Author note: I do not know where I got the original idea for this story, but I know how I will write it, this story is for my friends, my family, everyone I know, everyone I don't know, and all the creatures of the world, abandoned or living a happy warm life, safe, with good food and drink. This is for the people who I know, and whom I may never know. And though we may not ever see each other, we are all kindred spirits. I think I watched a little too much of V for Vendetta, but I mean what I say. Think however you would like to about this story, I would prefer no flames, but I sincerely hope that you enjoy this fanfiction.

Chapter 1

A young soldier stood nervously in front of a capsule, trying to screw up his courage to press the button that would open it. He worked for GUN, you would be able to tell from his uniform if you couldn't see the script spelling out the three letters boldly.

"You will be alright, he has helped us, and the President requested it." The man swallowed and pressed the green button with the red dot in the centre. Steam came from the capsule, and a black hedgehog sat up and stepped out. He looked at the soldier with crimson eyes. Then nodded, and skated off down the hallway.

When he had been put in the capsule to recover from a mission against Eggman, who had gotten stronger and more serious, his robots no longer bore a comical resemblance to him, they were weapons of destruction, Shadow had barely managed to destroy the factory creating them before he collapsed from the wounds he had sustained, the others had gone to defeat Eggman. "Where are they I wonder? Especially Shadi." Shadi was the son that Rouge had born him, they had married, and Shadi was one of the two things in the whole world that could make Shadow happy, besides Rouge, she had become a little less flirtatious, but she was still the same in all other respects.

Shadow knocked on the door to the President's office. "Come in." Shadow pushed the door open, then put a hand on tilt so that it seemed to be trying to connect to one of the angles that was part of the chest fur he had, and he bowed. "Sir." "Ah Shadow." The President's face was sad and care-worn. "What is it?" Asked Shadow.

"I wish it wasn't my duty to tell you this Shadow but... all your friends..." "What happened?" "They're dead, they succeeded in destroying Eggman and his last base though. Your son has been crying ever since he saw the explosion, he has been waiting for you." The President pressed a button, a hidden door opened and a man escorted the little black hedgehog with the yellow eyes and white diamond symbol on his forehead in, "Daddy!" Shadi ran forward and hugged Shadow's knees. Shadow patted his head, even though he was struggling not to cry over the news he had just heard, he smiled and picked his son up, Shadi promptly buried his face in Shadow's shoulder.

"There is another thing Shadow, that I am sorry to tell you about." "Which is...?" "I am not going to be President for long. A young man is running for the position and he is going to get it, he has convinced the people that Mobians can only be pets, either that or slaves. The people have had their minds twisted by him. They agree and Mobians shall be pets, I only managed to make a law that would protect you, your son, and one other of your choice from this cruel mistake."

The President looked Shadow fully in the eye. "Who do you choose?" The other heroes had had no children, Amy had been expecting for Sonic, but she was dead now, so was the child. There was no one else. "I have no one else in mind at the moment sir." The President nodded. "You are free to choose someone at any time then, you still have the rights you did before, and because of being a GUN soldier.. that also protects you from Charles Dantes' mistake." "Dantes?" "He re-named himself, he didn't like his original name, Justin Kintabor. You have a mansion Shadow, you will have anything you want or need to buy paid for by the government, this is an unbreakable law, whether Justin likes it or not. I'm sorry this had to happen Shadow. I am terribly sorry."

Shadow nodded, "Your motorcycle is outside. Good bye Shadow. You have all my good wishes." Shadow nodded again and carried Shadi out, before the door closed however Shadi called, "Good bye Mister President!" Waving, the President waved back.

Author note: Not a very nice awakening for Shadow is it? The next chapter shall be longer I hope. Standard disclaimers apply. Disclaimer is sick at the moment and can't give them, if you want to submit a fancharacter, you may, I will wait. Have a good day and may you have a happy life whoever you are.