
(AN: Are you ready for the end of the story? Well, too bad… here it is… enjoy!

PS… Anaa… I hope you get better SOON!... I'm sorry my story is ending here but I wrote it all out before I started posting… If you'd like I'll write an alternate ending… :-)



Watching Jane tackle my angel was my worst nightmare. I didn't think. I just reacted. I lunged at Jane. There was a loud crunch as I tore the head from her body and I threw it out the window.

"Emmett! Take care of the rest of her!" I yelled. I crouched down to prepare for my next attacker. Looking around the room I saw Demitri in the same position as I was. I was ready to pounce when I heard someone yell…


Looking up I recognized the voice as Aro's.

"Demitri! I can't lose you too and look at Bella; she's not going to live for very much longer."

My head snapped to my Bella, broken on the floor. Her heart beat fast and her breathing was labored. Jane must have broken many things when she landed on Bella.

Aro spoke again. "They have no choice now. They either have to change her or let her die. Let's go Demitri." And with that they left.

"Edward, change her. Don't let her die." Alice was full out blubbering now.

Leaning down I kissed Bella's lips. "I love you with all of my being." Kissing along her jaw line I reached her neck. "Hang on there sweetheart." Kissing her one more time I opened my mouth and my teeth punctured her soft skin like a knife through the sweetest butter…

The End…

(AN: Etc etc etc… we all know how this ends. I hope you liked my story… Please review and tell me what you think… thanx!)