Chapter 1

It was pouring outside the Seville household, and Alvin and his brothers had absolutely nothing to do. They were all so bored. To keep himself occupied, Alvin played some video games, often called a Playstation 3, but that soon bored him.

Simon tried building something, something that he called The House, where people could go in when it's raining, where people could sleep, or where people could just hang out and do whatever. You'd think Simon, being smart, would figure out that he was in one right at that moment, but he continued on anyway.

Theodore offered to help Dave with dinner, which he often did, but it was no other regular dinner. They were going out to eat pizza. Dave didn't know what Theodore would do, since he couldn't… well… drive or make the pizza. He didn't work there. And he was too short, let alone too young to drive.

"These games are SO boring!" Alvin shouted from his room. Although he had bought one the previous day, one that he LOVED when he played it at a friend's house, he got really bored. He decided something. He decided that he would go for a walk.

But, of course, since it was pouring out, he had to wait for the rain to be over.

But before he could do that, Dave had called him downstairs so they could get ready to go to Pizza Hut.

"Alvin, we're getting ready to go to Pizza Hut! Hurry up!" Dave said, with his AWESOME yellow raincoat and AWESOME yellow hat on. Simon and Theodore had their coats and boots on, and their hats.

Alvin sighed. He really wanted to do something. But maybe Pizza Hut wasn't so bad. So he decided to go with Dave and his brothers there, even though he didn't have a choice.

About four minutes later, they were in their car, driving to Pizza Hut. There was an old man in front of them that kept falling asleep, and his head hit the horn on his steering wheel so there were endless honks that hurt their ears. But every time the old man fell asleep he woke up because of the noise.

Then he would shout, "Shut up you crazy kids and get off my lawn!" although there were clearing no crazy kids on his lawn. So he could have easily said, "Shut up me and get off my steering wheel!"

"Why does that man have to be so loud?" Dave asked, sighing. He was tempted to pass the old man but there was a policeman behind him, and he would get a ticket. Which he hated. He hated getting tickets. Tickets forced him to pay money. Which he also hated.

Soon, after about an hour although Pizza Hut was down the road, thanks to the old man for making them late, they arrived to their destination.

In Pizza Hut, their waiter was the worst you'd probably ever see. He spat when he talked and he was so thin you could see his ribcage through his clothes, not mentioning his spinal cord and just about every bone in his body.

"What would you like to order today?" The waiter spat all over Dave.

"We would like…" Dave noticed a drop of drool dripping down his chin. "Ew…."

"What would you like?" The waiter, named Steve, repeated.

"Just give us a regular large pizza." Dave said, sighing. His hair was all full of spit and that wasn't the kind of thing you wanted in your hair.

"Large pizza it is then." Steve said, walking away. He disgusted all of them.

"Dave, guess what I'm building today!" Simon said.

"Let me guess. A toothbrush?" Dave asked.

"No, a thing a call The House. That'd make millions! It seems as though that I've seen it somewhere before, but there's no patent so I can make it." Simon replied.

"Oh." Dave just simply responded. Last time Simon built a toilet plunger! Dave thought. It wasn't bad though, because they needed the toilet plunger, and Dave didn't have one at the time.

There were two old people in a booth behind them, who looked like they were dressed up as pirates.

"AAARGH, are you gonna eat that chocolate chip cookie?" One asked.

"No, I have scurvy, and I can't eat it! AAARGH!" The other said.


They talked all about scurvy, which to people who don't know is a disease where your gums rot and your teeth fall out.

It was a long day at Pizza Hut that day. Finally, Steve came back with pop and pizza. Steve just assumed they all liked Pepsi.

After eating, Dave decided to go grocery shopping. He needed groceries very badly, so they went out to the car.

"Do we have to go to the grocery store?" Alvin asked. He wanted to go for that walk and FAST. He never wanted anything more… maybe he didn't but that's not what he thought at the moment.

"What do you mean?" Dave asked, getting in the car.

"Can I maybe… uh… go for a walk?" Alvin asked.

"I don't care." Dave said. "Just don't go too far and don't stay far from the grocery store. I don't want you to get lost." Dave couldn't believe he was letting Alvin go by himself! So he didn't let him go alone. "But Simon has to go with you."

"Deal!" Alvin shouted louder than he intended. "Come on, Simon! Let's go to the lake!"

"Fine. Maybe I'll find some interesting stuff there." Simon said more to himself.

The lake was about a hundred yards from the store Dave wanted to go to, so it wasn't too far and Dave wouldn't have to look too hard for them.

The lake was a beautiful place where people went with their friends to hang out or go for a swim. It had some sand, and some people called it a beach instead. There surprisingly wasn't any fish, and there was an old man who was always fishing, trying to catch one. He constantly was there, and often mumbled under his breath, "Where are them stupid fish?!"

But the old man was asleep right then. Dave always warned them to keep a safe distance away from the man, thinking he was crazy or dumb. Maybe he was, but nobody knew who he was or where he was from.

"So…" Alvin tried to start a conversation, but a simple 'so' wouldn't help, so he tried something. "How is your new invention?"

"It's coming along great. I just have to get some paint and it'll be done." Simon replied.

Simon's 'house' was an exact copy, except it was smaller, of their house. It fit in his lab, or basement, and there were the same exact things in the real house, even the basement, with a copy of that house, and it went on and on forever.

"That's good." Alvin commented.

Then suddenly from behind a bush, a tall slightly overweight man stepped out. He had blond hair and a goatee. He wore a blue shirt and black jeans. He was pretty big, though, and looked very muscular.

"Hi!" Alvin said to the dude. The man looked like he was around fifty or something. He looked very fit for fifty.

"Alvin!" Simon scolded under his breath.

Alvin wouldn't listen. "What's your name?" He asked the man.

"My name is Andrew." The man said, not looking from the water, which he currently was looking at.

"My name is Alvin, and this is my brother Simon." Alvin said. Then he went into big details of his family, his house, and address.

Andrew smiled. "Sounds like you have a very smart brother." Andrew commented. "He even has an invention coming on, a House." Andrew pretended to be surprised for Simon's sake.

"It looks just like the shelter we reside in." Simon said. "I call it a House though."

Andrew then commented on every family member until there were no more. "So, how old are you two?" He asked.

"Nine." Alvin said.

Simon couldn't believe that his brother was telling this stranger so much about them. Simon, although he was building an obviously already made invention, knew better than that.

"How old is that other one, Theodore, is that his name?" Andrew asked. "Just to know."

"He's nine too." Alvin said. "He's the youngest though. I'm oldest, and Simon is in the middle."

Andrew grinned. "So you three are triplets?" He inquired, still grinning. "That's cute."

"Yeah, we are triplets." Alvin said.

To Simon it seemed as though Andrew needed to know everything about them. He asked them about their school, their ages, some personal questions about Dave, and lots of other things that Simon didn't think seemed appropriate to tell a stranger, especially when you didn't know if the stranger was a meany.

For about another hour, Andrew asked them about their personal lives, and things along those lives. Soon it seemed as though Andrew could write a whole life story with the information Alvin had given him. Then Dave arrived with a carload of stuff.

"Dave, this is Andrew." Alvin said. "He sounds very nice."

"He thinks we're nice too." Simon added. To Alvin he whispered, "Considering he knows just about everything about us!"

"Hi, Andrew." Theodore grinned. "I'm –"

"Nice to meet you, Theodore." Andrew said, shaking his little hand.

"Wow, he even knows my name!" Theodore was stunned when Andrew told him so much stuff about himself.

"And you even like to bake stuff." Andrew finished.

"I do!" Theodore said. "I love to bake stuff."

Dave found it very odd that someone he never met knew so much about his sons. He began to wonder, but then it started to rain again.

"Bye, Andrew." Alvin said, getting in the car.

"Bye, Alvin the mischievous one." Andrew said simply.

"Bye, Andrew." Simon said, following Alvin into the car.

"Bye, Simon, the one who has a house in the basement that looks just like the shelter that you live in." Andrew said to Simon.

"Bye, Andrew." Theodore said, getting in beside Simon.

"Bye, Theodore who adores to eat and cook and stuff of that nature." Andrew said.

"That sounded cool." Alvin said.

Then Dave drove away, waving simply to Andrew, wondering about this 'Andrew' person.