-Alternative Ending-

I forgot the disclaimer in the first chapter so here it is: Don't own, Don't Sue!

Sunlight filtered through the cheap motel curtains, waking the occupants of the bed. Sam lay there a moment smiling before he saw the clock, 7am. He bolted upright frantic.

"Something the matter Sammy?" Sam couldn't stop the shock and surprise from showing on his face.

"Dean, why aren't you," he swallowed hard, "dead?"

"Sorry to disappoint you baby boy, but you're stuck with me." Dean smiled a real smile, not the empty; hallow one he'd been using for the last few months. Sam threw off the sheets and bounded over to Dean but he hesitated a step away from him.

"You're really here?" He asked.

"I'm here Sammy." Dean whispered, Sam hesitated no more he collapsed onto Dean's lap and cried into his clothed chest.

"How?" Sam demanded through the tears.

"Ruby." Dean answered. "She saved me." Sam looked into Dean's eyes.

"What happened?" He demanded.

"After you fell asleep I got dressed and went to those woods over there," Sam eyes fallowed in the direction Dean pointed. "I wanted to be sure that the hellhounds wouldn't go after you too since Lilith wants your intestines on a platter." Sam shivered at the reminder. "In the woods I met Ruby, she made a deal with Lilith, to save me and get the Colt back." Dean stopped and met Sam's eyes. "She bargained the remainder of her humanity, to serve Lilith, Sam. As much as I hate that lying bitch, she saved me." Dean didn't speak for a moment before handing Sam a piece of folded paper. "She wanted me to give this to you." Sam slowly unfolded the page and read the word in Ruby's clear handwriting.


I found a way to save Dean for you. I know you can't continue you mission without him, so I'm going to give Lilith my loyalty to save him. In return I want you to kill Lilith, and me. Free me Sam. I've gotten the Colt back as well, don't lose it this time or I will fucking kill you Sam Winchester.


Sam felt choked with emotion. To go that far to protect him, to save Dean. He suddenly felt the guilt weighing down upon him. He'd called her the "queen of lying skanks" when she told him she couldn't save Dean. She found away, sold what she had left of her humanity.

"We will kill Lilith, Dean" Sam told him. "We owe her that much." Dean nodded in agreement. They were quiet a moment before Dean broke the silence.



"As much as I love your body, go take a shower dude, you reek." Dean pinched his nose to prove his point.

"On one condition," Sam began hiding his smile from the suspicious Dean. "You take it with me."

"Sam-" Dean began to protest.

"Dean I'm afraid. If I leave you alone, I'm afraid you'll disappear." Sam gave Dean the puppy dog eyes and Dean caved.

"You, my Sammy, are a vicious monster." Dean teased as the headed for the shower. They were together at last.


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