Title: Flattened Again

Title: Flattened Again

Author: Roxotaku

Genre: Comedy

Rating: M

Warning: Squashed flea and sexual reference

Disclaimer: InuYasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi & I make no from this story.

Myoga laid back, replete from the warm liquid he had just consumed. He hated to sneak around, but what was a little flea to do when people squished you as soon as they felt his tiny bite. He smacked his lips in satisfaction then did it again. That was odd

The blood had a strange after taste. Now he had a dilemma. Should he wake the person he'd stolen the blood from and risk getting flattened or let them sleep and find another way to tell them what their life fluid was speaking to them.

Gazing at the person in question, Myoga decided it was better not to wait. The others were asleep, and giving out such personal information may be better for them this way.

He jumped over to where they lay sleeping, and landed by their ear.

"Young miko," Myoga whispered urgently. "Kagome, wake a moment, I must speak with you,"

The young women gave a sleepy sigh and opened her eyes. Kagome turned further into her side, careful not to squish Myoga. She smiled a little, but a crease of concern formed between her eyes as she regarded him.

"What's the matter Myoga?" said Kagome softly.

"I, uh…" Myoga stammered, wringing two of his hands, "the thing is, see, I had little sip from you just now…and there something I have to tell you."

"Yes?" said Kagome, suddenly wide awake and all her attention on the flea.

"I felt it was my duty to make you aware of what your blood told me," said Myoga. "Certain hormones have been released into your bloodstream."

"Hormones?" said Kagome. "Is this a bad thing?"

"Oh, no," said Myoga quickly. "To most people it is a most exciting and joyous occasion."

This was all pretty confusing to Kagome. But something gave her a sinking feeling and a rising feeling of dread. She almost didn't dare ask him anymore, but knew in her heart that she had to negate or confirm her fears.

"Just what are you talking about?" said Kagome, unable to keep the worry from her voice.

"Why, you are to be a mother," said Myoga, trying to look pleased for her in the face of her obvious discomfiture.

Kagomes eyes went wide, and she turned pale. This was not what Myoga had hoped for when he decided to tell her about his discovery. She put a shaking hand up to her face, and slowly looked over at InuYasha, who sat sleeping next to her. He had such sensitive hearing. Had he heard what Myoga had said?

"Oh, gods, he's going to kill me," Kagome moaned.

"Why is that?" said Myoga. "I would think InuYasha would be happy to be a father."

The young miko heaved a long, ragged, sigh. Well, it was all his fault anyway. She told him they had to wait before the pills took affect. He was supposed to pull out! But he would not see it that way, not him. The hanyou would most certainly blame her, saying it was the birth control pills fault for not working.

"I'm sorry if this news has brought you any misfortune," said Myoga contritely. "What will you do now?"

"I need to sleep on it," said Kagome wearily, her head spinning. "I'll think about how to tell InuYasha in the morning."

"No need to wait until the morning," said a sudden, ominous growl.

With a gulp Kagome looked up into InuYashas peeved face. He glanced at her a moment and Myoga felt a sudden panic.

Suddenly a clawed fist was flashing towards him.

"That's for not waking me and telling me Myoga!" snarled InuYasha.

Flattened again.

Myoga just couldn't win.