island and chatting casually.

"When do I have to report to Virginia?" Veronica questions as she looks over the paperwork quickly with a slight champagne buzz. "May 20th? That's four days after finals end." She says with wide panicked eyes as she looks at Logan.

"Yeah." He shrugs casually with a gloomy smirk.

Keith notices the saddened exchange between the two young adults and attempts to lighten the sudden mood change in the room. "Logan, what are your plans for the summer?"

Logan rips his eyes from his girlfriend and smiles at his friend and mentor. "I think I'm going to go surfing in South America for a few weeks with Dick Casablancas." Logan glances at Veronica.

Veronica frowns as Logan continues. "I'll surf with Dick for a few weeks, I have things to do around the house, here and…" He looks at Veronica with a hopeful smile. "…Virginia is a flight away."

Veronica's face blooms with excitement. "You would come to Virginia to visit me?"

Logan laughs. "Sure. Why not? Flights from South America go to Dulles or Reagan National as easy as they go to LAX."

"It's only twelve weeks, Veronica. Once you get there and settled in, you'll blink and you'll be heading back home to start your sophomore year at Hearst." Keith encourages.

"I know." Veronica looks down at her hands and bites her bottom lip, deep in thought.

Keith pats her back lightly and stands at his seat. "You'll be fine, Honey. It's a great opportunity and I'm so proud of you." He kisses the top of her head and offers his hand to Logan, reaching over the counter. "Logan, don't go too crazy using up your gift card."

Logan laughs. "I'll do my best to restrain myself when I shop the bathroom aisle."

"Good to see you again Honey. Don't be a stranger. Backup misses you." Keith walks to the front door. "Now, get back to studying. The F.B.I. doesn't want any dopes working for them." He says over his shoulder as he lets himself out.

As soon as the front door shuts, Logan grabs Veronica's hand, stretching over the countertop. "Ronnie, we should get back to studying." He wiggles his eyebrows at his girlfriend.

Veronica smiles at the thought of their activities in Logan's master bathroom that were interrupted by Keith and slowly looks up at her boyfriend's smiling face. "Do you think he bought it? That I was studying?"

Logan shrugs. "I guess. He didn't seem like he questioned it. I think he was too busy thinking about the F.B.I. envelope in his hands, to tell you the truth."

Veronica shrugs and stands at her seat. She smirks mischievously and bolts up the steps yelling over her shoulder. "Last one upstairs is a rotten egg."

Hearing her words through a hazy champagne brain, it takes Logan a few seconds to respond and chase after the tiny, but fast, woman of his dreams. As he reaches the top of the steps, he spots her shirt lying in the hallway and stops his pursuit, picking up her shirt and smelling it with an extended inward breath.

He takes a few more steps and sees a pile of Veronica's jeans sitting on his bedroom floor. "I like these breadcrumbs, Gretel, but it would have been more fun to remove the wrapper before I get to eat the candy." He says with a raised voice as he picks up her bra from the floor and approaches the bathroom door.

Logan pushes the slightly ajar door open and sees Veronica standing at the bathtub's edge in one of his t-shirts, hanging down loosely to her knees and his hard cock jumps with excitement.

"Well, Hansel, it's not naughty lingerie but it's the best I could do in short notice."

Logan swallows and drops her discarded clothing at his feet, stepping to her with desire in his eyes. "Oh, but it's so much better." He utters as his eyes examine her body, lustfully.

She smirks and tugs at the hem of his shirt, pulling the cotton material tight against her breasts and her aroused nipples poke out from under their covering as she arches her back slightly, accentuating her best qualities and Logan steps to her slowly with a rock hard erection.

He leans close to her ear, without touching her body, he mutters with a sexy low voice and Veronica's knees soften to jelly. "You just satisfied one of my many fantasies, Bobcat, and you have no idea how fuckin' hot you are in one of my t-shirts." He tickles the edge of her ear with his tongue and steps back to ogle her hard nipples hiding under the taut t-shirt.

She eyes his body, noticing the impressive bump in his jeans, Veronica steps closer to Logan, rubbing her hands over his strong chest and stomach muscles as she looks up into his dark brown eyes. "Who has too many clothes on now?" She whispers as she untucks his t-shirt, pulling the material out of his jeans and bites her lower lip without looking away from his eyes.

He silently lifts his arms to ease her removal of his t-shirt. Her fingers touch every inch of his tan skin as she slowly pushes the cotton shirt off of his body, paying extra attention to his extended chest muscles as Logan raises his arms above his head.

She leans toward his body and their chests touch gently when she reaches, rising on her toes to help pull the shirt over his head, popping his skull from the shirt with messy hair, Logan drops his shirt from his fingertips onto the floor and feels her hard nipples graze his chest.

Veronica drops to stand flat-footed again, leaving a small amount of space between their bodies. Her breath catches when she sees her boyfriend standing in front of her, shirtless, inviting her to touch his toned, warm, muscular body and she bites her lower lip as her fingers walk over his skin toward the fly of his jeans.

Logan stands tall, watching Veronica's finger touch his torso and his eyes follow her tongue, licking her full lips before her front tooth bites into the pink flesh and his heart skips a beat as her fingers tickle his goodie trail, the hair under his navel, leading a path to his treasures hiding beneath his pants.

He watches her nimble fingers unbuckle his belt and unsnap and unzip his jeans and it takes every bit of strength for Logan not to touch her body at that moment. He lets her set the pace, taking a deep breath and slowly releases the air from his lungs as Veronica's hand slips under the denim and she cups his erection with only a thin layer of silk boxer shorts in between her hand and his body.

Her eyes meet his as she caresses his body and his head drops back as he releases a low moan.

Veronica's hand continues stroking Logan's cock as her other hand opens his jeans further, resting them on his hips and pushing his boxers down to meet his pants, springing his dick from it's confined area, she adjusts her grip on his erection and pumps with more vigor.

Logan exhales loudly with his eyes closed and his head back, enjoying the feel of Veronica's hands around his engorged shaft. He rolls his head forward and clutches her face in his hands, pulling her into a heated, passionate kiss.

In one swift move, he bends slightly and lifts her petite body in his arms, never breaking their soul-searching kiss and walks them to his king-sized bed.

She gasps in his mouth as her legs are swept off the ground into his arms. "Tub?" Is the only word she can mutter as his tongue invades her mouth.

"Later." He breathes and gently places her on his bed.

Logan stands at the edge of the bed admiring Veronica's swollen lips and heated skin as his eyes move down her body and lock on her rock-hard nipples poking up from under his t-shirt and his mouth goes dry. He pulls her body toward him and places her perfectly at the edge of the mattress, dropping to his knees before her.

His t-shirt rides up her body as she moves across the bed and it sits across her stomach, exposing her center, inviting Logan to play.

Veronica positions her feet flat on the mattress and curls her toes over the mattress edge, opening her legs wide for her lover as he kisses the inside of her right knee. His fingertips tickle the delicate flesh of her inner thigh, slowly creeping toward her core and he can smell her arousal.

Logan opens her folds and thumbs her clitoris as Veronica gasps at his touch and arches into his hand.

"Oh God." She breathes and his index finger teases the opening of her vagina. Slowly, circling the outer edge, continuing to thumb her clit, he pushes his finger into her warm canal and she bucks her hips. Caressing her inner vaginal walls with his finger, she moans a deep, low tone.

He thrusts his index finger in and out and quickly adds his middle digit in her opening and Veronica gasps in response. Logan explores her heated core, touching her walls and poking her sensitive cervix with his long fingers as Veronica moans loudly, arches into his hand and clutching the comforter in both hands.

"Please, Logan." She whines, about to lose control as he quickly pulls his fingers out of her center and replaces them with his tongue, circling her opening and curling his flesh to press her inner walls, in and out, in and out, as his thumb rubs her clitoris unrelentingly and Veronica climaxes hard, thrusting her hips repeatedly in rapid succession. "Oh! My! God! Oh fuck! Loooogannnnn! Oh God! Oh God!"

He continues his assault as her nerves burst with passion and muscles tighten and throb with desire.

Logan slows his thumb's pace as he licks her slit clean of its juices and she moans her appreciation as her body hums from her powerful release.

He wipes his mouth on the bedding and kisses up his girlfriend's agitated body, nudging his t-shirt up her abdomen with every kiss, sucking and licking her skin until he reaches her plump breasts. Logan's mouth devours her left nipple, stroking her oversensitive nub with his tongue.

"Oh God." Veronica moans with a glowing smile, arching her back pushing her breast into Logan's mouth and her fingers through his hair.

His fingers gently fondle her right boob as her lips and tongue work the left, biting and sucking until her pink flesh peaks with arousal.

Logan kisses the tender skin of Veronica's cleavage, working his way to her right breast, giving it the attention it deserves as his right hand palms her other boob, rubbing and pulling her nipple as she moans and directs his head where she desires.

His left hand slides down her body, finding her warm folds again as Veronica wiggles under his touch and three fingers penetrate her canal.

"Logan, you're going to kill me." She breathes, bending away from the mattress and into his multiple caresses.

"What a way to go." He chuckles against her fleshy mound and she giggles as his whiskers tickle her stimulated skin.

Veronica tugs lightly on Logan's hair, pulling his head up to meet her face as they look deep into each other's eyes.

"I love you, Logan." She states firmly with a sultry voice.

Logan smiles and nuzzles his nose against her cheek while his hands continue their sexy assault on her body. "I love you too, Veronica." His lips find her mouth as she opens, allowing his tongue entrance and she wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

His hands tuck around her back and they roll across the bed, joined by their mouths, until Veronica covers Logan's larger form and their kiss intensifies.

After a few moments, Veronica breaks their kiss and sits upright, her legs straddling Logan's waist and her hands exploring his defined chest. His hands rest on her hips, tickling her soft skin as they pause for a second, enjoying their closeness and catch their breaths.

Logan's fingers creep up her torso and push his t-shirt up the length of her small body as he sits up and Veronica adjusts her position, sitting on his denim-clad lap more comfortably. She raises her arms to aid the removal of his clothing from her body, accentuating her perky breasts and Logan's mouth sucks greedily on her nipple while his arms pull her closer to him, kneading the expanse of her back with his fingers.

She lets the shirt drop from her fingertips as she rolls her pelvis against his erection and hangs her head back with her arms over her head and her fingers tangling in her hair. "Oh God, don't stop. Logan, don't fuckin' stop."

His tongue grazes her taut right nipple just before he bites lightly on her pink pearl and his hand copies the movement of his mouth on her left breast, pulling and rolling the nub in his fingers.

"Fucking A! That feels so fuckin' good." Veronica breathes as her head rolls forward and her fingers playfully pull his hair. "So fucking good."

Veronica's continuous grinding against his painfully hard erection is too much for Logan and he moans. "I need to be inside you, Ronnie." He bites her nipple and expertly rolls their bodies, positioning Veronica, naked and ready, under his energized form.

He kisses over to her other nipple and bites gently, making her moan. Logan plants kisses down her body quickly as he bends to stand at the edge of the bed and drops his jeans and boxers to the floor.

Veronica's eyes scan his body, concentrating on his nicely equipped boner and smiles, wiggling her finger at him. "Come here, Big Boy, we've got some lovin' to do."

Logan looks down at his beautiful girlfriend spread for him, inviting him, demanding him to make love to her and he licks his lips in anticipation. "Hold on, Bobcat."

He reaches for the bedside table drawer, in search of a condom, and slams it shut. "Fuck." Logan scurries around the end of the bed, to the other bedside table and opens the drawer dramatically. "God damn it." He looks around his bedroom with determination in his eyes. "I haven't had sex in this house yet. I don't know where the condoms are packed."

Veronica laughs, looking up at her boyfriend from her upside down position, lying on the large bed as her hands dance across her stimulated skin. "Don't you have one in your wallet?"

He bites his lip and looks around the room. "Where the fuck is my wallet?"

"My messenger bag. I have a few in there." She realizes. "It's right inside the front door, on the floor."

Logan rushes out of the room and finds her bag, bringing it into his bedroom and throwing it on the bed. "You can get them quicker than I can find them." He states as Veronica searches her messenger bag.

"Wallah!" She pulls a string of four condom squares out of her bag and pushes her bag to the floor.

"I knew there was a reason why I loved you." Logan says as he takes a flying leap onto the bed, making Veronica's petite body bounce on the mattress and her giggles fill the room.

He wiggles on his stomach toward Veronica and grasps her face in his hands, hovering over her body and staring deep into her eyes. "I've missed you, Ronnie."

He can feel the electric energy between their bodies as his thumb tenderly glides over her cheek and she rolls on her side, kissing his mouth with a hot, steamy kiss. Veronica pushes Logan's weight back on the bed and takes the condom from his fingers, without breaking their passionate kiss.

"I need you now." She whispers as Logan puts his arms behind his head and watches the love of his life rip the foil packet, quickly kiss the tip of his penis one time and unroll the condom onto his raging wood.

Veronica smirks mischievously and waggles her eyebrows as she throws her leg over his body and straddles his hard-on.

"I love a woman that knows what she wants." He jokes as Veronica puts all of her weight on her arms, resting her palms on his chest and floats her wet core just above Logan's protected penis.

"I want you to make me scream." She says in a sultry bedroom voice and Logan responds by placing his hands on her hips and swiftly moving her body down onto his cock, slipping his erection smoothly into her vagina and they both moan with pleasure, grinding their bodies together and finding a perfect rhythm.

Logan lifts his hands to her small, perky tits and massages as Veronica's head drifts back, raising her arms over her head and leans into his hands, pressing his cock deep into her canal. He squeezes and palms her breasts as his hips thrust upward in a recurring pattern.

His thumbs push on her nipples, sending sparks through her body as she moves her hips in a circle.

"Oh God, Babe."

The sound of his voice brings Veronica out of her reverie as she looks down at her boyfriend and covers his hands with hers. His breath hitches as he slips his hands down her stomach and she continues to work her tits in just the right way, pulling and squeezing and twisting her nipples in perfect tempo to his thrusts upward.

Logan rests his left hand on her hip and slips his right hand in between their bodies, flicking and caressing and rubbing Veronica's clitoris and he can feel her pace quicken.

"Cum for me, Ronnie. Scream my name." He grunts as their eyes lock and her inner muscles tighten around his cock. "Come on, let go, Babe, let go."

Veronica cradles her boobs in her hands and pulls her nipples, twisting them in her fingertips just as Logan pushes in deep and touches her cervix. "Oh! Fuck!" She screams.

"Oh! My! God!" She thrashes her hips against Logan's body as waves of energy ripple through her body and her muscles explode with ecstasy.

Veronica's vaginal walls squeeze his engorged erection, sending Logan over the edge with his girlfriend as her extra long orgasm bursts through her body.

He thrusts upward awkwardly as every nerve ending sizzles with pleasure and semen squirts into the condom, draining his penis dry at the same time Veronica flops on to his chest, exhausted and sweaty.

Logan wraps his arms around Veronica's tiny figure and they lay there, out of breath and tired, for a few minutes.

"I can't move." Veronica mumbles against his chest and he looks down at her peaceful glow and smiles.

"That was fucking incredible, Babe." Logan kisses the top of her head.

"Uh huh." She grunts in response. "Fucking incredible." She repeats.

"Ronnie, I gotta get rid of this condom." Logan says quietly as his fingers tickle her sweaty back.

"Alright." She whines into his chest without moving any part of her body.

Logan pushes her shoulders off his torso lightly as Veronica peels her slick skin from his and rolls onto the bed as his tired dick slumps out from her core, resulting in a groan from the tiny female.

He laughs and discards the used condom in the trashcan next to the bed and settles back in bed, spooning Veronica.

"Mmm." She grunts as she presses her body to Logan's and his strong arms wrap around her figure.

He nuzzles his nose in her neck when his cell phone rings on the bedside table.

"Shit." Logan says under his breath and pulls Veronica closer to his chest. "I am never moving from this spot. They can leave a fuckin' message."


Veronica's body jumps in Logan's arms when his cell phone rings from the bedside table. Her sudden movement wakes both of them from their post-orgasm nap. Logan groans and sits up, grabbing his phone quickly without looking at the caller ID. "Hello."

"Dude, where the hell are you? There are bitchin' babes at this beach party and you need to get your ass down here now!" Dick yells into the phone.

"Dick, I have a girlfriend and I'm not coming to a Pi Sig beach party." Logan rolls his eyes. "Goodbye."

"W-wait, Dude!" Dick snaps before Logan can hang up on his best friend.

Logan exhales loudly. "What? Get to the point, Dick."

"You wanna surf tomorrow morning? Out back, behind your place?"

"Sure, what time?" Logan concedes.

"How 'bout seven?"

"Fine. See you then." Logan hangs up and throws his cell phone on the bedside table then turns and snuggles in next to Veronica. "I'm surfing tomorrow with Dick."

"Uh huh." Veronica grunts through her sleepy haze.

Logan's fingers tickle her stomach as he kisses her neck, from his spooning position, behind her, and whispers in her ear. "How 'bout that bubble bath now?"

"Mmm. That's sounds wonderful." She purrs and turns in Logan's arms.

"Or we can stay right here." Logan offers, kissing her neck and collarbone.

"No, I want to do it in your Jacuzzi tub." She waggles her eyebrows at her boyfriend and he smiles bright.

"Miss Mars, you little vixen you." He kisses her mouth soundly as his fingers rest on her naked hip.

Veronica looks deep into Logan's eyes and speaks just above a whisper, biting her bottom lip nervously. "Was this really the first time you've had sex in this house?"

He laughs. "Yeah. Who would I have been with? After you, I was only with Parker and we never got past second base."

She holds back a smile, biting her lip and looking at her fingers tickle his chest. "Good."

"Are we going to christen every room?" He kisses her forehead gently and continues without expecting an answer to his question. "One down and… let's see…" Logan counts on his fingers dramatically, mumbling as he ticks off the rooms of his house. "…that makes ten, if you count the porch and the beach…"

"The beach?" She laughs, cutting off his sentence. "Since when has the beach been one of the rooms in your house?"

"Since, dah, the beach is my backyard." Logan clarifies as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"You wouldn't make home improvements to the beach." She states firmly. "You can't count that."

"I can and will." He punctuates his statement with multiple soft kisses against her neck. "The beach is at the end of the path that leads to the porch which, is our next project by the way, and the porch is attached to the house. The beach stays on the list."

Veronica thinks for a moment and speaks softly. "You want to have sex at the beach? You've never done that before?"

"No." Logan says defensively. "Have you?"

"No." She says shyly. "I just thought… you're always at the beach… you would have… didn't you and Lilly?"

"Nah. We used to drink at the beach and go elsewhere for fun." He shrugs and moves the hair from her forehead and kisses the bare spot tenderly. "Besides, I want to have sex with you at the beach."

Veronica peppers kisses on his chest as she speaks. "Aren't you scared that one little, tiny, miniscule, insignificant piece of sand is going to get lodged in the wrong place, making the fun of sex, how should I say, a little more abrasive?"

Logan's nose wrinkles in disgust. "Ow." He pauses for a moment and thinks of how much sand makes up the beach. "We'll just have to take a blanket or two or three to keep the sand away from…" He clears his throat. "…the wet parts."

She laughs and slaps his chest playfully. "Yuck."

He laughs and pulls her body tighter to his chest. "Hey, we are having sex on the beach and that's the end of it. So, get ready, Mars, I will blow your mind and if sand happens to get in the way…" He grins wide. "…maybe you'll like it."

"Ew." She smacks his chest again and sits up. "Come on. Let's go see what improvements we need to do in the master bathroom." Veronica pulls Logan to a sitting position and they walk hand-in-hand to his expansive two-man Jacuzzi tub.


"Damn." Veronica falls against Logan's chest, splashing the bubbly water over the edge of the large tub.

"Fuck, we are definitely doing it in this tub again." Logan pants as he runs his fingertips up and down Veronica's slick, soapy back.

"Uh huh." She moans, walking her fingers across his wet chest. "I love you, Logan Echolls."

He kisses the top of her sweaty head as he takes her hand in his and tangles their fingers together. "I love you too, Veronica Mars."

Veronica peppers kisses all over Logan's chest with her legs straddling his body as the waves of warm water ripple against their bodies.

"Babe?" He holds up their entwined hands. "We are wrinkly and need to get out of this tub before we stay pruney." Logan pauses, kissing each of her fingers. "Plus, I'm hungry."

She sits upright and smiles. "Do you have ice cream?"

"Didn't you get some the last time you went to the store?" Logan shrugs as Veronica ponders his question. "If we're out of ice cream, we still have leftover egg rolls from last night."

"Yummy." She slowly unravels her limbs from his and stands cautiously as Logan climbs to an upright position and unplugs the drain with his toe.

They towel off quickly and throw on minimal clothing before they go to the kitchen in search of ice cream and leftover take-out food.


"Mmmmm." Veronica moans, savoring her last bite of egg roll from her position sitting on the kitchen island.

Logan looks up from his General Tso's chicken when Veronica moans with pleasure.

"That was so good." She innocently draws out each word for emphasis in a low bedroom voice as she licks each of her fingers clean.

Logan watches his girlfriend seductively lick and suck her fingers and his dick stiffens instantly. He slowly places the Chinese carton and chopsticks on the kitchen counter and steps in between her legs without looking away from her self-administered spit bath.

Veronica's eyes rise and lock with Logan's as he nears and she unconsciously spreads her legs, permitting his closeness and invasion into her personal space.

"I'm going to fuck you right here on the countertop if you keep moaning like that." Logan says with a husky voice.

Veronica smirks mischievously and continues sucking her fingers, long and hard, tempting Logan as she adds an exaggerated moan in for good measure, never breaking eye contact with her boyfriend.

Logan looks into her beautiful blue eyes and slowly leans into his girlfriend, grabbing the back of her neck and directing her mouth to land on his as his hand slides up her thigh and under his t-shirt to her breast, causing Veronica to gasp at the feeling of his touch.

She shimmies to the edge of the counter and fumbles with the zipper and the snap of his cargo shorts while their tongues fight for dominance.

Their mouths break from each other as they pant heated breaths and Veronica's hands desperately open Logan's shorts, releasing his hard cock. She pushes his cargo shorts over his hips and they fall to the floor with a 'thump' as her hand wraps around Logan's dick.

"Oh fuck, Ronnie." He breathes heavily. "If you keep doing that, I'm gonna cum." Logan steps closer to the counter, licking his index and middle fingers and quickly inserting them into Veronica's core.

She bucks her hips and grips Logan's shoulder. "Oh God!"

"God damn, you're wet." He grunts, removing his fingers and pushes his erection into her center with force.

Veronica's legs instinctively wrap around his body and pull him closer as he thrusts rapidly.

"It's not going to take me long." Logan says as he quickens his frantic pace. "It was all that moaning that did it to me."

"I'm close." Veronica moans. "Oh, so fuckin' close. Yes!" She pushes her groin down into Logan, forcing his shaft to go deep into her canal.

She arches into his movements, adding to the friction and drops her head back. "Oh God."

Logan moves his hands under Veronica's shirt and roughly palms her tits as he continues pounding into her body.

"Oh God! That feels so fuckin' good." She moans as her hand falls in between their gyrating bodies and she rubs her clit while Logan pulls and twists her nipples. "Yes! Yes! Right there! Oh God!" Veronica screams as her vision goes white and she explodes.

"Fuck!" Logan shuts his eyes tightly, grabbing the edge of the counter for balance and swiftly pulls his dick out of Veronica's opening, ejaculating all over her thigh. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He mutters as his warm, milky liquid squirts onto her delicate skin.

Veronica leans back on her locked arms and breathes heavily. "Jesus. That came on fast." She laughs. "You alright?"

Logan loosens his grip on the countertop and lifts his head slightly, smiling. "Yeah, I'm good." He pants and lightly strokes the outside of Veronica's calf. "I'm real good, Sugarpuss." He looks at the mess he made on her leg and steps over his shorts on the floor, in search of a paper towel or tissue to clean up his mess.

"Thanks for pulling out." She looks at the puddle of semen dripping down her leg. "I'm still on the pill, just so you know…" Veronica shrugs shyly, looking down. "…for, ah, next time."

Logan places a warm, wet washcloth on her skin and cleans the area, looking at her downward turned face. "Veronica…" He directs her head up with one finger under her chin and Logan stares deep into his girlfriend's eyes. "…that was a spontaneous thing and I shouldn't have done that without a condom…" He gently rubs his thumb over her lips. "…I certainly wasn't going to cum inside you without protection. That's just being reckless, pill or no pill. Okay?" Logan says softly. "I love you but we need to be smart, no matter how spontaneous we're being."

She smiles bashfully. "Kitchen countertop after a midnight snack is pretty spontaneous."

He kisses the tip of her nose. "I'm never going to look at his countertop the same way again."

She laughs. "Make sure to clean off this counter before you have breakfast tomorrow." Veronica jumps down off the counter and goes to the freezer for some ice cream as Logan pulls on his cargo shorts again.

"Well, if we keep going at this pace, we'll have christened the entire house in one night, Bobcat." Logan waggles his eyebrows at Veronica and she shakes her head.

"And I won't be able to walk tomorrow." She dips a spoon into the tub of Ben and Jerry's Half Baked ice cream and offers the spoonful of goodness to her boyfriend.

He eats the ice cream off the spoon with a lecherous lick. "Mmm. Thank you."

A genuine smile expressing contentment and happiness grows across Veronica's face as she and Logan sit on two kitchen stools, facing each other eating ice cream off of one spoon.


Logan leisurely walks up the stairs with a full stomach, leading Veronica by the hand. She follows him down the hall in the direction of the master bedroom when Logan turns on his heel and guides her to her room, the guest room.

"What are you doing?" She giggles when he does a swan dive onto the queen-sized guest bed.

"There are major improvements that need to be made in this room." He laughs as Veronica takes a running jump onto the bed and lands perfectly in the nook of his arm. "Babe, you couldn't do that again if you tried."

"Watch me." She climbs off the bed again and goes to the doorway to try a second perfect dive when Logan holds up his hand.

"Wait! Before your second attempt, can you go in the other room and grab the condoms?" He gives her a broad smile and tilts his head slightly with a wink of his eye.

She huffs out a long, dramatic breath and slumps her shoulders in defeat as she turns and hunts for the string of condoms in the master bedroom. Returning quickly, she throws the remaining condoms at Logan's head and runs for the bed, tucking and rolling masterfully, landing in the same exact position again.

He laughs. "Impressive." Logan rolls on top of her small frame and begins nuzzling his nose in her neck, kissing her skin lightly. "Now, on with those improvements."


Veronica wakes up and stretches her body, pulling the expensive sheet over her naked body as she opens her eyes slowly and looks around the room. No Logan, where did he run off to? Mmm, I smell coffee. I need a cup of coffee before I do anything.

She climbs out of the guest room bed and finds a super fluffy white robe lying on the foot of the bed. Perfect.

Veronica slips the soft, cotton robe over her body and cuddles into it, noticing the Neptune Grand's logo on the left side. Nice. At least he got one good thing out of that place for all the money he pumped into it. She thinks as she crosses the hallway and quickly brushes her teeth.

She slowly walks down the steps, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and walks into the kitchen. Veronica jumps a foot off the ground when she Logan and Dick, sitting at Logan's kitchen island.

"Shit. You scared the crap out of me." Veronica's eyes adjust from the bright sun, filling the room, as she smiles and focuses on Logan.

Dick hunches over his coffee cup, half asleep, when Veronica appears at the bottom of the stairs in Logan's stolen, white Neptune Grand bathrobe and nothing else and Dick almost chokes on his coffee. "Damn, Ronnie, you look good." He ogles her bare legs, plunging neckline and messy bed head and smirks. He peripherally watches Veronica meander over to Logan.

She silently strides to the other side of the kitchen counter, without breaking eye contact with her boyfriend and Logan returns her smile as he recaps the events of the previous night, greeting Veronica with a welcoming arm, inviting her onto his lap.

She slides on his lap and places both hands on his cheeks, staring deep into his brown eyes and purrs. "Good morning."

"Hi." He breathes.

Dick ignores the couple's overly sweet greeting and turns around in his seat, facing Logan and Veronica and watches the entwined, kissing couple. "It must be the freshly fucked glow, huh, Ronnie?"

"Shut up, Dick." Logan warns, glaring at his best friend briefly before returning his attention back to Veronica.

"We had to make some improvements around the house last night." Veronica whispers against Logan's lips with an eyebrow wiggle.

"Mmm." Logan smiles and speaks in a sultry, low voice. "Many improvements."

"It's about fuckin' time." Dick mutters, turning back to his coffee and sipping from his cup.

The End.

A/N: A great big bear hug to Mojo and Bella for listening to me whine and demanding the smut.