You all though the last chapter was the end, well you were wrong. This is the last chapter for Our Time until i upload the sequel. :D
Until then please enjoy this chapter that I worked on until it was perfect.

Chapter 15

The Honeymoon and a Decision

Manny and Frida were soon surrounded by their friends and families. They were being hugged all around, from Frida's parents to Manny's and his ancestors, then all of their friends; Frida's band mates, The Golden Eagle Twins, El Cucharón, and El Oso. Anita and Nikita soon came up to them, with Isabella and Miguel in their arms. Before Manny and Frida could say anything to them, they were grabbed by the Aves women, and given one huge hug. Once they were let go, and everyone was ready to see them cut the cake, Manny and Frida cut the cake carefully then they shoved their slices into the others face. Flashbulbs going off around them the whole time, Frida took her rose bouquet and threw it into the air, to be caught by Jeanette. Manny and Frida giggled at her red face, when Django nudged her arm, then what soon came after was the dancing.

Everyone moved from the cliffside to below where there was more room to dance, and so they could see too, the sun had set when the cake was cut and Frida threw her bouquet. There were flowers as far as the eye can see, they were everywhere, and it was absolutely beautiful. Manny and Frida first danced with each other, and then they were passed on to everyone there. Frida went from dancing with El Oso, Carlito, and El Cucharón, to El Tigre, Emiliano, and Rodolfo; Manny had gone from dancing with Carmelita, Carla, and Jeanette, to Maria, Angela, Carmela, and Zoe. Once the song was over, Manny and Frida were dancing with each other again, and the song that they were dancing to was their song.

"I know we've been friends forever
but now I think I'm feeling something totally new
and after all this time I've opened up my eyes
now I see you were always with me"

"Do you remember when we first heard this song, and it became our song." Manny asked his wife, staring into her beautiful deep sapphire blue eyes, that and a certain glow to them in this lighting.

Frida looked up, smiled and stared back into her husband's eyes. "Yes, we were about fourteen when we went into that club and heard this song, if I remember correctly."

"Could it be you and I never imagined
could it be suddenly I'm falling for you
could it be you were right here beside me
and I never knew could it be that it's true that it's you"

Manny chuckled lightly, "More or less, I remember that beautiful plata dress that you wore." There dance was starting to slow a little bit, and all eyes were on them.

Frida giggled, "I forgot about that, you were in a nice brown tuxedo if I recall. As the song was playing and we were dancing, everyone was staring at us." They never took their eyes off the other to see that the same thing was happening again.

"It's kinda funny you were always near
but who would ever thought that we would end up here
and every time I've needed you
you've been there to pull me through
now its clear I've been waiting for you"

"And as we listened and danced to the song staring into the other's eyes, not wanting to look away." Manny began.

"Could it be you and I never imagined
could it be suddenly I'm falling for you
could it be you were right here beside me
and I never knew could it be that it's true that it's you"

"We soon had leaned into each other, slowly getting closer and closer to the other's lips." Frida continued.

"Cause today is the start of the rest of our lives
I can see it in you eyes ohh that it's real and it's true
and it's just me and you
could it be that its true that its you"

"Felling each our breath on the each others skin, and soon our lips met and we shared a kiss." They finished together, soon pulling into a deep kiss once again.

"Could it be you and I never imagined
could it be suddenly I'm falling for you
could it be you were right here beside me
and I never knew could it be that its true that its you
could it be that it's true that its you"

And then, just like before when they had parted from their kiss, everyone started clapping, happy to see such a beautiful moment. They turned to face everyone, smiled, then Anita and Nikita came up to them. They handed to them Isabella and Miguel.

"It's time you two get going; the plane won't wait for you two." They alternated every other word as they spoke to Manny and Frida. They nodded; Frida handed Miguel to Manny and they both rushed towards the car, everyone had made and aisle for them. They stopped for a moment; Manny had kissed Frida one more time and then there were applause, before they rushed to the car and the rice storm began. Frida had caught some of the ricochets off of Manny's back, and none had hit either Isabella or Miguel. They had soon made it to the car; it was decorated with white, pink, and red roses that were trailing the streamers length. Manny opened the door for Frida, his back blocking the raining rice, he handed to her Isabella and Miguel. He then ran to the other side of the car, opened the door, and drove off. Once they were at the outskirts of the city, they stopped, and placed Isabella and Miguel in their car seats, and started off towards the coastline. They were going to take a boat instead of a plane to get to their honeymoon destination. Two hours had passed, and they had reached the coast line. Manny and Frida got out and took Isabella and Miguel out of their car seats, and made their way to the docks. They made it to the docks in no time at all, and they found the boat that they were going to take. Manny helped Frida get aboard the medium sized vessel, he then handed her Isabella, untied the boat from the dock, and jumped in himself. Frida went below, holding Isabella and Miguel, to keep them safe. Manny started the boat, while Frida was taking the kids below, as the engine roared to life Manny steadily made his way away from the docks and out into the open sea. Once they were far enough away, Manny had pushed a button, and the boat was speeding out into the unknown waters.

After what had seemed like hours of being out in the open sea, they had reached their destination, Jamaica, Negril Jamaica to be exact. The sun had risen, Frida and the kids were asleep, and Manny had slowed the boat down as they neared a dock. Manny slowly got up and out of the boat, being careful not to wake Frida and the kids. He tied the boat off, walked into town, and went to the hotel that they would be staying at, but not before leaving a note behind to let Frida know where he would be. Manny had walked for what had seemed like forever, before he found his destination, the Moon Dance hotel. This hotel is completely beautiful, Manny was in awe at how beautiful it was, but he didn't let himself get to drawn in to the beauty, not until Frida was to wake up. He walked up to the front desk, the manager looked at him once, then a second time, and his eyes became wide with shock. He was a tall lean man, with black hair, he was wearing a sky blue button down shirt, and he also had on a pair of shorts. He had come around from behind the desk, and promptly shook hands with Manny.

"It's nice to finally meet you Mr. Rivera." He said Manny's name as if he was meeting a famous hero. "My name is Hosea."

"It's nice to meet you too Hosea, and please call me Manny." Manny was happy to meet him, even though he was majorly creped out.

"Of course Manny, so where is the misses?" Hosea asked, wanting to meet his wife.

Manny chuckled, "She sleeping back on the boat, I only came in to get the keys and to know where our room is."

His smile didn't fade, "Of course," He went back to his desk for a moment, and grabbed a set of keys. "Here you go Manny; your room number is 201." Hosea handed the two keys o Manny.

"Thanks, I'd better go and get mi amore." Manny said as he walked back towards the docks.

"Okay, have a good day Manny." Hosea waved to Manny as he walked away.

One hour Earlier……………………………………………………………

Frida woke up an hour after Manny left. She looked down and saw that the kids were still asleep. She laid them down carefully on the couch, getting up to find Manny. Then she found the note that he left for her, it read:
"Mi amore, gone into town, keep an eye on the kids until I get back. Love Manny."

Frida smiled at this, and before she knew it, the babies had woken up. Isabella was hungry, and Miguel wanted to be held, Frida went to the cabinet and grabbed a milk bottle, and she heated it until it was warm. When it was ready, she fed Isabella, and the she held Miguel. Things were going smoothly so far, but all too soon they were crying again. Fortunately enough for Frida, she and Manny had bought some pacifiers before they left Miracle City. She found the baby bag right where they had left it, behind the small couch that she fell asleep on. She opened it up and found the two pacifiers; she gave them to Isabella and Miguel, and they soon were quiet. Frida breathed a sight of relief, as she held them; she sat on the couch and patiently waited for her husband to return. Surprisingly the time seemed to somehow passed by quickly to Frida, because before she knew it Manny had returned and with their hotel keys. His smiled had warmed Frida's heart, He took Isabella from her, happy enough to carry her, and he grabbed the baby bag. Frida smiled, she stood up, and walked with her husband off the boat, but unexpectedly Isabella had fallen into the water! Manny and Frida gasped, Manny dropped the baby bag, as he had dove head first into the water to retrieve his daughter. As he entered the water he could feel the salt on his lips, it was hard for him to see, so he transformed into El Tigre, and things had become much clearer. He could see his daughter a few feet below him, her eyes were half lidded she was ready to possible end it, but he wouldn't let her! She swam down to her as fast as he could and he was fortunate enough that he had made it to her just in time, he pulled her up to the deck, where Frida was waiting a look of pure terror on her face, she was frightened, frightened to lose her daughter. She didn't look to good, but she was still breathing, and that was just one hell of a Miracle. Manny and Frida both sighed in relief to see that she was still okay. She opened her eyes slowly, she looked around her in confusion almost, but when she saw Manny, she looked like she wanted to say something, but she couldn't yet, and she had a scared look on her face. Manny got up on the dock, he was still wet, but he didn't care, he picked up his daughter, he hugged her closely and whispered into her ear, "Its okay mija, everything will be alright." He didn't care if she didn't understand what he was saying, all that mattered what that she was okay. They stayed like that for about a good five minuets, until Manny got up and grabbed the baby bag, and they walked off towards the hotel. They were fortunately there in no time, as Manny waked in, he realized that he was still dressed as El Tigre, he looked as Isabella and she had fallen asleep on their way to the hotel. He spun his belt buckle, and he transformed back into his normal self. He turned to Frida, and he saw that Miguel was asleep too like Isabella. As they walked in, Hosea the manager saw them come in, but he didn't say anything, he saw the serious looks on their faces when they were approaching. When they had made it to their room, Manny opened the door and when they entered it was a very beautiful bedroom. Manny placed the baby bag next to the very large bed, the bedspread was beautiful, it was a lovely shade of blue, and the walls were a light tan color. Frida took Isabella from Manny, as he took out the baby cribs; they had somehow packed into the baby bag.

Once they were out, Frida placed Isabella and Miguel in their cribs, and tucked them in. Once that was done, Frida was looking for Manny, and she saw him out on the balcony, staring out at the hotels many beauties. She could tell that he was trying to take his mind off of what had just happened to their daughter. Frida walked up behind him, and she hugged him.

"Mi amore I'm worried about them what if when they're older and this kind of thing happens again and were aren't there to help them?" Frida's voice was full of worry, and Manny was worried about them too.

"I know mi amore; I'm worried about them too, but for now let's keep their family heritage a secret. Until they are ready, we won't breathe a word about who they are, or what they are supposed to be." Frida could tell that he was serious, and she agreed with him, until their children were ready they were not allowed to know about their family.

So it was decided that day, Manny and Frida would not tell their children who they were until the time was right. And until that day, Isabella and Miguel would be kept in the dark.


Here it is, the end of my first El Tigre fanfic, I hope all of you who read it liked it.
Unitl the seqel please review, My inbox really needs a reason to live. :D