Smallville- working overtime and dealing with delivery
Smallville- working overtime and dealing with delivery.
"I cannot believe she just decided not to show today!" Lois Lane grumbled into the phone in the Talon that morning. Lana looked at Lois sympathetically as she smiled sweetly.
"Don't worry Lois; Clark said he would help out." Lana reminded her as her groan became louder.
"Oh, that's just great Smallville, cappuccinos and I do not mix Lana!" Lois winged as she turned on the coffee machine but unfortunately forgot to put on the lid…
"Auugh!" Lois shrieked as the frothy chocolate texture sprayed onto her clothes. Lana couldn't help but laugh as Chloe came down the stairs of the Talon looking interested.
"What's, what's going on?" she asked a little concerned, Lana looked up at Lois who was shaking the drink of her regulation Talon apron.
"Cuz, go back to bed, bed rest!" Lois insisted leading Chloe back up the stairs. Suddenly Clark opened the door smiling in his lopsided way.
"Hey guys," he greeted them, when he caught the sight of Lois' soaked apron he chuckled.
"Nice colour Lois, it suits you!" Clark joked as Lois looked at him with laser beam eyes.
"See that jug over there farmboy?" Lois questioned him as she grabbed the blue jug filled with icy cool water. "That jug will give your beloved red jacket a nice shower if you don't shut your mouth!" Lois snapped feeling delightfully happy in drenching his jacket. Clark looked at her covering his jacket and smiled.
"Okay, I'm sorry Lois, what was it you wanted?" Clark asked using a gentler tone. Lois sighed pretending to surrender in her own way.
"Uh, listen not that I would usually ask but we are flat out here at the Talon, so would you mind lending a hand." Lois asked but the tone of voice she used made it sound as if it was more a struggle to ask then a normal favour.
"Sure Lois," Clark replied grabbing a tea-towel from the top counter, Chloe came back down the stairs looking more curious than before. Clark looked at her anxiously.
"Chlo, you should be resting, it's not good for you to be moving too much," Clark warned studying her closely. Chloe yawned tiredly, she was dressed in her purple track pants and an oversized t-shirt. Clark smiled she looked adorable.
"That's exactly what I said Clark, good to know we agree on something… Anyway, Chloe go back to bed I don't want you to drop that cat on the Talon stairs!" Lois exclaimed, Chloe looked at Lois her hazel eyes going wide, she hadn't thought about that happening she had been so focused on getting the cot and the baby room she hadn't even thought of the delivery!
"Easy Chlo, don't worry, why don't you just take a seat, we open in five minutes Lois, can you clean out the coffee machine please?" Clark requested as Lois grumbled not pleased she had to another encounter with the dreaded coffee machine.
"Hi, can I take your order?" Lana asked latter that day, the Talon was in full swing, Chloe watched as Clark took orders behind the Talon counter, Lois managed to only just juggle three teacups filled with coffee and tea, while Lana walked around serving the table customers. Chloe looked in delight at the many delectable cakes and cookies on sale.
"Mmm, Clark would you gladly get me a choc chip cookie?" Chloe asked in a small voice, she was feeling really tired. Clark glanced at her smiling as he gave the cookie.
"Do you want to go and lie down?" he suggested getting out from behind the counter to assist her getting up. Chloe looked at him not fussed.
"Uh, no I'll be fine, is there something I could help out with?" Chloe asked softly as she tried to get out of her seat, Clark held her slowly so she would stay put.
"No, that's okay Chloe, you rest, can I get you anything?" he asked as she shook her head.
"No," she answered. It was 12:00 when Lois came up to the counter cursing under her breath.
"What a bastard! All I did was ask for his order and he said I wasn't being polite! Stupid good for nothing-"
"Lois, how did you ask?" Clark inquired as she shrugged a sip of an iced coffee in a tall glass she ordered earlier.
"Like any normal person, can I take your order? And THEN, he turned around and said that I wasn't being very polite or professional! Oh, the nerve of that man!" Lois complained as Clark smiled trying to be reassuring.
"How about if we swap, I'll take the customers and you make the drinks," Clark offered as he exited the counter and made his way to the business man in a black suit.
"How are you doing Chloe?" Lois asked looking in disgust at the avalanching piles of dishes in front of her. Chloe rubbed her stomach tenderly.
"Not bad, well apart from the constant throwing up," Chloe commented as Lois smiled.
"Oh, you poor thing, you get to sit there and not take ANY abuse from customers!" Lois teased a little annoyed. Chloe looked at her cousin challengingly.
"Uh excuse me, if I remember correctly, I was the one carrying the baby, besides I don't think you would want to think about everything I have to," Chloe reminded Lois as she smiled rubbing her stomach lovingly.
"No, but look cuz, I'm just flat out and Smallville over there gets on fine with the customers and I get yelled at I mean what the hell is up with that?" Lois demanded finishing the last of her iced coffee.
"Mmm, I do not know, but it doesn't matter because I will go up there myself and help, I mean I know Clark means well, but I can cope fine on my own," Chloe declared, she pulled herself out of the talon chair and proceeded to the counter.
"Where's my coffee lady!" a man snapped, he was tall and had very dark impatient eyes.
"Uh, it's on its way sir, and my name is Chloe," she said, feeling on top, Chloe strolled towards the counter only to feel something really weird in her stomach. Ignoring it, she grabbed the man's coffee and began to carry it over. Suddenly, a strong punching motion was felt in her abdomen and she dropped the teacup sending it to pieces. Lana walked by not fussed realizing that Chloe was only trying to help.
"oh, don't worry Chloe, we'll get another one," she said smiling as she grabbed a blue dust pan and brush to scoop up the shattered glass on the Talon's blue carpeting.
"You wouldn't believe how many dishes I have dropped in that spot," Lana began scooping up the pieces. In seconds Chloe could feel another pulsing sensation; she let out a muffled cry of pain and fell onto the floor. Lana grabbed her hand and helped her up; the room began to spin as Chloe tried to keep her focus.
"Are you okay?" Lana asked her friend worriedly, Chloe tried to mutter she was fine.
"Uh, yeah I guess that cookie wasn't such a great idea!" Chloe said in a high pitched anxious voice, Lana studied her expression closely.
"Chloe, do you want me to get Lois?" she asked as Chloe shook her head unsure.
"Do you need Clark?" Lana asked apprehensively as Chloe felt her stomach compress tightly she looked up scared.
"Uh, I'm just going to go to the bathroom!" Chloe said worriedly, within seconds she had dashed off up the stairs feeling pains in her abdomen.
"Is Chloe okay?" Clark asked apprehensively as Lana glanced at Clark unsure what to say.
"She, she just ran off, she didn't look to well Clark?" Lana said worriedly as Clark sighed.
"Well do you know where she went?" Clark asked urgently looking around alert.
"Probably to the bathroom Clark but don't-"
WHOOOOOOOOOOOSH, the wind blew back Lana's hair as Clark disappeared up the Talon stairs. Clark reached the top and began to try and search for Chloe quickly.
"Chloe?" he called, downstairs Lana sighed as Lois came up to her smiling cunningly.
"Well, I finally finished those dishes, where did Smallville go?" she asked looking around the Talon, Lana looked at her shrugging her shoulders.
"I'm not sure Lois, but I know that you're busy behind the counter but could you take a few customers please?" Lana asked as she went to go on her break; she pulled her regulation green Talon apron over her head and had a sip of some sugared tea.
Chloe started to feel nauseous as she let her blonde hair tumbled around her shaking shoulders; she lent down into the basin and felt her stomach turn. Suddenly she heard someone's footsteps, she knew immediately it would be Clark clad in his usual brown farm boots.
"Chloe, are you okay?" Clark asked knocking on the door to the Talon bathroom.
"I'm- I'm fine!" Chloe yelled through the rushing tap water as she splashed her face trying to not feel so flushed and stressed out.
"Chloe, if there is something wrong you can tell me," Clark soothed trying to be helpful, Chloe sighed shakily.
"No, Clark, its okay, I- oooh-oooh!" Chloe said as she ended up being horribly sick into the basin as she struggled to catch breath, she felt the door burst open. She felt two large warm hands clasp her hair back and whisper into her ear everything was going to be okay.
"Clark…I'm…fine!" Chloe yelped over her sickening moment as she continued retching.
"It's okay Chlo, its okay," Clark gently told her as he held her close and stroked her head. When Chloe finally stopped clinging to the basin; she stood up, her head spinning.
"Chloe, are you alright?" Clark asked softly as she looked at him teary and wide eyed.
"Yes, I'm fine Cla-" Chloe paused as she felt herself tense and then her water broke on the bathroom tiles in a wild rough gushing motion.
"Oh, my God!" Chloe cried as she began to breathe heavily, Clark looked up at her simultaneously his blue eyes firmly locked on Chloe's hazel eyes.
"Chloe, its okay, just breathe," Clark instructed as Chloe breathed in shakily and then exhaled loudly, feeling terribly sick she surrendered to Clark carrying her out of the bathroom and down the stairs. Lois ran up to them her blonde straight hair flicking about in her school-girl ponytail.
"Okay Clark what the hell is going on, one minute you're here and the next your "cradling" my cousin?" Chloe questioned as Clark sighed, carefully he placed Chloe back on her feet and Chloe death gripped Clark's hand tightly.
"Chloe's water just broke, when need to get her to a hospital," Clark began as Chloe looked at Clark worriedly but she was beginning to feel the burning pain come alive.
"Clark!" she cried out feeling like she was about to collapse, quickly he slid his arms around her trying to steady her balance. Lana looked at Chloe feeling apologetic.
"Lois, could you take Chloe and just sit her down near the stairs?" Clark asked as Lana whispered into his ear, trying to keep a low profile in front of the customers was wise!
"Clark, is she doing okay?" Lana asked tucking her brown hair behind her ears, he looked at Lana seriously his eyes watching Chloe's death grip on Lois' hand.
"Uh yeah, but she has started to have contractions so I don't know if-"
"Whoa, WHOA, Clark, Clark!" Lois yelled as Chloe began to collapse, she was in great pain now, Clark quickly grabbed Chloe's waist and steadied her on her bare feet.
"It's okay Chloe, I've got you, I've got you." Clark reassured carrying Chloe in his muscular arms down to the Talon counter. Lana ducked underneath the counter beside Clark and huddled inwards to discuss what they should do now.
"Clark, what are we going to do, I mean I can get everyone at the Talon to close now, however, I don't know what else I can do…" Lana explained worriedly, she looked up at Clark her brown eyes filled with apprehension and concern.
"Lana," Clark began as he looked at Lana his dark green eyes shifting from left to right nervously. "Look," he began to say he looked deeply into her anxious eyes.
"I will deal with Chloe, can you round up the customers, just come up with some sort of an excuse…If you can't, call me," Clark elaborated as he dashed upstairs to the Talon apartment where Lois was with Chloe. As Clark tried to turn the silver door handle he heard a high pitched scream and a lot of moaning from behind the cream coloured closed door. Carefully, he turned the handle carefully and walked inside the small room. Clark spotted Chloe sitting on the edge of her single bed breathing heavily, Lois was nervously pacing the room anxiously, and she smiled nervously.
"Smallville, when were you planning to get off your butt and help my cousin?" Lois snapped angrily as she shot apologetic glances at her cousin.