last chapter! please review and enjoy Broken Wings sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out. i've been busy with a lot of things.

"What is the meaning of this lelouch!" the sound of his father's voice roared across the halls.

The crowd gazed upon the scene in shock and disbelief.

"His sister?"

"Their siblings!"

"No only half.."

"That's just preposterous."

Their voices and whispers grew louder as they spoke amongst themselves. After all, it wasn't everyday that an 11 year old boy declared marriage.

"Father." he stood up tall and straightened his back while showing no signs of weakness in his expression. "I love Princess Euphie, and I don't want her to be taken away from me to be married off to some oaf!"

Behind the curtains, covering her mouth with her tiny hands, stood Euphemia frozen stiff from Lelouch's sudden proposal. Her small body slid to the ground as she clenched onto the curtains and cried. However they weren't tears of sadness, but rather tears of joy.

" Lelouch! You child, you don't know what you want or what's right from wrong. Why should I give you Euphemia as a gift ?" he questioned with utmost power.

"Because without me, Euphie would never smile again." his words sounded conceited, but they were all true. "I know what makes her happy, and what makes her sad. I know her heart in its true form when people can only see her childish outlook. I know even through her simple expressions that she is thinking about life itself. And I know without a doubt, that Euphie loves me as well."

The voices of the crowd ceased as they listen carefully to the words of the 11 year old boy. It was touching. Naive. Innocent. Pure. Subtle. But that alone gave way to the flowing tears that streaked down the faces of so many people.

The emperor stood still in either disbelief or shock. Lelouch stood his ground and gazed bravely into the eyes of his father waiting for a response that could go either way. The crowd remained silence as if waiting for a response also.

"Lelouch." the emperor roared. "I will not–"

"Wait father !" with the swiftness, Euphie ran out into the scene towards Lelouch. Her tiny body leapt on to the boy and embraced him entirely. "I want to be with lelouch too !"

"Impossible! I will not allow this to go on any further. Guards!"

"Father please, I will do whatever you ask of me, but I ask of you just this once to let me be with lelouch." Her small voice trembled.

"Euphemia Li Britannia, I need nothing from you. An absent-minded daughter who cant even compete with her siblings? Maybe the lineage to my throne will be better off without one such as you." The emperor's expression remained stern and emotionless.

"How dare you...HOW DARE YOU!" Lelouch gently pushed Euphemia to the side and faced his father with a look of total domination even surpassing his father's. he was angry and his young strength was unbearably similar to his mother. The Emperor's words ticked something inside of Lelouch and it was too late to back out. "How dare you say that to Euphi. You don't know her like I do. One day she will lead this empire, and I'll see to it that no one stands in her way!"

In a rush of anger Lelouch ran towards his father fist in hand and swung with all the power her was able to muster. Instantly, The Emperor blocked his attack and shoved him to the ground. Lelouch retaliated by leaping back up and kicking his father in the shin. This time, Charles did not react. It was amusing, yet childish at the same time.

The crowd watched in silence as the young boy threw a barrage of attacks towards his very own father who stood his ground. Lelouch's attacks were futile for it seemed to bore Charles more than anything else.

"Go lelouch!" someone shouted from the crowd.

"You can do it young prince!" another voice shot through.

"Fight for Euphemia!"

"Go lelouch! Go lelouch! Go lelouch!" The whole crowd began to chant raising their fists up and down in the air.

Emperor Charles watched as the crowd became riled up, apparently taking the side of the small boy. He turned back towards Lelouch who was now exhausted and panting.

"Does this girl mean that much to you son?"

Something in Lelouch's expression told him the answer. The young boy had a way with explaining things without even having to say a single word. Perhaps, this was his ability. The ability to manipulate others with a glance of his eye.




how he wish that it were never true...




Charles raised his hand in a manner of striking.

"No father!" Euphemia reached out her in dismay, but instead of striking Lelouch, he rested his hand on top of the boy's head.

"You have the qualities of a fine leader, my son." he spoke. "One that will not stop until he gets what he desires. A person that reveals the fiery in his eyes and uses that to his advantage will lead this empire well."

Lelouch, Euphemia, as well as the crowd were speechless.

"I will allow to to court Euphemia on one condition."

"Anything father." Lelouch stood up vertically and resumed the proper form when in the presence of an Emperor.

"You will follow strict rules and continue your studies like your brothers before you, but you may not see Euphemia until you have surpassed your elder siblings."

Preposterous. Absurd. Ludicrous. Nonsensical. This was what went through the young lad's mind when his father made the declaration. How was he suppose to endure 7 years without seeing Euphemia?

"Father I will not–"

"He will do it." Euphemia stated.

He turned to look at her in disbelief as she stood next to him. She held onto his hand and nodded her head.


"Lelouch, we have to be strong and do whatever it takes as long as we be with eachother in the end. Right?" she smiled sweetly. "Father, I promised you that I would do whatever you want as long as I can be with Lelouch and I shall uphold my word."

"Good daughter. I can see that you are starting to develop the characteristics of a future leader. One that our nation can trust and devote themselves to. Maybe the both of you would make a good pair after all"

Lelouch felt doubtful, but all of it was soon wiped away by the smile that Euphemia gave him. Her smiles were always able to cleanse whatever doubt or bitterness he retained. Something that he cherished and adored. He found in her, a serenity that no one else can emanate. He held onto her hand tighter, and she accepted it with all of her heart.




7 years.. After I was exiled, I never thought I'd see you again, but 7 years it was non the less. A promise kept till the end. But was 7 years too long? Was that why.. I killed you?




It was inevitable what happened next. Marianne Vi Britannia, murdered. Nunally, crippled and blinded from the shock. Lelouch, exiled and sent to japan. This is how he met Suzaku kururugi, the man who will eventully become the love interest of Euphemia. How uncanny that his best friend as a child, and Euphemia, his love as a child, came to love eachother.




I wish I could've said goodbye to you, Euphie. Can I say it now?








Lelouch re-entered reality. Reminiscing on the past saddened him. He knew that he could never undo his mistakes. Maybe, if he had never fell into his desires for Euphemia back then, she would still be alive today. He felt selfish for wanting something so difficult and troublesome to obtain. After all, this is how he always had been. A troublesome mind that was always so difficult to understand.

The black king and the white queen, both enemies on the chess board. A love never meant to be. Perhaps, fate played a more intricate role in the game than expected. Perhaps, it was her destiny to die, so that Lelouch may live. Perhaps, it was the destiny of their love to bring light into eachother's hearts and into the hearts of everyone in the nation. Maybe, their love was meant to be after all.

He was suspended on broken wings for so long, it's about time that someone mended it for him.



"You were the first woman I ever loved" -Lelouch Vi Britannia

thanks for reading everyone ! I am going to be starting on a the sequal to this story titled Mended Wings. its not going to refer to any actual fact that happened in the actual series so its going to be something entirely from my imagination. please follow on my updates and i hope you enjoyed this story and i hope that you will enjoy my upcoming one as well! LEAVE A REVIEW PLEASE!