"I'll call you when I get back to Rome..."

"You sound like a school boy. If you call the Vatican will find out. I'll see you on your next mission, do not worry," Inara smiled, leaning up to kiss Van Helsing's cheek. "I'll be fine." He had stayed for almost a week, lingering to track and practically chase Dracula's children from London. They had proved to be challenging, fighting and causing enough damage that Inara was worried that the Vatican would come to investigate. In the end, they finally left, vowing death on Inara, but now that she was recovered and armed, they would not stand a chance against her. "Remember, don't go out at night.."

"Really? Now you sound like a brother," Inara laughed, pushing him slightly as they stood outside of Carfax, the sun piercing the glass in the building around them, the streets filled with people going to and fro. Van Helsing smirked, grabbing her and pulling her close, planting a soft kiss on her lips. She smiled, leaning in some before pulling away, "Go... you'll miss your flight." He gave her one last kiss on the forehead before leaving, and Inara watched until he was out of sight before returning to the shop.

The cavern was cold as she descended, the chill unnatural, but familiar all the same as she passed through the near catacomb structure down to the lowest level. A latch was pulled, and the stone door groaned and lifted, exposing that silver coffin to the faint glow of the florescent lights.

"He's gone?" a voice asked from the corner of the room, and Inara nodded. Dracula stood from his reclined position against the wall, stalking over to her. Inara flinched as he grabbed her chin, pulling back and slapping him hard across the cheek. He click his tongue against his teeth in a 'tsk' noise as he ran a thumb over the thin scratch on his cheek. He licked the blood off his thumb with a chuckle. "I would not be as sweet as he was, I'm sure, but intoxicating none the less," he grinned.

"Don't you ever, touch me like that," Inara shot. "I could let you starve in this prison if I wanted to."

"You would have let me starve already, if you had the strength to," he smiled. "Now, may I leave?"

"This room, yes, the catacombs? No. There's enough furniture and things here to make it comfortable... and I'm sure you would not be too distressed being surrounded by skulls."

"Oh you're such a kind jailor. My sweet Inara..." he approached her again and she withdrew, earning him another chuckle. "Do you know why I agreed? Why I didn't heal you and then destroy that boy? Why I'm willing to spend eternity here?" He asked, moving over to the stone platform where his coffin sat.

"If you killed him, then I wouldn't have let you drink."

"Oh, the death of that boy would have almost been worth it Inara, to taste his blood as I drained it from him would have made it sweet enough to endure starvation, but no, it wasn't a fear of death." He grinned, turning to look at her over his should. "He thinks you will change me," he cast his eyes upward before turning back to Inara "..that the kindness I showed your mother will grow and my soul could be redeemed. He is not expecting you to be corrupted."

"Become one of you? Never," Inara spat, making Dracula laugh. In an instant he was closing the distance again and wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her to him. When she lashed out he caught her wrist, stopping that strike before it landed. His grip was firm, holding her to him, looking into her eyes with a coy smile, his fangs barely exposed, making it all the more menacing.

"Remember, I know what you whispered... what your heart wants... I don't have to make you like me to cause you to fall." Inara brought her knee up, but he was quicker, letting her go and backing away before that blow landed. Flustered, blood rushing to her face, Inara glared. "I take that back, you're staying here." She turned, moving to the entrance and leaving, the stone door crashing down behind her. Dracula smiled, moving over to the side of the room, he had a month before needing to feed again... before she had to return. "I'll stay... I have all of eternity to get what I want."