This is my first fanfic to be posted and I know it's just an Abelcentric drabble but I think it turned out quite well and I hope you like it too And I'd love reviews, 'kay?

Disclaimer: Simply: Don't own Trinity Blood (T-T) nor the song (not even the translations)

The stars... are raining down. They turn the night to a violent day, crushing the humans', the Terrans' world, like the wrath of their God descending upon them from the heavens.

I stand on a dark hill, watching the city lights flickering. The stars fall onto the dying streets, the sky weeping tears of fire. On my command. He came up with the ideal, he spoke of a new world after the necessary purge. Igne Natura Renovatur Integra. And I acted on it. They imprisoned us, guarded us, treated us like monsters and test subjects. Now it's their turn. So I thought.

This is my war, I fight, not remembering how to stop. My punishment and sin, as I merely move it upon others. I am silently calling for your help, why can't I see the truth? I am lost in fire and ruins.

The last star has fallen to dim silence. I wander the world with you, alone. You are so beautiful, so cold, my love, the sufferer of my greatest sin.

My tears ran dry ages ago. Rendered by the loss, I am, the numb one feeling pain. Revenge is such an empty feeling.

I go to them, to those who suffered. Those who I made suffer like you, the children of Earth. They don't know, cannot comprehend. Praying to their God, calling us angels. Divining you.

They know me. I brought the streams of fire and made the stars rain down, I brought destruction and fear and armageddon. Few knows the name, even fewer care. Just the black angel of destruction. That I am to them.

You are enclosed in crystal deep in the heart of Mother Earth. I wish to stay, linger with you until time itself dies. You don't wish that, you don't want me to run away.

I swear. Your death I carry on my shoulders, no more will I kill. If you allow I'll be your hand, to keep your ideals alive. To atone for my sins I'll protect them. Your chosen people, the children of sun. A black angel to guard and protect them for all eternity until I have atoned. Until God, you an myself are able to forgive.

But first, let me stay here by your side just a bit longer... Lilith.

Why is it that like the wind and the clouds

I float up to the sky?

I don't have wings. Why?

Like the stars and the moon, everything is engulfed

and sinks into the night.

I don't have wings.

translated from 'Dress' by Buck-Tick