Our early Christmas present from us to you guys!
Just because you guys are amazing, we made the chapter extra long (:
So thank you again for all the support, and we're so psyched our story
made it into a lot of great Twilight communities. So thanks again and enjoy!

"I'm so nervous!" Jessica Stanely shook next to me in her seat.

I nodded as I watched my fellow classmates were being called up on the stage and rewarded a diploma. Jessica was shaking nervously beside me and it made me quite nervous also. Not that I wasn't already.

I looked down at the 3 inch death traps Alice forced me into. It was bad enough she spent a fortune on this blue tiered bodice halter dress. The dress was gorgeous I have to admit but the fact that it exposed more than fifty percent of my back was a major no-no. But Alice being Alice refused to buy me or let me buy another dress. Plus she tricked me into it.

Thank goodness for the black robes they had us wear. Alice was upset when she found out our dresses were going to be covered up until the final announcement. And the fact that she spent hours on my hair- which was now curled- didn't help her calm down when they mentioned we had to wear the grad hats.

"Anna Marie Santiago!" Ms. Cope called out from the stand. Our principal took a rolled up diploma from Ms. Cope and presented it to Anna Marie after shaking her hand.

I took a deep breathe when I realized we were in the S' now. With Jessica tapping her foot on the floor lightly and a boy named Ryan was practically sweating puddles it didn't help my breathing get back on track.

I was the only one out of the "Super Crew"- Emmett had given our group a name- that hadn't been called up yet.

I looked to my left where the rest were seater. Edward and Alice were far down in the corner considering their last name was the third letter in the alphabet. Poor Jasper was sitting alone in his H section. Christine was just a few seats down from him.

Rosalie and Emmett had already graduated last year and went off to collage but were back for our grad since we supported them last year.

"...Jessica Stanley!" the loud thunder of clapping and shouting at the mention of Jessica's name had me panicking.

I was next.

"Good luck." Ryan who was sitting on my right whispered beside me when Jessica cleared the stage.

"Thanks. I'll need every luck I could-"

"Isabella Marie Swan!"

"Oh no." I think my heart stopped beating when Ms. Cope spoke my name. I stood up, my cheeks flushed of nervousness and walked- more like wabbled- to the stage taking careful steps on the stairs.

"You go Bellarina!" Emmett screamed out loud and then blew a whistle. "Heck yes Bellarina! WooHoo!"

"Emmett Cullen shut up!" I heard Rosalie hiss. I felt myself smiling instead of sweating in fear.

I looked at Edward as I walked across the stage to the principal. He was clapping his hands together smiling my favourite smile. When he noticed my gaze he winked which made me blush even harder. Alice looked from Edward to me and then like Emmett, whistled.

I shook my head slightly and shook hands with the principal.

"Congratulations." he told me then handed my diploma.

"Thanks." I walked away going down the steps once more. This time I was exciting on the left side so I had a chance to walk by Edward and Alice.

"I hope she doesn't break the heel." I could hear Alice who was talking louder than normal due to the loud cheers from our audience. I shot her a look.

"I love you." Edward mouthed to me as I passed by.

"I know." I winked at him and proceeded forward not bothering to look back in fear that I would faint from his brilliant eyes and smile.

I looked down at my diploma once I sat myself in my seat again. The beige paper was rolled up and wrapped with a string of blue.

I couldn't believe I did it.

I had a lot to catch up on. Last year I had a meeting with the principal in concern about my education. With all the moving around and hardly going to school in my past, he told me if I didn't catch up enough I wouldn't be able to graduate with this year's class.

I was devestated at first but with the help of my friends, I was able to take night school and sometimes Saturday school. Then over the summer, I took summer school for a few weeks and before I knew it, I was back on track.

"Give it up for this year's graduates!" the principal yelled into the mic. A round of applause was given then everyone silenced when the principal cleared his throat. "I would like to present this year's validictorian."

That was me. Believe it or not. I took out my cue cards and took another deep breath. Public speaking was not my thing.

I walked up to the stage again taking steady steps. The last thing I wanted to do was trip and embaress myself. Especially when a lot of parents had their video cameras out, including Renee who would forever blackmail me if that were to happen.

"You go Bella!" I heard a few people yell when I went up to the mic. I laughed a little and prepared myself for the longest period of my life. Alice just had to nominate me for validictorian.

I cleared my throat after catching a glimpse of Edward. It didn't help that the sun shining through the window landed on him. His bronze hair was suddenly glowing and his green eyes were more noticeable from up here.

He composed his amused face to a concentrated expression in preparation for my speech. He fixed his silver metal tie, loosening it. He started unbuttoning his satin suit jacket revealing a matching vest underneath and his blue dress shirt. Alice coordinated our outfits so they matched with our partners. Of course.

He smiled but instead of the crooked one that I loved, he flashed his teeth at me. I was dying a slow painful death...

I cleared my throat again removing my glance from Edward when I noticed I was taking longer to start than usual.

I looked down at the small white cards in my hands that were constantly shaking from my nervousness. I opened my mouth and began speaking the speech I had Alice help me prepare.

"Congratulations sweetheart!" my mother embraced me in her arms hugging me as tight as possible. I bent down to pick up my hat from throwing it in the air after my speech. I ripped off the black robe and tossed it in the bin we had to place it back in.

"Thanks mom."

"Bella," Phil nodded at me. "Congrats."


Taylor looking as beautiful as ever in her little black dress ran up to me and hugged me as well except she was one of the first to wrap her legs around me. "Taylor, can't breathe!"

"Sorry. Oh my gosh! You did it! I'm so proud of you big sis!"

I laughed a short laugh. "Thanks. Just wait until you get up there." I pointed to the stage.

"I still have a few years to go." she sighed.

I ruffled her straight orange-red hair. She claimed she was bored with her blonde colour and dyed it a bright red but it eventually faded. "Better enjoy being a teenager while you can kiddo."

"I've heard that before. Emmett!" she yelled, her eyes fixed past me.

I turned around but was suddenly lifted off the ground and being thrown in the air. "Bellarina! Bellarina! B-E-L-L-A-R-I-N-A! What's that spell? Bellarina! Yeah! You did it!" Emmett chanted. Rosalie I saw was shaking her head next to him. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Emmett put me down!" I said in between giggles. He set me down and congratulated me before attacking Taylor.

"My fiancees an idiot." Rosalie shook her head again. Emmett proposed to Rosalie last year at their grad. He kind of embaressed her though. He was validictorian last year believe it or not and he sort of shouted it through the mic. Rose was as red as a firetruck but screamed "yes!" back at him. It was kind of weird but sweet at the same time. "Anyway, congrats Bell!" I recieved another hug from her.

"You never told me it was this nerve racking!" I half hissed at her but playfully.

"You didn't ask." was her remark. I just stood their smirking.

"Oh Bella!" the pixie jumped in front of me with Jasper beside her. "Can you believe it? We did it! We graduated! Finally!"

"I know Alice!" I cheered with her. "Now get me out of these heels please!"

She shook her head. "No can do Bella."

My bottom lip jutted out into a pout. Jasper chuckled. "Alice, hasn't Bella gone through enough torture?" Ever since Jasper's surgery last year, he's been doing great. We were all very proud of him. This summer he and Alice were going to Paris so Jasper could supposedly learn French. I don't know, it's what Alice wants.

"It's not torture Jas!" she pouted.

"Oh yes it is." I turned around to the velvet voice and immediately wrapped my arms around his waist. He chuckled, feeling his chest vibrate, and wrapped his arms around me. "Hello to you too."

I tilted my head up to meet his eyes and his lips made contact with my forehead. I felt myself pouting again. "What's wrong?" he asked, amused.

"I was kind of hoping my forehead wouldn't get all the fun."

I heard Alice snicker and storm away but I paid no attention.

"How's this then?" he lowered his head so our forehead were touching. We looked into eachother's eyes for a moment and before I knew it, I was already lost in this passionate, eager kiss.

The feeling in my stomache and the accelerating of my heart would never get old everytime Edward touched me. Even if he just poked me on the shoulder, one little thing, he would always make my heart about ready to jump out of my chest.

He pulled away all too soon, sooner than my likings. He rested his forehead against mine again as we caught up with our breathing.

"Well?" he asked me.

"Perfect." I grinned and rested my head against his chest.

"Bella!" Christine ran over to us and practically ripped me away from Edward and held me against her instead. "Ah! We did it! Oh my God! We did it..." she trailed off and then ran over to where Emmett and Rosalie were standing.

I faced Edward again who's eyebrows were pulled together. "Yeah don't ask." I laughed.

"I wasn't planning to." he chuckled.

He took my hand in his and we walked over to Carlisle and Esme who were speaking with my mother and Phil.

"Oh Bella you look absolutely stunning!" Esme smiled at me after she pulled away from a light hug.

"Thank you." I was blushing.

"Hello Bella," Carlisle greeted me. "Congratulations. You look beautiful."

"Thanks. You clean up pretty good yourself." I laughed.

"You should know who was behind this." he pointed to his tux and Esme's dress.

"Alice." we all said in unison.

"Hunny, there's someone here to see you." Renee told me. I looked at her confused.

"Who?" She excused the both of us and lead me through the crowded mob of excited teenagers and adults. We stopped outside the gym doors a few meters away so we could have our privacy.

"Mom, what's going on?" The silence that took over us suddenly felt unbearable. She took a sharp breath before opening her mouth.

"Charlie's here."

I honestly did not know how to respond to that. I haven't seen my father in what seems like forever and now he was here. To see me.

My back slid against the wall as I sat down on the cold floor. I pulled my knees up to my face and buried my face into my hands.

"I'm so sorry Bella." Renee was beside me rubbing my back. "And remind me to speak to Alice about this dress. Have you seen it Bella? Have you seen the lingering looks the boys have been giving you?" she made "tsk" noises. "That Alice. If she's going to buy you a dress like this again, make sure she gets you a cover up. Bella this is a catholic school for crying out loud!"

I can tell from the tone of her voice that she was trying her best to cheer things up. Not that I was upset I was just taken in by surprise.

I half laughed. "Mom, I have a boyfriend."

"Speaking of Edward, he's given you the worse looks so far." she was shaking her head.

I gasped at her. "Mom! Why do you have to be so observant?" But I felt flattered Edward liked this dress on me. I felt myself blushing pink.

"There you go again," she sighed at my blushing. "Will it kill you to have a good, caring mother to look out for you?"

"Actually mom, yeah it will. You're so observant of our relationship! Do you not trust him? Because mom, I wouldn't do what you think I might do anytime soon so you have no worries on that matter."

"Of course I trust you, and him. It's just Bella, when two opposites come together, two that love each other with so much power and passion-" she was sighing to herself and this was beginning to become awkward.

"Anyway," I stressed out the word in a strange tone. "Back to our previous subject."

She ran her hand through my hair. Alice would be very angry if she saw my hair was messy. As if she could read my mind, her hand jerked away as if Alice had come.

"You don't have to see him if you don't want to." she sounded a bit hopeful.

"I do want to see him." I spoke the words slowly as I watched her reaction. It was silent for a few odd seconds.

"Okay if that's what you want."

I just nodded at her. "But you never mentioned the details as in, when he was released."

"I didn't want to stress you out since your final exams were coming up and your graduation ceremony. It was just too much to handle. I'm sorry for not telling you right away, I should have."

Better late than never. "It's okay. So where is he?"

"He's outside," she was frowning just a tad bit. "I should warn you, he's still being watched with special care. So he's only allowed to congratulate you for a few minutes."

Still being watched? "Exactly how long is a few minutes?"

"About ten." she choked it out. My eyes widened. Ten minutes to see my father?

Sighing, I stood up and began to walk back to the direction we came from. Right when I took a step where the gym doors were, to my luck, someone pushed it open hitting me on the head and like the clumsy person I am, I fell back onto the floor.

"Oh my gosh!" Alice was screaming in worry. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!"

Laughing it off, I got up and looked at her. "Alice I'm fine."

"The poor dress!" Of all things, Alice cared about my dress. I could have had a head concussion and she would care about my freaking dress. She took her hand and began dusting it off. "Aw you poor thing!" she pouted.

"Alice the dress is fine. Relax!" Rose laughed beside her.

Renee cleared her throat and looked me in the eye. Her eyes darted from me to the front doors. I nodded at her slightly as she excused herself.

"So what are you guys doing here?" I asked as soon as Renee had gone back into the gymnasium.

"We were looking for you. Esme wants a group shot of the 'supercrew' and we couldn't take it without the one and only." Alice and Rose gestured their hands towards me.

"Can we take it later? Something just-"

"No!" Alice cut me off before I could finish. "We have to take it now! Your makeup looks like it's about the smudge so we have to take it fast." she and Rose were literally dragging me back into the place. I sighed, giving up. I hoped Charlie was patient.

"Where did you go my love?" Edward's cold hands immediately wrapped around my torso. He kissed the top of my head.

"Renee had to speak with me about something."

"Are you ready for our photo shoot?" he said, amused. One of the many things about Edward that I loved was that he knew not to question anything further when I didn't want him to. I didn't have to say, 'I don't want to talk about'. He would immediately catch on and change the subject.

He'd probably ask about it later on though.

Except, I'm not too sure this was something I could tell Edward. About meeting Charlie, I mean. Edward despised my father with a passion, he told me. And I feared if Edward found out Charlie was here, it would lead to something horrible. Something I would hopefully prevent from happening.

I don't even know why Edward hated him. He never met him. But he once told me it was because I didn't deserve the lifestyle I lived through back then. I had to beg him to forget about it but knowing Edward, he wouldn't.

"Smile!" I found myself leaning my head against Edward's chest with my back facing him and smiling my best at the camera Esme held. Jasper, Alice, Emmett, Rose and Christine were in the shot too.

We posed for a few more shots until finally, Alice had enough. She dragged Jasper to the refreshments table. Emmett was already there, of course.

"Congrats Bells!" Jacob came over and embraced me into his arms, squeezing me a bit too much.

"Jake! Can't... breathe!" I managed to get out. Edward appeared behind him. I didn't appreciate the glares he was shooting him. I gave him a warning look.

Jake was one of my best friends and I told Edward he didn't have to accept that but, at least be a bit nicer when he was around. But no. Edward didn't want to listen to Bella because apparently Bella was absurd.

I just accused him of being jealous.

"Right." he let go of me and fixed his black dress shirt. "Sorry."

"It's okay. Congrats to you too!" I kissed his cheek. This drove Edward insane but he didn't do anything. Yet.

"Thanks." Jake smiled widely. "Billy wants to know if he can get a picture of us. He's been doing this to everyone."

Billy. Charlie's former best friend.

"Er, sure I guess."

"Great," the familiar voice said. "Because I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Hey there old man," Jake patted his dad on the shoulder. "Be nice will yeah?"

"You two have been best friends since you were in diapers!" Billy exclaimed. No not really, I wanted to tell him.

Edward stood silent and I automatically felt bad for keeping him waiting. Especially Charlie.

"Well then, let's give Billy another photo to add to our collection." Jake stood beside me and surprisingly wrapped his arms around me. Not one arm, but two. As if he were hugging me from the side. I smiled widely and posed until the flash went off.

"Thanks for the picture Bells. I gotta find Leah. Are you going to the after party?"

"No, we're doing something else. But I'll see you later okay?" I hugged him once more before he left with Billy.

I approached a fierce looking Edward. I felt myself shake from laughter. Edward's hard green eyes looked down at me.

"I hope that look isn't directed to me." I joked or tried to anyway. Edward didn't smile.

"Aw, don't be like that." I pouted and pinched his cheeks. "Did the green eyed monster take over Eddie again?" I said in a cooing tone.

This time his expression composed into a much better one but his eyebrow remained lifted.

"Are you angry?"

"Of course not." he told me. I didn't buy it.

"It was just a hug Edward." he didn't respond. "And that kiss on the cheek meant nothing!"

"Oh, really?" he half smiled.

I nodded. "I only like kisses coming from my boyfriend." Cheesy, I know.

"And who might he be?" he was smiling his dazzling crooked smile.

I reached up on my tippy toes- even with heels I was shorted than Edward- and crashed his lips to mine.

When we pulled away I smiled at him. "The one I just kissed."

He ruffled my hair. "You know Alice is going to kill you?"

"So then be it." he shrugged.

I gasped. "No! Because then, you'll be gone. And I'll be very, very sad."

He took my hand in his and rubbed it with his thumb. "I won't ever leave you."


"With all my heart." He sealed the promise with one quick kiss on the lips and a tight hug.

"Bella?" It was Taylor.


"Mom's looking for you, she's outside." With the look on her face I knew Renee wasn't the only one waiting for me. I gave her a quick nodd.

"I'll be back." I told Edward.

"I'll be waiting." And with that, I exited the building with nervousness taking over me.

Renee wasn't joking when she mentioned Charlie was being watching with "special care". When I came out of the school building, two cruisers were parked on the parking lot followed by a black car with tinted windows.

When the officers saw me approaching them, they quickly scrambled themselves to the black car. When they opened the door, Charlie came out.

He still looked the same. Pale, black hair and that insane moustache I always hated. His brown eyes were filled with something other than anger and dark skies like I've last seen them. They were more appreciative to look at.

"Bella." his voice was still the same too.

"Hello." I said a bit shyly. How were you suppose to act when you see your father for the first time in years?

I wasn't going to act like nothing happened and just move on.

It was an awkward moment with the cops standing right there keeping careful eyes on Charlie. It wasn't like he was going to pull out a gun.

"Been a long time." He smiled. I nodded in agreement. "You look great." He complimented.


"I just want to apologize. I'm not here to hurt you again." he was taking precautions. I only stared at the ground.

"Look, what's happened in the past is long gone by now. I don't really feel comfortable speaking about it again." I was being honest with him.

"I understand. I just want you to know, I never intended to hurt you," but he did. "And I can't make up for all the hurt I caused you, I know, but I just want to make sure you know how sorry I am that I put you threw that. And if you don't want to forgive me, by all means."

I reminded him again about how sensitive I was to the situation and he didn't mention it again. We continued to talk, well it was mostly me talking, about our lives and events occuring.
All too soon, his time as up and he had to leave. I asked one of the officers if I could see him again and they told me they'd contact my mom in a week after everything's been dealt with. I thanked him and said goodbye to Charlie, this time giving him a goodbye hug.

For once, I felt safe around him.

"Give that back!" I was giggling constantly as I chased Edward around my bedroom. He was holding one of the many photo albums grandma Marie sent over just recently as my graduation present.

"My Bella, what is in this album that makes you so desperate for it back?" Edward held up the album above his head so I couldn't reach.

I crossed my arms and jutted out my bottom lip into a pout. "Edward give it back, please!"

There were photos of my childhood I did not want Edward to see. Not that they were horrible but very embarrassing. Sharing your childhood memories with your boyfriend wasn't exactly something I liked to do.

"Why?" he was so amused about this. "I want to see what my Bella looked like when she was young."

"I look the same Edward. Please give it back." He merely shook his head and dashed out of my bedroom with the album still in his hand. I puffed loudly before thinking of an idea.

I stared back at my door to see if he had came back but no luck. I then ran to my window, opened it and climbed out onto the big large tree in between my house and Edward's.

The tree was a great source of transportation from my bedroom to Edward's or vice verse. Though Edward used it more than I did. He snuck into my bedroom every night and stayed until I fell asleep. Sometimes when I woke up, I'd wake up with an angel beside me. I still couldn't help but wonder how on earth such a sweet, caring boy- or man, now- like Edward ended up in my life.

When I got into his room- which didn't take me too much time. I practiced every now and then so tree climbing skills was on my list of things I could actually do without being accident prone- I immediately climbed through his window and met Esme in the kitchen.

"Hello Bella, decided to use the window today?" Esme was preparing dinner for later on tonight. I joined her when she double checked the stove and sat down.

I nodded. Esme and Renee were great friends and always talked about things behind our backs. I was grateful Esme didn't say a word to Renee when she found out about our tree transpotation. That would mean I would have to suffer an hour long lecture from Renee about boys. Typical mothers.

"How are you?" she asked me.

"Great, I have a favour to ask."

"Anything, dear."

"Where's Edward's photo albums?" I grinned.

"They're in our room, in that wooden drawer by the television set. Help yourself." Then she went back to the stove and began stirring the ingredients to one of her amazing meals.

I thanked her and raced up the stairs. Once I got in I found the album right away and began flipping through the pages.

The first picture I saw was a group photo. I immediately recognized Edward. He was still beautiful and still had his messy bronze hair he never combs. I found myself smiling like an idiot as I flipped through the book. I even stole a few cute photos.

If Edward wanted to be like that, so was I.

I was soon laughing hysterically at a photo of Emmett and Edward with their arms crossed over their chests with frowns. Emmett was dressed in a mahogany number and Edward wore a hot pink bubble dress. Alice was in the shot too smiling widely and proudly. I assumed this was when Alice didn't invent 'Bella Barbie' and used Emmett and Edward as her own real life ones.

I quickly took out the photo, not having a good look at it when I heard Edward's voice coming from the stairs.

"Where's Bella?" he was asking. I shoved the photo into my back pocket and placed the album back to the place I had took it from.

"Hello Edward!" I ran down the stairs and went into his arms as soon as I saw him.

"Hello yourself," he smiled. "I'm sorry I invaded your photo album." he kissed my hair.

"That's okay because I stole a peak of yours too." I admitted to him.

He groaned. "You didn't!"

"Mhm, of course I did."

"It's okay," he told me. "All is fair in love and war." Sometimes I didn't understand the phrases he always used. I just nodded at him pretending I had a clue.

"Are you kids still going to the beach?" Carlisle walked into the living room.

"If we don't, Alice would murder us." I groaned. Instead of going to the grad dance, Alice made plans to hang around at the beach. She was going on about tonight being the actual, real, last, get together before the summer and college.

We were all going to different college's but in pairs. Edward and I were going to Dartmouth for a year. Emmett and Rose were going to Yale, and Alice found a good college with a great designer course so she was going there as well as Jasper though I'm not sure what he was going to there for. Christine was going to the same college as Jacob.

"That would be correct," Carlisle laughed. "Have fun."

"We will, thank you Carlisle." Edward nodded at him and wrapped his arm around my waist leading me out the front door.

"No tree today?"

"I don't think that's necessary. Alice had us meet her at the car." he told me.

And she was, all packed and ready to go.

The light breeze brushed against my bare skin. The sound of the dark waves crashing against the rocks above us were the only things I can hear except the humming coming from Edward to my ear.

I looked up at the sky; the sun was just setting, it wasn't dark and it wasn't bright either. The mixture of purple, pink, blue, orange and yellow set a nice contrast to the ocean. The reflection of the sunset was bright and glowing off the water below us.

"It's so beautiful." I said in a whisper.

"Yes you are." I could picture him smiling. I rested my head back down onto his stone chest and took his hands, wrapping them around my waist. I sat in between his legs on top of a large stone cliff.

"I wasn't talk about me," I rolled my eyes. "I was commenting on the view in front of us."

"The only view I see is you," he told me. "And I was commenting on how beautiful you are."

"I know that." I sighed. He always made comments like this.

"It's Twilight," he murmured into my ear.

"Your favourite time of day." I continued for him. I don't know why Edward always loved to take me out at night just to see the ambiant mood of the light in the sky when twilight occured.

He might as well take a picture for me, it'll last much longer.

He once told me it was the ending of a perfect day and the start of a new one. And something about it being the most romantic time of the day with the contrast and everything. I didn't see what the big deal was.

"Bella?" he gave my hand a little squeeze.

"Mhm?" I had my eyes closed feeling the warm breeze brush against me and listening to the rhythmic sounds of the waves.

"Will you come with me? I have a surprise for you."

"Edward you know I don't like surprises." I protested. He only chuckled.

"You'll like this one!" Alice yelled from a distance. I had no idea how she could hear this conversation.

"Alice, leave the love bugs alone!" Emmett shouted at her. She stuck her tongue out at Emmett and blew a raspberry. I saw Jasper roll his eyes and Rosalie laughed when Emmett mimicked Alice.

"Sh, guys!" Christine hissed. "This is getting good!"

"You're right Teenie," Emmett high fived her. "Someone get the popcorn!"

"And drinks!" Rose added. "Don't forget drinks."

"What about ice cream? Ice cream is good!" Alice giggled.

"Or how about some privacy?" I shot Jasper a thankful look.

"Imbeciles," Edward muttered. I coughed out a giggle. "Will you accompany me?" he asked again.

"Fine but, I won't promise not to say anything." he got up first and then lifted me off the ground, swinging me onto his back. "Edward, I can walk!"

"Don't get that dress dirty you two!" Alice shouted. I assumed they were staying back.

"Stop being so stubborn Bella."

I rolled my eyes but not in the irritating way and rested my head on the back of his neck, waiting for him to stop at our destination.

A few minutes later, not knowing where we were, Edward spoke for the first time. "Bella, do you trust me?"


"Then will you close your eyes?"


"Thank you." he kissed my hand that wrapped around his neck.

It sent chills down my spine. The wind picked up and I could feel the back of my dress lifting up. I didn't have anything under but my undergarmets.

"Edward, my dress is flying up!" I could feel my two feet on the sand again.

"Keep your eyes closed," he reminded me and took my hand. "I'll lead the way."

"I hope you're not going to make me bump into something."

He half laughed. "Bella, would I let anything hurt you?"

"Maybe, you never know."

"You are so absurd." his lips made contact with my forehead.

"Are we there yet?" I whined after a few long minutes.

"Almost." he responded for the billionth time.

I was growing impatient.

This is why I hated surprises.

"Go on." Edward encouraged me. We were seated in a swan type of canoe boat. Edward volunteered to paddle since I was not talented in doing whatsoever.

"What if I fall?"

"I'll be there to catch you Bella, always." he sealed the deal with a crooked smile since he couldn't get up to do what he wanted.

"I'm kind of scared." I whispered and looked at the front of the boat. Worry creases filled my forehead.

"Bella, I promise, nothing will happen to you." Even with Edward's words of encouragement didn't help me put on a brave face.

"I'm not too sure..." I bit my bottom lip. Edward sighed.

"I'll be there in a second. Just stand up and relax. Trust is all it takes."

Stupid me wanted to re-act that scene in Titanic. Well, not exactly re-act it but I just wanted to know what it felt like, standing at the edge of the boat with your hands out like a bird and feeling the breeze rush past against you.

They make it seem so easy.

I closed my eyes shut telling myself how stupid I could be sometimes. You can do this Bella. I told myself over and over again.

"Breathe Bella."

I nodded and stood up on the boat gently and carefull so we wouldn't tip over. I felt my legs taking me one baby step at a time to the front of the boat. I walked over one foot before the other and looked down until Edward told me to have confidence and look up because looking down will always make me worry more. Then he told me I had nothing to worry about, I had a life jacket.

"And you have me." he ended his little rant.

And before I knew it, I was standing with my own two feet at the edge of the boat, hands out with my hair flying everywhere as well as my dress.

Then two cold hands wrapped around my waist. I gasped a little, worried about the boat tipping over but with Edward here, nothing else mattered.

"I told you, you could do it."

"You always say I can do anything."

"Because I have confidence in you Bella." he kissed the crook of my neck. If I hadn't been on the boat, I would have jumped him right about now.

"I wish that were easier being done than said." I sighed into his arms, resting my head against his chest once again.

He decided to change the subject because knowing me, I would turn this into an argument. "So have you thought about where you'd like to go during the summer?"

"Wherever you are, is where I want to be." I told him for about the billionth time.

"But I want you to chose, after all, this is my present to you."

"You've showered me with enough presents and surprises. A little too much for my likings, I should add."

"Well I hope you enjoy disappointment because I have another one for you." When he removed his hands from my waist, I turned around to protest. But instead, I couldn't find my voice.

He was down on one knee.

"Edward..." I breathed when he pulled out a small velvet box and flipped it open. He took out the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen.

"Isabella Swan?" he cleared his throat. His emerald orbs concentrated on my moistured brown eyes. "Since the day I first met you-"

"Edward?" I laughed. "Can we skip the boring parts please?"

"A little eager are we?" he teased. I nodded my head. I was eager.

"You have my heart, and I hope to have yours. I promise to love you with all my being everyday of forever. Will you do the honor of becoming my wife?" his eyes never left mine. I was in tears by now.

"Yes." but my voice was just a whisper. "Yes!" I was laughing as I jumped onto him and found his lips. All too soon, we were split apart when the boat tipped over. The both of us fell into the cold water. But we didn't care. Edward looked at me before pulling me closer to him.

"So where were we?" he grinned.

"Oh my gosh!" Esme, Renee, Rose, Alice, Christine and Taylor huddled around me each taking a peak at the ring that shouted the promise of becoming Edward's wife one day.

"It's so gorgeous!" Rose squealed.

"My, that looks quite expensive." Renee whispered but loud enough for all of us to hear.

"Oh Renee, don't you worry a thing about the cost." Esme laughed. "It belonged to me, which once belonged to my mother."

"It's so pretty!" Taylor cooed.

"Bella?" Alice asked with too much excitement. I feared her next words. "Do you know what this means?"

"No, what?"

"A bachlorette party! Ah!" she, Rose, Taylor and Christine squealed at the same time. I rolled my eyes at them. Esme and Renee gave me a look and then they left, knowing this was going to get out of hand.

"And we get to plan the wedding! Oh my gosh! This is so exciting!" Alice began ranting about the decorations and I tuned her out as soon as she mentioned being the wedding planner.

I looked down at the gold ring and smiled to myself. One day, I would officially belong to Edward.

We agreed that once we were done college, we would set the date of the wedding but we would find an apartment near the school and share it with each other. It sounded like an excellent plan to me.

"... so can I Bella? Can I?" Alice's large eyes popped in front of me.

"Uh, sure but I have to go. I'll talk to you guys later." I got up from my seat on the sofa and dashed out of the room as fast as I could to find Edward.

He was no doubt in the kitchen with Emmett and Jasper finishing the left overs.

"How was it in there?" I wrapped my arms around him into a hug.

"Terrible!" I buried my face in his chest. I felt the vibration as he laughed.

"It won't be so bad."

"Can't we just go to Vegas and do a quick, five minute wedding?"

Emmett laughed. "With Alice as your best friend, I don't think that's going to happen."

"She can be a bit uncontrollable at times." Jasper laughed.

"A bit?"

"Okay well, a lot."

"Are you tired?" Edward whispered into my ear. I looked at the oven clock. It was a little past midnight.

"Not really." I lied. He caught me.

"Come on little coward," he ruffled my hair. "Time for you to go to bed."

"She's not five Edward." Jasper reminded him.

"Hey Bella, remember when you told me you'd kiss me when pigs fly?"

I looked back at Emmett with horrified eyes. "I believe I said that but, pigs don't fly Emmett."

"Oh yeah?" he smirked. "Look out the window!"

I ran to the counter and took a peak out the window. And there was the pig with wings. "What the? How? What? When?"

Emmett burst out in laughter and then made a kissy face. "Come on Bella, you know you want to!"

"Edward!" I shouted for help when Emmett started to chase me. "Edward help me! Don't stand around!"

Edward and Jasper were leaning on the counter watching the little show, laughing, I should add.

"Come here Bella!" Emmett was making kissing noises behind me. "Don't be shy!" And then he tackled me to the ground.

"No!" I pushed him off- or tried to. "Get off Emmett!" I was half shouting and half laughing. He found it too amusing.

Before I had time to plan a getaway, his lips met my cheek as he laid a wet, sloppy kiss. Once he backed away and helped me up I wiped off the saliva with Edward's shirt that I wore.

"Ew! Gross! You're like some kind of dog!"

"Woof, woof!" Emmett winked and then jogged up the stairs. "By the way, Alice and Rose are the masterminds behind that pig! It's fake! Ha-ha, gotcha!"

I continued wiping off the drool. At least it wasn't a lip to lip kind of kiss. I shuddered at the thought. I suddenly felt bad for Rose.

"Bella?" At that moment I looked back at Edward who had a small smile on his face.

"Hide!" I hissed at him in a whisper but it was too late. Renee had walked in.

"Well, well, well. What have we got here?" Renee had one hand at her hip and one eyebrow was raised.

"Uh, hey mom!" I sang.

"Good... night Mrs. Dwyer." Edward struggled for the right words for the first time.

"Nice to see you too Edward, here, in Bella's bedroom after hours." she stressed out her sentence which made me burry my head into my hands.

"I was just leaving." Edward mumbled shyly. This was the first time Renee ever caught us.

"I suspect you were Edward. It was nice to see you. Have a good night." she smiled ever so warmly at him as he nodded at her and pulled me in for a passionate kiss goodnight. Then he winked at me before he climbed out the window, telling me he'd be back when she was asleep.

"I should have known." Renee was shaking her head as she locked my window and threw the curtain over.

"Mom you can't just walk into my room like that!"

"Excuse me?" her tone was playful like mine had been. "My house, my rules. I can go wherever I want to."

"But at least knock!"

"Sweetie, I know you and Edward love each other very much but, we have got to cut down that tree."

"No!" I shouted. "Mom! You can't do that!"

"Alright, alright, I won't. It's just... you and Edward are very serious now with being engaged and sometimes things can happen when you're alone with a boy in a bedroom..."

I groaned and shoved my hands into my face again. My cheeks were overheated of embarrassment. "Mom! Can we not talk about this?"

"Bella, I am just saying, you need to be careful-"

"Mom, stop!" I covered both my ears. I was laughing a bit. I knew she wasn't being strictly serious. "Gah, just stop!"

"Don't worry Renee!" Emmett's booming voice was loud enough to hear from the closed window. "I got your back! I'll make sure Edward and Bella don't do the deed, again, until after they are married!"

"Emmett!" I heard Edward yell.

"What does he mean by 'again'?" Renee gave me a questioning look. I was sure to be blushing a new shade of red.

"We never did it!" I yelled out in honesty.

"It's okay Bella! I won't tell Renee about that night at our house in Edward's bedroom with Edward. Not to mention the clothes scattered all over the house when we came home and the few ripped up pillows!" Emmett was laughing and I could hear Edward cussing at him.

Renee looked at me with a serious look. There we no hint of wanting to smile.

"He's lying!" I tried to convince her. "He's just being Emmett! Really mom! He is! He's lying!"

She didn't respond. "Mom! I'm serious!"

Then she cracked a smile. "Are you being safe?" she asked me.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the window, opening it.

"Thanks a lot Emmett!"

"Love you too Bellarina!"

"Edward, will you slap him for me?" I asked.

"Thought you'd never ask." And with that, Emmett fell to the ground.

"Love you!" I shouted from across his window.

"More than you know. Goodnight, love."

I left the window open for when Edward would sneak in later on at night and faced an amused looking Renee.

"What?" I asked her.


"Well what?"

"You didn't answer my question, are you being safe?"

Here we go again...

Leave it up for Emmett to ruin everything.

So did you like your present :D ?
This is just a surprise chapter, an epilogue if you want to call it.
Hope you enjoyed it (:

Many of you are asking about sequels, we mentioned it in our authors note about not writing a sequal
but we have put it to consideration that we may write a short one.
So, after we finish "Moonless Nights", we might come back to this story for a sequal. But anyways,

Merry Christmas everyone, we wish you all the best and a happy new year!
