Author's Note: Srry for the late update, I know it's been awhile. Major writer's block along with being busy with school and work. Hopefully I'll have the next chapter up sometime in the next two weeks. If you LIKE the chapter don't forget to review. Please no flame. Catch ya on the flipside.

Time passed and things started to return to normal, somewhat. Tommy "secretly" moved to Reefside with help from his fellow rangers and got a fully functional Command Center built in his basement, thanks to Billy and Haley along with other technical savvy rangers. Haley graduated from MIT and moved back in with Kim, opening Haley's Cyberspace shortly after. It was a place where High School students could relax and hangout, much like Angel Grove's Gym and Juice Bar, but without the gym and with computers so kids could do homework or play games or check email and surf the web. Billy, Aisha and Zach visited often along with some of the other originals to help Kim deal with "Tommy's death." Kim quit coaching much to the surprise of everyone saying it wasn't the same without Tommy, and decided to help Haley with the café. She became like a silent partner dealing with all the paperwork, the behind the scenes stuff only dealing with costumers when it was needed, while Haley spent most of the time around the kids taking orders and socializing. In the time that the Business was being planned and opened, Haley wasn't around much, she was helping Tommy build the CC, Kim thought nothing of it, she was busy designing what the place would look like and overseeing the construction to really notice. She knew what it took to start and run a business; she figured Haley was dealing with the technical aspect of it.

The start of the new school year was coming up, it would start in a few days and Haley's Cyberspace was buzzing with kids excited for the new school year but not wanting summer to end. Haley was up front behind the bar drying glasses and cups when Tommy walked in.

"Hey Haley"

"What are you doing here? Kim is in the back checking stock and could come out any minute."

"I know I'm sorry. It's just that I needed to check on her and make sure she was okay. I have a feeling that whatever is gonna happen is gonna happen soon."

"Are you sure? I mean nothing has happened so far and I know I haven't been around this stuff before but don't you think that if something were to happen it would have happened already?"

"I am sure and no if-" before Tommy could continue the backroom door opened. Tommy quickly stood up and grabbed the newspaper that was sitting next to him on the counter and walked to the corner of the room where he knew he would be out of sight of Kim, but could still see her and keep an eye on her hiding himself with the newspaper by placing it in front of his face making it look like he was reading it. Kim came out of the back room back first having had pushed the door open with her back carrying a container of glasses.

"Here Hales, this is the last of the glasses." Kim said putting the container on the counter and looked around the room having a feeling like she was being watched.

"Kim, are you okay?" Haley asked seeing Kim look around the room guarded. "Heeelllloooo, Kiiimmmbeeerrrrlllllyyyy," she said waving her hand in front of her friends face taking a quick glance in Tommy's general direction.

"Huh, what?" she replies as she turns her attention back to Haley. "I'm fine." She states as she starts taking the glasses out of the container avoiding Haley's pointed look. "Okay, I just, I have this feeling like I'm being watched or followed. I feel Tommy's presence around me but I know it's stupid cause he's dead, I don't know, I feel like I'm going crazy. I mean the other day when I was at the store and I had this sense of someone watching me, I don't know it was weird, I look up and I thought I saw Tommy, I look down at my list and look back up again and he was gone. I feel him around me but I know he's not there. I feel like I'm going crazy seeing the ghost of my ex-boyfriend. And on top of that I feel like something big is about to happen, I keep having dreams of battles." As she says this she unconsciously touches the necklace Zordon had given her. "This something big is not good, I haven't felt like this since I was in high school like right before an attack would happen. I don't know maybe my senses are outta whack who knows….um can you handle this I'm not feeling too well and I'm supposed to go over some stuff with Kira, she's having trouble with some of her music and she wants me to look it over."

"Sure, I can have Ethan close with me, shouldn't be a problem."

"What's going on?" asks Ethan James as he approaches the bar.

"I'm not feeling too well and I got some other things to do, could you help Haley close up shop tonight?"

"No problem, let me know when it's time I'll just be over at my spot."

"Thanks, Ethan"

"No problem Kim, hope you feel better." Ethan states before he heads over to the computers.

"Get some rest, don't overdo it please."

"I will, I'll see you later tonight," with that said Kim left and Haley walked over to Tommy.

"You need to tell her."

"I can't."

"Can't or won't."


"How many times?"


"How many times?"

"Twice, both were when she had her coin stolen. Zedd kidnapped her and started draining her life force and powers, the next was when she fell of the beam practicing without a spotter because she was too drained and tired from so many battles that happened in one day. I can't go through that again."

"Well she knows something is gonna happen."

"What?" Tommy asked alarmed sitting up straight to hear what Haley had to say.

"She just told me that she has a feeling that something big is gonna happen and its not good big, its bad big. Along with dreaming of past battles. Also you need to stop following her."


"She's scared. She feels like she's being followed and watched. She said that she saw you the other day at the store or at least someone that looked like you."

"Yeah, I was at the store. But it wasn't to follow or watch her. I really needed to do some shopping for groceries and I kinda forgot that she always goes to the store on Thursdays."

"Well you need to stop. Weren't you the one that said she has to think your dead because you didn't want her involved? Well NEWS FLASH following her will attract the attention of everyone, bringing her into it whether you like it or not."

"I hate it when you're right. She doesn't need this life; I don't want her hurt because of this. And to answer your earlier question, just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it still can't. Whoever it is, is just building their army, and we have to be ready for when it does."

Haley just nodded.

"I gotta go, I need to make sure I have everything ready for school in a few days and get some rest. Please keep an eye on Kim for me."

"Don't worry about her, she'll be okay," Haley replied as Tommy stood up to leave. As he walked out the door she went back to helping her customers.


Few days later Haley got up to find Kim dressed and ready to leave the house. It was only 8am and the Café didn't open for another 2 hours so she found it strange why her roommate was up so early.

"Where you going so early? You're usually in bed for another hour and a half"

"I forgot to tell you last night, I'm going out to brunch with the Olivers, we go every so often just to keep in touch."

"I forgot you do that, its ok, will u be at work later?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be? With school having started yesterday its going to be just as busy as the past two days and you're gonna need my help. HaHaHaHa."

"Ha Ha very funny, but you are right. So I should see you around 1?"

"Yep, I'll see you then, later." With that said Kimberly left the house to drive to Angel Grove.

Haley watched Kim drive out of sight before she went about picking up the house, trying to ignore the uneasy feeling she had started to get when Kim said she was leaving town. She knew that she should call Tommy to let him know but thought it would be better that he not have to deal with it on his second day of school. She remembered the phone call she received last night from him.


Ring. Ring. "Hello?"

"Haley, it's me."

"What's going on you sound troubled David?" (If Tommy had ever called Haley when Kim was around her she would always call him by his brother's name).

"It's started."


"I had a few students for detention and we went to a museum, it was closed so, I told them to walk the grounds while I went to see when it was going to be opened. Any way I got chased by a robotic t-rex and when I got rid of it I went back to the museum to get the kids.

"Robotic T-rex?"

"Yes, but that's not really important that's another story for another time, can we get back on track?"


"Anyways I drop the kids off back at school and go home put my bags away make myself a snack before I go down to the lab. I noticed that the gems were missing off the stone podium. Just as I was about to check the security cams I heard the trapdoor open. I hid and two of the three students that had detention came in. I confronted them and they said that the third student was taken by tyrannadrones and then continued to explain to me how they got the gems. We went to find her and were about halfway to school when she landed on my car."

"Stop, who is the first two students and who is her?"

"Conner McKnight, Ethan James and Kira Ford"

"Ok, I know Ethan and Kira, but not Conner, that's not important at the moment but continue."

"We get out, the boys help her off the car when Tryannadrones show up with this metal dude named Zeltrax. We made them run. I told the kids I would explain everything to them tomorrow after school."

"Wow. I mean wow. You were right. And before you ask, yes I will keep an eye on Kim, she'll be safe, I promise."

"Thanks Haley, that means a lot to me."

"No problem have a goodnight"


End Flashback

Tommy had enough to deal with today, he didn't need to know what Kim was doing even though Haley had a bad feeling about it in the pit of her stomach.

At School

After lunch Conner McKnight, Ethan James and Kira Ford gathered outside the cafeteria to head to Dr. Oliver's science class together so they could discuss what was going to happen after school. As they gathered they all remembered what had happened yesterday.


Three kids were standing outside their science classroom waiting for the principal to return with the teacher who was in charge of detention. Conner skipped class to play soccer, Ethan set off the sprinklers as a prank, and Kira just played her guitar during lunch. After about 5 minutes Ms. Randall showed up with their new science teacher. He asked if they liked museums but didn't get an answer from any of them. They hopped in his jeep and were off. At least it was better than sitting in a classroom doing nothing but being silent. After finding it was closed they asked if they could go home, he told them to look around and if they found anything prehistoric he would cancel detention for the week. As they were walking in the woods Ethan was telling them about a hiker who got lost in the woods and was never found next thing they know they fell through the ground.

"You guys stay here, I'll go get help" Connor says as he tries to climb up the dirt wall before falling back down.

"Back so soon?" Ethan asks as he and Kira help him stand. They see a path so they decide to follow it to get out. Kira bored out of her mind starts to quietly sing one of her songs.

"Babe, could you stop?" Connor asks, before walking ahead of her.

"Babe? Did he just call me Babe?" she asks Ethan who shrugs as she walks up to Conner.


"Kira, my name is Kira. Don't call me Babe." She states before walking off. Conner looks at Ethan who just shrugs and continues to follow Kira down the tunnel.

They soon come to a wall with a dinosaur fossil and Conner pulls down on the mouth to try and remove it from the wall, when the door slides open on them and reveals a room of some sort.

"I could do a crazy video in here" Kira states as she looks around the room.

"Whoa, this must be the mother ship for you dude," Conner states to Ethan as he sees all the computers and high tech stuff.

"Normally I would take that as an insult but when you're right, you're right," Ethan states smiling looking around before heading over to Connor and Kira in front of a podium of some sort. Connor reached out to touch one of the rocks displayed, "Yo, don't touch that."

"Why not?"

"You're really taking this dumb jock thing to a whole new level."

"Look, I have sat through enough lame science classes to know that thing looks fully prehistoric and if I don't have to miss practice…"

"I hate to agree with him, really I do, but I already missed one rehearsal," Kira chimes in before all three raise a hand to one of the three gems. As soon as they touched the gems they all felt something flow through them. After all was said and done they raced out the room the way they came and through some tunnels going back out into the woods. As they were walking back to the museum they felt a breeze before some ugly looking dinosaur hybrid things dropped from the sky. They ran as far as they could before they had to engage in battle. As each one fought they found they had special abilities: Kira sonic scream, Connor super speed and Ethan tough/armored skin. Just as they finished and turned to continue on their way Dr. Oliver jogged up to them.

"You guys alright?" he asks. Ethan told him they were fine just walking looking at all the "furry little" creatures running around the woods, before Dr. Oliver tells them he couldn't find anyone to answer his question about the museum and that its time he brings them back to school.

When they got back to the school they decide its best not to tell anyone what happened, that it should stay between them. Kira decides she doesn't want anything to do with it and hands her gem to the boys before walking away. She was only 100ft from the boys before she felt the same breeze she felt in the woods and was grabbed by the hybrids. Conner and Ethan chased after them but didn't reach her in time. They hopped into Conner's mustang and peeled out of the school. Due to the physical appearance of the hybrids being dinosaur the boys thought they should talk to Dr. Oliver, as he has a PHD in paleontology, so they went to his home. They knocked but nobody answered, Conner tried the door and it opened.

"What are you doing?" Ethan asks

"Why would he leave it unlocked?"

"He's got no neighbors"

"What? You never heard of Goldilocks and the Three Bears?"Conner fires back before walking into his teacher's house.

"That the last book you read?" Ethan follows. They walked down the hall before entering a room. Looked like his office/study; Conner sees a dinosaur model on a small table and goes to touch it. "Eh, remember what happened the last time you did that?"

"Dude, the guys a teacher not…batman," Conner replies as a trap door in the floor opens. Both boys walk down the steps realizing it's the same place that they were in only hours beforehand.

"If you guys are looking for extra credit, you're in the wrong place," Tommy, Dr. Oliver, states with a stern look on his face as he stands behind the boys.

"Dr. O before you go off on us can we at least explain why we're here?" Ethan cuts in before Tommy could yell at them. Conner tried to stop him saying that he was just going to laugh in their face but Ethan told him that it was the truth and there was no harm in trying.

"Kira's gone," Conner states watching Tommy's face go from stern to confused to shock then to understanding when Ethan continued.

"She got taken by these weird dinosaur things."

"They're called Tyrannadrones."

"And you know that because…"Ethan pushed on.

"I helped create them"

"Class project?"

"Long story, right now we need to find out what they want with Kira." Tommy states.

"Might have to do with these," Conner says as he pulls out the red gem that they had taken from the lab earlier that day.


Kira awoke on what looked like a dentist chair. She got up and looked around the room; it seemed to be a lab of some sort. Soon a large Dinosaur Human hybrid appeared demanding her to give him the gems. She states she has no idea what he's talking about, she barely wears jewelry. He repeats himself and she then remembers the yellow gem she found earlier.

"I gave mine to Conner and Ethan, you'll have to ask them. Can I go? My mom is gonna freak if I'm late for dinner, its taco night." she explains stepping backwards away from the creature. He soon disappears and she thinks she's going crazy, she turns around and there's a lady dressed like a biker all in black, her name is Elsa and is one of Mesogog's henchmen. The two soon engage in battle before Kira gets the upper hand, but before she can run away a black metal guy appears with a group of tyrannadrones. Elsa introduces him as Zeltrax. She sonic screams at them before running through them and down the hall. She makes a few twists and turns before seeing this swirly thing in the middle of the hallway. She looks behind her then back at the swirly thing then reaches out to touch it. She then gets sucked through it.


Conner and Ethan apologize once more for taking the gems, stating they didn't know that they had super powers. Tommy turns from them holding all three gems in his hand and starts to walk away telling the boys that they should just forget about it and that he will find Kira himself. Conner super speeds in front of him, saying he can tell them now what the hell is going on and allow them to help or he can explain it at a parent teacher conference.

They all load up into Tommy's jeep and start to drive into town, as Tommy explains the story of the Island lab, his research and the explosion. As they stop at one of the intersections that would lead them into town Kira falls from the sky onto the hood of Tommy's Jeep. As the boys got out to help Kira down Tommy explains that she escaped through an invisa-portal, while looking cautiously around. Just as they were about to all load back up the Zeltrax shows up and says that Tommy will pay for ruining his master's plan. Tommy and the teens engage in battle with Zeltrax and the tyrannadrones. The teens come out the victor against the tyrannadrones and Tommy sends Zeltrax packing, but not before giving him a message to bring back to his master Mesogog. Tommy turns to the teens stating that they should get back and go home and promises that he would explain everything to them tomorrow after school.

End Flashback

So here the kids were, on their way to science, thinking about the talk that they were going to have at the end of the day with their teacher. Just as Tommy was about to start class the sky grew dark and the building shook. Everyone stood from there lab tables and ran to the window to see black clouds forming and lightning strike. Conner, Ethan and Kira went up to Tommy who gave them a look saying now or never. As the principal came on the intercom instructing students to the go to the gym during event Tommy ushered Conner, Ethan, and Kira out to his jeep and raced off to his house. The kids followed him down to the basement talking to him about the metal dinosaurs that were released downtown. He explained to them what they were and that with his help and the gems and the bracelets that they could become power rangers.

"I gotta sit down," Ethan states releasing a big breath and leaning forward placing his hands on his knees.

"Breathe," Conner says helping Ethan to stand straight again.

"We can't be power rangers, aren't you supposed to fly or have superhero strength and stuff like that?" Kira states and asks.

"You do."

"Oh yea I forgot," Kira responds still not believing what is happening. Tommy goes into explaining how the gems are from the asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs and that he hid them when he realized their power until the right individuals came along.

"How do you know these are the right hands?" Conner asks. Tommy explains to them that the gems chose them and bonded to their DNA because they had something inside them and that the only way for the gems to separate from them would be if they were destroyed. He then asks them to take the morphers and become power rangers. The kids pick up the morphers still unsure of themselves and glance at each other.

"So now what? Do we need some secret code or command?" Ethan asks looking down at his triceratops head looking morpher.

"All you have to do is say DINO THUNDER POWER-UP and you'll be transformed. You'll know what to do."

"Dino thunder, what did you come up with that?" Conner asks looking from Tommy to Ethan.

"I kinda like it."

"You would."

"Look, I know you three are from different worlds, I get it. But you're gonna have to work together or this will never happen. This won't be easy, nobody knows that better than I do but you're gonna have to believe in yourselves 'cause I believe in ya."

"Really?" Conner asks.

"Really." With that said the all ran to out to Tommy's jeep and raced downtown. Once they arrived they hopped out looking at the three giant zords, a tyrannosaurus rex, triceratops and pterodactyl. Before they could do anything Zeltrax showed up.

"Before you get those zords you have to get through me first."

"That's a part I'm looking forward to." Conner fires back.

"You guys ready?" Ethan asks.

"Oh yea," Kira replies.



"DINO THUNDER POWER UP, HA" With that they morph into power rangers for the first time. Conner's uniform was red with white diamonds along the arms and legs, a dino print emblem in gold on his chest and helmet shaped like a t-rex. Ethan's was similar the only difference was his color was blue and his helmet was triceratops. Kira's was yellow with a skirt and helmet shaped like a pterodactyl. Tommy told them to call on their weapons, tyranno staff for Conner, ptera grips for Kira and Tricera shield for Ethan. Zeltrax called on tyrannadrones and the fight began. With the weapons they were able to dispose of the tyrannadrones no problem and were soon facing Zeltrax himself. Tommy told them to combine their weapons. They formed the z-rex blaster and shot it at Zeltrax who retreated into his battle ship shooting down at the rangers and around town. It was time to tame their Zords. All they had to do was use their morpher and use it to send their thoughts to the Zords which would put the Zords under the control of the rangers, allowing them to use them whenever the fight grew big. They jumped into their Zords and combined them to create the Megazord. Tommy stayed on the ground watching the fight above him. Even though he was excited and worried for his students he couldn't shake this feeling that something bad happened. After Zeltrax retreated to his ship and shot at him and his rangers he got dizzy something felt off, but he pushed it back and focused on what was going on in front of him, he would worry about that later, and told his students what needed to be done next. The rangers destroyed the ship making Zeltrax retreat to Mesogog.

Mesogog's Lair

After the battle had been won by the rangers Zeltrax retreated back to his master. Mesogog was not pleased with either Zeltrax or Elsa.

"So, Oliver has taught them to become rangers." Mesogog states as he paces behind Elsa and Zeltrax.

"Our deepest apologies, sir. We should have foreseen this development." Zeltrax replies

"Yes you should have," He counters before sending off a painful message to his minions standing before him. "Let this be a lesson. I do not take defeat lightly," as Zeltrax and Elsa kneel before him in pain. Mesogog thinks to himself 'that is why I have a new card up my sleeve, hahahaha.'

Tommy's House

The rangers arrived back at the command center (Tommy's basement) where Tommy handed over the bracelets/communicator in which would turn into their morpher.

"Keep these bracelets with you at all times. They'll access your morphers when you need them…and you can use them to communicate with me and with each other."

"Doctor O, I know you're real smart and a science teacher and everything but this is, well I mean how did you-?"

"I'll fill you in, in time."

"Speaking of time do you think Mesogog will stick around?"

"Unfortunately they always do."


"I know this is a lot to take in. You're lives just changed in ways you couldn't imagine. But as long as you work together and remember you're a team, no one can defeat you." With that said Tommy dropped the rangers back off at school so they could pick up their cars and head home. They had been at Tommy's for about two hours after the battle explaining almost everything to the kids, everything else would come out later, and he thought it was time they got home as it was getting late. As they were heading home back to their families they looked around and saw property damage done here and there but no one would know till they got home and watched the news just how much damage the first battle had really caused.