OK! I'm starting to get a little tired of people reviewing this and saying "Where's Kyrie, Where's Kyrie?" SHE'S NOT IN HERE!! OK?! Sheesh. They do this alot. Come on, they've broken up true love couples too many times for this to be the biggest problem EVER! Good lord people. Anywho, there's my rant for today. Short, sweet and to the point. Please enjoy.
Disclaimer-DMCINM (Devil May Cry Is Not Mine)
The light at the back of the general store blinked every now and again, nothing really special, just annoying. The store clerk was sitting, actually leaning against the wall, his feet up on the counter. It was too early in the morning to expect a customer, but the door opened anyway. A tall figure entered the store, his body covered in a pitch black trench coat that reached his feet, and a large hat over his head, shielding his eyes.
The figure seemed to slide across the floor as he scanned the aisles. He stayed near the back of the store, not that the clerk seemed to pay any attention. The door opened again, and a young lady walked inside. She didn't look to be much older then the clerk. She walked towards the back of the store, the tall figure watching her. She grabbed a bottle of water and then scanned the snack aisles.
The tall figure moved suddenly, its trench coat opening to reveal no legs, but two claw hands, both with glowing red fingers. He turned into a demon, and the girl was its target. The girl screamed and started to run to the front of the store, where the clerk finally glanced up at what was happening. His white hair glistened in the light.
"Well it's about time I get some action in here," He smirked, and moved his feet, rocking the chair forward. He grabbed the counter and flipped over it, one hand was still in his jacket. He reached into his coat and pulled out a large, double barreled revolver, "Get down!" He yelled at the girl. She dived, sliding almost to the man's feet. The demon stopped, glaring down the barrels of the gun.
"So, A demon in a general store, you guys really are getting low." The man said. The demon clicked his fingers together, and then slashed at the man. The gun erupted, two projectiles tearing through the demons arm. That didn't stop the arm, but it wasn't going for the man, it was going for the girl.
Again, the girl screamed and covered her face, not ready for the strike. After a few seconds, she moved her arms to see what had happened. The man stood over her, looking as though he took the blow. She moved to see what had happened, and was frightened at the sight.
The man's right hand was armored red, with blue glowing skin. It wasn't a humans hand, it was a demonic hand. However, it had stopped the demon's claw, "You demons think you've got it easy, but that's where I come in, to prove you wrong." The man pushed his glowing hand forward, and another hand came out, almost a projection of his demon hand, and slammed the demon against the wall.
The man put away his revolver, and reached over onto one of the shelves, pulling out a giant sword out from under the chips. He pulled his hand back, ripping away the dark cloak that covered the demon. Its true form revealed, the demon scuttled towards the exit, only to be cleaved in two as soon as the man jumped on top of it. The man slid the sword onto the back of his coat where it held, then walked over to the girl.
"You ok?" He asked, extending his human hand to her. She took it lightly, then he helped her up, looking around, "Well that was interesting."
"W..who are you?!" the girl was able to mutter.
"Me? I'm just a store clerk."
"Who are you really?!"
"Nero's my name, and I hunt demons for a living."