I do not own The Covenant or anything related to it. But on a brighter note, I do own anyone you don't recognize.

"Name, please," the secretary asked monotonously.

"Lillian Jane Logan." I said with almost no patience. What am I doing here? Why Spenser Academy? What's so special about this place again?

"…Room 528. Aren't you lucky? No roommate. Here are your key and the spare." the older woman said smiling. I started walking away with my bags when a girl walked over and started talking to me.

"Hi! Sorry, I overheard your room number, your right next to me and my roomie Sarah. I'm Kate Tunney, by the way," said a slender girl with mocha skin and long, crow black hair. She smiled and grabbed two of my bags and started walking, I stared at her in wonder. Then picked up my other bags and walked after her as fast as my legs would carry me. As I quickly kept in stride with her, I thought I should probably tell her my name.

"Uh, I'm Lillian by the way." I said.

"I like your name. Lillian. But now since I'm taking you under my wing, I'm renaming you in a way." She smiled triumphantly. I could tell she was deep in thought, while we were talking, like she was trying to find something that would just fit. She tried L.J., because of my middle name, Jane. I frowned at that one immensely. It sounded like a guy's name! A few minutes later we arrived at our rooms when she shouted it out.

"I got it! I christen thee Elle!" What? All that time and she thought of Elle? Immediately, I thought of that one movie with the blonde chick that went to Harvard law, and graduated top of her class.

"I like it, kind of Legally Blonde, but thank goodness I'm a brunette!" I laughed and she laughed with me as I opened the door to my new life. It was plain and a little bit roomy, but definitely plain. I liked it. We started opening boxes and talking, but when I looked up and Kate was gone. Perfect just perfect, I thought to myself, Just when I think things are getting normal. Then I heard footsteps at my side, it was Kate with another girl. This girl was extremely beautiful but in a low-key way. I don't mean that she's ugly or anything, she just didn't cake on the make-up like every other Barbie bimbo I knew. She was blonde but not bleach blonde. Think more surfer chic. She had blue eyes and was around 5'5", give or take an inch.

"Elle I'd like you to meet my roommate, Sarah Wenham. She just transferred here a few days ago, and I thought she could help us unpack your things," the tall girl said.

"Oh you guys don't have to, I can-"

Kate snorted." No way! We want to help. Besides, with 3 pairs of hands we can get to the Dell's earlier. Anyway, Sarah's a saint. Right, Sarah?"

She laughed, "Yeah, I am. Now you don't seem to have much more to unpack. Let's get started."

An hour and half later my room was all set up. My bed was made up with my favorite striped and polka dotted sheets. Walls adorned with the scenic pictures I loved to take and my clothes were all tucked into the different drawers. The school uniform was hanging on the bathroom door. It wasn't ugly but it sure as hell wasn't pretty. We all flopped on to my bed and sighed, then started giggling like schoolgirls. Then Sarah stood up and started looking at the pictures, she stopped in front of one I'd forgotten I'd packed.

"Who's that?" She asked looking at me, then turning back to the picture. Kate got up and looked too.

"He's really cute, is he your boyfriend? Is he gonna drive up here from Pennsylvania?"

"No." I said and started picking at imaginary lint on the bed.

"Why not? Did you guys get in a fight?"

"I wish but uh…no he um… he passed away." I said trying to keep my emotions in check. "So what about that thing you were talking about earlier, Kate. The Bell's or something like that?"

"Are you sure you want to go? I mean I can stay here and we can talk, if Sarah wants to go then we can all go and I'll sit in the car with you and just chill?"

Sarah jumped in quickly, "No we can stay and talk I can wait for another party to come around, I have a feeling that Ipswich isn't quite that boring." She made an attempt to joke. I giggled. Sarah and Kate smiled.

"You guys just met me and you're already acting like my best friends, I can't make you guys miss this party. Let's get ready to have some fun!"

I grabbed a pair of light grey skinny jeans, a three-quarters length sleeve pink striped shirt along with my phone and key.

"Ready when you guys are." I said as I followed them into their room.

It was exactly like my room except for it was slightly bigger and was decorated with a slight Cape Cod cottage feel. We all took turns changing in the bathroom and putting on make-up. For me that wasn't much, just a little bit of mascara and winged eyeliner and I was good. Kate stepped out of the restroom wearing a black v-neck shirt and low rise dark denim jeans with cute flats. Her make-up was flawless. Brown-black eyeliner lined her lower lids and her lip gloss was applied so perfectly it looked as if one could ski down her lips. Clearly this girl knew how to use her supplies. Sarah came out wearing a blue baby doll top with a jean miniskirt and flats as well. Her hair was curled to beach wave perfection. They grabbed their things and we started towards Sarah's Blue VW Beetle.

"Let's rock it ladies!" I said as we drove to the beach.