
Chapter 1

"On behalf of Galactica, I'd like to welcome you aboard, Apollo. It's an honor to have you with us." said the man in his earpiece.

Lee Adama A.K.A Apollo jumped down from his Viper after landing on the Battlestar Galactica. He hated that he had been ordered here, but seeing as it was his fathers ship and it was being decommissioned (turned into a museum) he guessed would of been. William 'Husker' Adama was ready to retire now his ship and Lee was here for the ceremony. He looked around. It was the same, nothing had changed since he was here last. His farther really hadn't changed the ship much over the years (so many years). Lee didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing. He was still contemplating the fact when he saw the crew coming towards him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. I'm sure you've heard this before, but I'm a great admirer of your father. The service is going to miss him when he retires." said the man he had just been introduced to as Chief Tyrol.

"Well, I'm sure someone will." Lee answered coldly. He and his father didn't get along these days, and he hated that people talked about him with such high respect. He just thought of something. "Is your auto-landing system down? I was hands-on for the whole approach."

"It's all hands-on here Captain. There are no auto-landings on the Galactica. Commander Adama's orders." Tyrol replied hostilely.

"Is that right?" was all he said. Trust his father to do something like that, Lee thought. Then he turned away from the chief and left the hangar bay leaving with one thought on his mind. Kara.


Lea walked through the corridors in his flight suit. People were looking at him and whispering. He had guessed this would happen; after all he was their commander's son and was wearing a ridiculously tight flight suit.

"Excuse me, petty officer? Do you know were Kara Thrace is?" Lee asked a passerby.

"Anastasia Dualla sir. But everyone calls me Dee. She is in the brig sir." Dee said as she stood to attention.

"Thank you, and you're dismissed." Lee said, saluting the petty officer as she walked off.

Okay, he thought, all I need to do is find the brig.


Kara was in the brig yet again. She really didn't want to be here today. Of all days today was one day she wanted to stay out of trouble. Lee was coming. But then the stupid XO had decided to pick a fight with her, so she was sent here. Lee should be on the ship by now, would he come to see her? He would be angry, was all she kept thinking. She stared doing push ups to clear her mined

"This seems familiar." a voice said behind her. As she turned around she saw him. It was Lee. She stopped the push ups and walked over to the bars.

"Captain Adama, Sir. Sorry I wasn't there to greet you with the rest of the squadron. Did they kiss your ass to your satisfaction?" Why of all the things she could of said did she make a joke.

He ignored the comment and said, "So what did you do this time?"

"Hmm, striking a superior asshole." Trying to make a joke out of the situation.

"I bet you've been waiting all day to say that." Lee said catching onto her joke.

"Most of it anyway." Kara said as a smile appeared on her face.

Looking her up and down he noticed she hadn't really changed since he had seen her last. Something suddenly popped into his mind that made him so happy.

" So you decided you wanted to transfer to the Atlantia." Lee said with a smile.

"Well, I did. They say it has one of the best pilot in the fleet there and I just want to make sure that he knows who is the best." she said teasingly, then her expression changed. "But seeing as I haven't got a reply I don't think they want me."

Lee started laughing. Kara didn't see what was so funny untill Lee saw the expression that had formed on her face. He pulled out and envelope and passed it to her. As she read it her face light up until she got to the end. "Why?" is all she said

"Well, when the admiral got your application he brought me into his office saying I had a new pilot for my squadron. When I asked who and he said you my face lit up, according to him, which made him suspicious as I am usually serious." Lee started to recall "He asked me if I knew you, I said we were friends but he didn't believe me and said their was something else going. Little did I now you had written down that we were ..."

"He guessed?" Kara interrupted. "Sorry, I'm so used to doing that form back on Caprica it's just something I do naturally. So why aren't we in prison then?"

"Well, he let it slide seeing we are his best pilots and all. But we will have report to him when you get there for what to do next." Lee said seriously. "Anyway, were is Kasey?"

"With the nanny in the privet quarters. And Lee, go see your dad. He worries about you." Kara said as Lee turned to walked out. "See you later hubby."


The rest of the ceremony went well. He went to see his daughter Kasey who was still a couple of weeks old (he still doesn't understand how she kept that a secret for 9 months with only Helo and the doctor knowing). After he got dragged into photos with his father, who he hadn't seen since his brothers funeral, then the fly over. He was now escorting a civilian ship back to Caprica.

All of a sudden the message came that would change his life forever. "The Cylons are attacking our home worlds. This is not a drill, repeat..." The message went on.

The next couple of hours went by like a blur until some Cylon raiders showed up and he had to land on the ship. Every thing went down hill from then on. They found out the president and all his ministers were dead, so the Secretary of Education was made the president. They had been contacted by Galactica before they got attacked again, now they had a whole load of ships. Sharon, a Raptor pilot from Galactica, turned up with survivors from Caprica. They were ready to jump to Ragnar, the place his dad had said to meet up at.


Kara had been let out of the brig, and her day hadn't got any better either. The only reason she was let out was to fight the Cylons that she had just found out were back. After landing the Chief had told her that Lee had been in contact but then his ship got over run by Cylons and was nuked. She had then locked her self and their daughter in their room until they had jumped to Ranger then decided that the Chief needed help. So she went down to the Hanger deck.

"Kara." Is all she heard before...