Author's Note:
Hi! This is my first Shugo Chara fic. I got inspired to write this after watching the anime. I love Amuto! Amuto forever! Oh, and by the way, I changed my penname from xXHyuugaSakuraXx to xXSeiren-HimeXx and again to xXSetsuna-HimeXx. Anyways, hope you like the story and please review!

I do not own Shugo Chara or any of its characters.




Summary: Ikuto is sick of Amu's attention always being drawn towards Tadase so he decides to do something about it.

Pairing: Amuto / Slight Tadamu / Slight Miru

Genre: General / Romance





Chapter One
-A Date With Tadase-


'We will now begin the Guardian's Meeting,' Hotori Tadase said as he took his seat at the round table that was situated in the middle of the Royal Garden. Everyone around him nodded, that is, everyone except for a certain pink haired girl.

Oh, my prince, you look even cuter today, Hinamori Amu thought, while blushing a bright shade of red. She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice the Queen's Chair, Mashiro Rima sneaking up behind her.

'Boo,' Rima said, scaring the wits out of Amu. The girl screamed and clutched her ear in fright.

'Rima, what was that about?!' she shouted at the brunette.

'It's because you weren't listening,' Rima stated calmly but then grinned slightly. 'And because I wanted to see the expression on your face.' The girl let out a slight giggle while Amu fumed in anger.

'Rima!' the Joker shouted, ready to pounce on the girl.

'Hinamori-san, can you please settle down?' Tadase said with a smile directed towards the pink haired girl. Amu blushed under the blonde's gaze.

'Y-yes, my prince,' she stuttered, but then immediately realized her mistake when an evil glint appeared in Tadase's eyes.

'Did you just call me prince?' the King's Chair asked in a threatening tone. Everyone backed away from Tadase who was giving off and evil aura.

'Look at what you've done now, Amu-chi!' the Ace Chair Yuiki Yaya shouted.

'I will soon conquer the world as king!'

'I'm sorry!' Amu shouted frantically; her eyes never leaving Tadase's form. Rima then got out a silver bucket and covered Tadase's head with it.

'One, two, three…' she counted and when she finally reached five, she pulled the bucket off revealing the normal Tadase looking dazed.

'W-what happened?' he asked confused.

'You Character Changed when Amu-chi called you pri-MMPH!' Rima and Amu immediately covered Yaya's mouth before she had said the cursed word.

Tadase simply blinked. 'Oh, well, sorry,' he said, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

While everyone talked and laughed, what they didn't know was that they were being spied on by a certain Black Cat. His dark violet eyes scanned the four Guardians but had stopped when he had reached the pink haired one. He frowned. Tsukiyomi Ikuto is not a very happy person. So it would have been expected that he would clench his fist when he saw Hinamori Amu blushing at the Kiddy King. His frown deepened. Was he jealous? Ikuto was pretty much a calm person so it would be quite rare for him to show any of these emotions, especially if it was towards Amu and Tadase.

'Ikuto, what's wrong?' his Shugo Chara, Yoru asked.

'Nothing,' the dark haired teen said, hopping down from the tree that he was hiding in. 'Let's go.' Ikuto walked off and Yoru followed behind silently, but not before casting Amu's blue Chara a quick glance.


'Alright, the meeting's over,' Tadase announced.

Hearing this, Yaya immediately cheered. 'Yay! No more paperwork!'

Amu laughed. 'But all you did was the stamping,' she stated. Everyone laughed while Yaya just pouted cutely.

'I have to go, my mother's waiting,' Rima said, running out of the Royal Garden toward a black limo.

Yaya then spoke up. 'I have to go as well. My mom and dad are going out of town so I have to take care of Tsubasa,' she said, gathering up her things. 'See you later!' Yaya waved. Now that the two of them are gone, there is only Amu and Tadase left in the Royal Garden.

Amu blushed again, but on the inside she was cheering. Yay! I'm alone with Tadase-kun!

'H-Hinamori-san,' Tadase's voice had brought Amu back into the world of the living.

'Huh? W-what?' Amu asked; her blush is still visible on her face. The blonde haired boy has a light blush on his face as well.

'Um, I was w-wondering, um…' Tadase struggled to find the right words to say.

'Just spit it out,' Amu said, regaining her 'cool and spicy' tone, but inwardly she was freaking out.

Is he going to ask me out?! Is he? Is he! Please tell me that he is!

'I-I was wondering if you w-would like to hang out at the mall on Sunday. I-if you can't then that's alright,' Tadase stuttered, while blushing like a maniac.

Amu felt like she was in heaven. 'Yes, my pr-,' she was able to snap out of her trance when she saw Tadase twitch slightly. 'I-I mean, sure it's not like I have anything to do,' she said coolly after regaining her composure.

Tadase smile brightly. 'Alright, then I'll meet you on Sunday. Tomorrow's Saturday so we don't have a Guardian's Meeting,' he said; his blush finally fading away.

Amu nodded slowly. 'Okay…'

Tadase got up from his seat and gave the pink haired girl one last smile. 'See you on Sunday.' Without waiting for a reply, the King's Chair Guardian left the Royal Garden in a flash with Kiseki.

The Joker stared at the boy's retreating back with a bright blush. Tadase-kun… she thought dreamily.

'Amu-chan!' her pink Chara, Ran shouted, grabbing her attention.

'W-what?' the girl asked. Ran and Suu grinned while Miki was busy sketching on her pad.

'Amu and Tadase sitting in a tree, K-I-S-!'

'Oh, be quiet!' Amu snapped at the two giggling Charas. Ran and Suu ignored her and continued singing.

Amu sighed loudly and turned towards Miki who was still busy sketching. Out of her three Charas, Miki was probably the most mature.

'What are you sketching, Miki?' Amu asked out of curiosity.

The blue haired Chara closed her pad hastily making Amu more curious. 'I-it's nothing,' she said, stuffing the pad back in her bag.

Amu pouted slightly. 'Aw, please show me!' she begged.

Miki crossed her arms and flew off. 'I'll show you later,' she said with her back turned. 'It's not done.'

Amu put her hands on her hips and frowned but her mood immediately brightened up after remembering about what Tadase had said. The girl inwardly squealed with delight.

A date with Tadase-kun! She thought happily as her Shugo Charas and herself headed back towards her house.


Author's Note:
Hope you enjoyed it! Sorry that it wasn't really long, I was actually in a rush to get this posted up. I'll try and make the next chapter longer. I would like to have at least five reviews before the next chapter, so please review. It would only take you a few seconds. But please, no flames!

