Silverfox: I'm back with another story. My others will be updated soon enough.

Sasuke: Another one. Are you ever going to finish your other stories?

Silverfox: (shrugs) I will. I got a bunch of chapters done. Just too lazy to edit them, right now. Hehe.

Naruto: Well ok. Ignore Sasuke. He's kind of in a bad mood.

Sasuke: I am not.

Silverfox: Right, whatever you say Sasu-chan. Here's the summary.

Summary: AU. What happens, when everything you thought you knew was thrown down the drain. All of it in one single moment, that changed how you see everything. Just this one moment and everything you knew crashed and burned. Well that is how life is and those left behind suffer. Well this happened to Sasuke, just one moment he confronted his lover Naruto for two years. What he found out changed everything, which left him extremely hurt. He has no one to turn too, well expect for caring older brother who would do anything to protect his younger sibling. Naruto on the other hand, realizes his mistake a little too late, and now he must fix everything. But to do that, he must get pass an overprotective brother and win Sasuke's trust and forgiveness back. But that task is going to be a lot harder than Naruto ever expected. Sasunaru/narusasu, Itasasu, brotherly fluff, narusai.

Sasuke: Don't call me Sasu-chan. And interesting story.

Silverfox: Aw thanks Sasu. Anyways please enjoy this new story. I'll try to get my updates up as soon as possible. And please NO FLAMES. Enjoy.

Chapter 1

Darkness seemed to cover the area, as a massive storm was just starting to come to life. Sasuke smiled slightly, as he made his way into a small cafe. The cafe was called Mew Cafe and the place was famous for young people. They also made the best pastries and special treats that many craved for. Sasuke was here to pick up, a dessert for after dinner. His brother was waiting in the car outside for him. Sasuke just smiled as he made his way into the cafe. He looked at the different pastries and treats looking for something good to pick up. As he was sorting through his thoughts, he heard the chimes ring, signally that someone else just walked in. He chose to ignore it, until he heard a familiar voice. Sasuke whipped around and what he saw; shattered his heart into a million tiny pieces. There in front of him, was his boyfriend Naruto hanging off another guy, who Sasuke recognized to be Sai. They kissed, before moving towards an empty booth to make out with no interruptions. That hurt, so badly, especially finding out that his long-term boyfriend was cheating on him. Sasuke began to wonder, how long this was going on.

See, Naruto and Sasuke have been dating for two years now and Sasuke couldn't be happier. He never felt so complete in his entire life. Sasuke met Naruto, at the starting of high school. They were very bitter rivals and were always completing against each other. But from rivals it went to friendship than eventually they started dating, causing their relationship to mellow out. By their fourth date, Naruto asked Sasuke to be his boyfriend and Sasuke rapidly agreed. Since then they've been through their ups and downs. One of their big challenges that they had to face was getting Sasuke's brother to approve. It took lots of persuading, before his brother finally agreed. After that, they were blissfully happy or that was what Sasuke thought. But seeing Naruto here with someone else, hurt him beyond belief. So he decided to get to the bottom of it once and for all. No matter how much it would hurt in the end. Sasuke figured it was just his stupid Uchiha pride, when he just wanted to run out of there and back home to shed his tears.

Sasuke took a deep breath, calming his nerves. He walked over to the booth, Sai and Naruto were making out in. He slammed his palms down on the table, to get their attention. Both boys separated, startled and panting heavily, from their intense make out session. Naruto turned his head to the side, noticing that his boyfriend was glaring at him. He placed a hand behind his head, sheepishly, "I didn't know you were here Sasuke."

Sasuke glared at the blonde, "Well is that so. So tell me Naruto, how long has this being going on for?"

Naruto was panicking, "It's not what it looks like Sasuke. I swear."

Sasuke scoffed, "Yeah right. I can see you both clearly. And it looked like you were enjoying it and kissing him back Naruto. So tell me how fucking long?"

Sasuke was hurt and anger, so he turned his words into anger to cover up the hurt he was feeling right now. He was literally dreading what Naruto's answer would be.

Naruto straightened himself up, before Sai wrapped his arms around Naruto's waist. He pulled the blonde boy towards his chest, before sucking and biting the blonde's neck. Naruto moaned as he felt Sai teasing, his sensitive spot. A shiver ran down the blonde's spine as the boy closed his eyes in complete bliss.

"Nah... Sai stop it," pleaded Naruto as he moaned.

Sai chuckled, "But you're so beautiful Naru-chan."

He attacked the boy's neck again, causing Naruto to moan louder as he tilted his head to the side, giving Sai better access to his neck. Sai snickered as he ravished the other boy.

Sasuke, having seen enough slammed his hands on the table. He glared at the two boys, with his cold mask on. He glared at both of them, before turning his icy glare on Naruto, "Explain now."

Naruto gulped, pushing Sai off of him. He could tell his boyfriend was not happy. So he decided to answer Sasuke, "Umm... about four months after we started our relationship."

The cold mask shattered in a matter of minutes. Sasuke's eyes shone bright with hurt and unshed tears, "Than you lead me on for two fucking years Naruto."

Naruto shrugged, "I guess you can say that."

"Why Naruto? Why the hell did you do it for? I thought I gave you everything including my heart. And this is how you repay me? I thought we were happy together," replied Sasuke angrily.

Naruto sighed, shaking his head, "Well you see Sasuke. Four months after we started, I met Sai completely by chance. And we just sort of clicked. We started to see each other more and more, as feelings skyrocketed than we sort of started to secretly going out."

Sasuke looked straight at Naruto, "So what was I Naruto? Did I even mean anything to you?"

Naruto grinned sheepishly, "Well, at first, I thought you were just hot and I wanted to date you. So I asked you out. But then when I wasn't getting anything out of the relationship I meet Sai and we just totally fell for each other."

Naruto glanced at Sasuke as he explained. Sai still had his arms around the boy's waist, holding him close and possessively. He was looking at Sasuke with a smug look on his face. Sasuke on the other hand, felt utterly betrayed.

After a couple of minutes, Sasuke gathered his wits. The cold mask was thrown back on his face, shielding Naruto from the hurt and pain, hidden in the depths of his onyx eyes.

"If that is so, why did you keep our relationship on still? Did you even love me? Or did you just want a good laugh out of this, while I fell deeper for you," choked out Sasuke.

Naruto gazed at Sasuke, "I really didn't want to hurt you Sasuke. And no I never really loved you. It was a fling of some sorts."

Sasuke laughed bitterly, "Well then, that answers my questions than. But that's a laugh. Not wanting to hurt me. Fucking good job that was."

Naruto pushed Sai off of him again, before standing up. He walked over to Sasuke, planning on embracing the trembling raven, "Sasuke come on. Let's work this out."

But all Sasuke did was push Naruto away from him. He took a couple of steps back, "Don't fucking touch me Naruto. You just lost that right. When you fucking cheated on me with that bastard and you didn't tell me anything. You made me fall deeper for you, while you toyed around with my heart. Than shattering it in a million pieces. So no this won't work out, Naruto. It won't ever."

Naruto looked at Sasuke, "Come on, we can work this out Sasuke."

"No we can't Naruto. I refuse to be used like this again. Because all that I truly meant to you was a good fuck. Even though I didn't let it get that far in our relationship. And what hurts so much more, was that you were fucking leading me on, for our entire relationship. So I'll do you a favour. We're over Naruto. Have fun with your new fling," choked out Sasuke, as his eyes glittered with unshed tears. He turned away from Naruto and Sai, walking away. He picked up the treat, paying for it, before leaving the cafe, which was when he let his tears fall. Sasuke didn't look back once.

Rain started to rapidly fall from the sky. Sasuke laughed humourlessly, "This totally matches my mood. How convenient." With his free hand he wiped away the tears, but they still kept rolling down his face. Itachi who was waiting in the car, noticed that his brother was out of the cafe and was just standing in the middle of the rain, getting soaked. Itachi was worried, so he zipped up his jacket and got out of the car. He walked over to Sasuke, touching the boy's shoulders, "Sasuke."

Sasuke looked up, starring in the eyes of his brother. Without warning, Sasuke embraced Itachi in a hug, where he started to sob. He just needed to be comforted right now. Itachi wrapped his arms around his younger sibling's shoulders, pulling the boy closer. He rubbed the back, of his trembling sibling, "Shhh. It's ok Sasuke. What's wrong?"

Sasuke just sobbed, collapsing in his older brother's arms. Itachi just tightened the hold on Sasuke, trying to provide comfort.

"Naruto was cheating on me. I never meant anything to him," choked out the boy.

Itachi tightened his hold. He continued to rub Sasuke's back, "I'm so sorry Sasuke. He had no right to do that to you. How long was he cheating on you for?"

"Four months after we got together. Aniki is hurts so much. It feels like by heart was torn out of my chest and stomped on. Make it go away," sobbed Sasuke.

Itachi kissed the top of Sasuke's head, "I'll make sure you never get hurt again otouto. That's a promise."

Sasuke just nodded; glad to be in his brother's arms, as Itachi comforted him.

"Can we go home now aniki?" asked Sasuke.

Itachi nodded, "Yeah. You're soaked to the bone. Let's get you in a nice warm bath and warm pjs. Plus we can have some hot chocolate and eat that treat you picked up."

Sasuke nodded. He pulled away from Itachi, looking at his older brother with an expression full of pain and sorrow. It tugged at Itachi's heart, as he wiped the tears from his otouto's face. Sasuke relaxed under the comfortable touch, as his brother helped him up. "Just wait in the car. I'll be right back alright."

Sasuke nodded, "Alright aniki."

With that said, Sasuke walked towards the car, getting inside. The treat was in his hand as he placed it beside him in the car. He leaned back, shivering as the wet clothes soaked into his bones. Sasuke forgot to wear his jacket, so his clothes were like a second skin on him. He buckled up, crossing his arms across his chest as he shivered.

Itachi walked into the cafe after his brother was secured in the car. He walked over to the treats, deciding to pick up something extra special for Sasuke. But out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a familiar blonde with someone else. Itachi growled, before walking over towards them. When he arrived, he slammed his hands down on the table. Red eyes glared at Naruto and Sai who separated. "What is with all the interruptions? I'm trying to make out with my boyfriend here," protested Sai.

Itachi laughed darkly, while replying in a voice full of venom, "I can see that perfectly well."

Naruto gulped when he heard the familiar voice. He turned around, only to face a pissed off Itachi, "Um... hi Itachi."

Itachi glared at Naruto, "Hello to you too Naruto. We need to talk now."

Naruto nodded, not wanting to disobey Itachi. He detached from Sai, giving the other boy a quick kiss on the lips, "I'll be right back baby."

Sai grinned, "I'll be waiting."

Naruto followed Itachi to a secluded place, "What is it Itachi?"

"You want to know what's up. I'll tell you. Stay the fuck away from my little brother Naruto. Don't come near him again, if you value your life. You hurt him enough and he doesn't need you to rub salt into his wounds," growled Itachi.

Naruto shivered slightly at Itachi's tone of voice. He looked down, "I really didn't mean for this to happen Itachi."

"Bullshit Naruto. You've been leading him on for two fucking years. If you wanted out, you should've of told him sooner. Because by than he won't have fallen so hard for you. But now, you cheated on Sasuke, behind his back, while he thought everything was good. Then he catches you and it shatters him. Oh yes great job with that. Never mess with my little brother's heart, like you did. Because now you'll have to deal with me," replied Itachi hotly.

"Let me explain Itachi," protested Naruto.

"No I don't want to hear anything from you. They're all lies. See that's why I didn't want Sasuke to go out with you, but I allowed it because it made him happy and complete. I couldn't bear to see him hate me. But now I've proven my point. So stay the fuck away from him Naruto. If I find out you were anywhere near him, I'll kill you. So have a good life and if you value your life, never bother Sasuke again," replied Itachi.

With that said, Itachi walked away from a stunned blonde. He picked up the treat, paying for it. He then walked out of the cafe and towards his car. He climbed into the vehicle, looking over at his shivering younger brother, "Time to go home otouto."

Sasuke nodded, before drifting off to sleep, since he was worn out from his emotional rollercoaster. Itachi backed out of the parking lot, before raring down the road, heading straight for home.

To say the least, Naruto was stunned on the turn of events. He had no idea what the hell just happened. But he felt his heart hurting, which he wasn't sure why. Naruto was fairly sure that he was in love with Sai. But Sasuke's expression of betrayal and hurt flashed through his head; followed by Itachi's enraged expression. He shivered before pushing those thoughts out of his head. He walked back over to Sai, sliding in beside him.

"Welcome back," replied Sai.

"Thanks Sai," smiled Naruto who kissed Sai on the mouth.

Sai happily kissed back, before breaking apart. He pulled the boy towards him, "What was that about?"

"Just an overprotective brother. But don't worry, he didn't do anything to me," replied Naruto.

Sai smiled, "That's good. Shall we head towards your place? So we can make out and have sex."

Naruto snuggled into Sai's arms, "Sure. That sounds great."

Sai kissed Naruto's neck before he detached from Naruto. Naruto smiled, getting up. Sai was right behind. They walked out of the cafe hand in hand, heading towards Sai's car. Once inside and buckled up, both of them drove towards Naruto's place. Naruto was smiling and excited about what was going to happen when they get home. He shivered in delight as he gazed towards Sai. Having sex with Sai would get rid of Sasuke's haunting expression from his mind.

Itachi drove into the driveway, parking his car in the garage. He parked, turning off the ignition. He unbuckled his seatbelt and shook Sasuke. Sasuke groaned as he was roused into the world of waking. Glazed eyes starred back at Itachi. Itachi unbuckled his little brother, placing a hand on his forehead. He sighed, "Looks like you did get sick. Come on otouto, time to get you out of those drenched clothes."

Sasuke nodded, before stepping out of the car. Itachi picked up the treats, before getting out of the car. He locked the doors and led his trembling little brother into the house. Itachi placed the treats on the counter in the kitchen. He picked up Sasuke with ease, carrying him upstairs to the bathroom.

"Put it me down aniki," protested Sasuke weakly.

"No can do. You're weary. On the other hand you will get out of these wet clothes and into a hot bath. After that, into warm pjs and into bed," replied Itachi.

Sasuke sighed, knowing he could never win with his brother, "Fine."

Itachi grinned, as he ran a warm bath. Sasuke stripped out of his clothes, shivering violently. See Itachi and Sasuke's parents were killed in a car accident, when Sasuke was seven years old. At the beginning both were placed in a foster home, until Itachi came of age. When he was the legal age, he became Sasuke's guardian. Their foster father Kakashi, still occasionally checks up on the boys, to make sure they were alright. But that's beside the fact. Itachi had wrangled Sasuke into the nice warm bath. Sasuke sighed in relief as the warm water washed over him. Itachi left the bathroom to give his brother some privacy. But not before placing a pair of warm pjs on the counter, so Sasuke can change into them. He took Sasuke's wet clothes towards the laundry room, before settling down on the couch.

After some time Sasuke got out of the bath. He dried himself, slipping on the warm pjs. Once changed, he walked downstairs. He spotted his brother lounging on the couch, watching some TV. Sasuke smiled softly before walking over to his brother. He sat down beside him. Itachi noticed his brother, "Feeling any better?"

Sasuke looked over at his brother, "Sort of. It still doesn't help the hurting."

Itachi sighed, pulling his younger brother towards him. He wrapped his arms around the boy's waist, "Everything will work out in the end otouto. But I think it's time for bed. You're sick."

Sasuke snuggled closer to Itachi; he nodded sleepily, "Ok. Can you sleep with me aniki?"

Itachi smiled, "Of course I will. I'll comfort you."

Sasuke nodded, drifting off to sleep, "Thank you aniki."

Itachi smiled, kissing his the top of his brother's head. He flickered off the TV, before he stood up. He picked up Sasuke, leaving the living room. He turned the lights off as he went upstairs. Itachi opened the door to his room. He walked over to his bed, which was near the window, before placing Sasuke down. Itachi changed into his pjs, before crawling into bed. He pulled Sasuke towards him, as he played with his brother's hair. He sighed, feeling a powerful urge of protection over the younger one. He vowed to never let anything hurt Sasuke again, if he can help it. Itachi hated seeing his brother, so broken. But all he could really offer was comfort for the distraught boy. He drifted off to sleep, holding his brother close.


Silverfox: There chapter 1 is done. Isn't Itachi the sweetest to his younger brother?

Sasuke: I can't believe Naruto cheated on me.

Silverfox: That's what fits in the story. Besides now you have a loving protective older brother.

Sasuke: (grumbles) I still hate him.

Silverfox: No you don't

Sasuke: Fine, whatever.

Silverfox: (shows the victory sign) That's right I win. Anyways please R&R. Stay tune for the next chapter.

Naruto: Coming towards a computer near you.

Silverfox: (laughs) Very funny Naruto.

Naruto: (smiles a foxy grin) I try my best. Believe it.