Alright draft fans! So I have been gone for a while because lets face it this story is crap and I couldn't bring myself to write any more so I decided to edit this to make it more believable so no new chapters till all of the chapters are redone.

CH1: The letter

I turned off my truck once I parked in my driveway I sigh and get out of the truck. It has been a year since I last saw Edward I work more then usual, did my chores and homework just to keep me busy from thinking of him. I walk to the mailbox to get the mail, once I got it I checked through it to see if I had anything. When I got to the last envelope it was addressed to me from The United States Military. "What do they want with me?" I thought as I walk into the house and put everything away then I opened the letter with shaking hands praying it wasn't anything bad. When I pulled out the letter and unfolded it, it read:

Dear Isabella,

Due to recent activity in Afghanistan and by order of the United States president you have been drafted into the military for at least three years. Please report to the Armed Services in your area to sign up.

We look forward to your service in the Military we need to know what Branch you have chosen by June 13, 2009.

If you have any problems or concerns please contact us by email or phone we will help you through them. If you are not sure about being at physical peak for training we have a program that train you for Basic and get paid for it.

God Bless the United States
General Moore

I couldn't believe it, I got drafted this can't be happening how am I going to tell Charlie and mom and Phil. I only have half a month to decide on a Branch and a job. I sat down on the couch and stared at the letter till I heard Charlie's cruiser pull up now I had to tell Charlie I don't know how I'm going to do say it. That is until Charlie opened the door.

"Bells are you Home!?" he yelled then he walked in to the living room and one look at me told him something was wrong. "Bella are you ok?" he asked with concern. I looked up at him then slowly got up to face him.

"Dad we need to talk." I said barley over a whisper.

OK so tell me what you think and the next chapter you will get to see Charlie's reaction to the letter, and for the recorded I know Bella wouldn't join the Military but now she has to because of the war so cut me some slack alright! well I'm out so...

