
Long white robes began to stain crimson, as well as the shining blade that had been plunged into the body before him. He couldn't believe he had done that, even if he had been told to. He ran a sword though him. The 99th Emperor, his childhood and best friend, his lover. Tears streamed down his face as he felt the raven haired boy collapse against his shoulder. He was glad he was wearing a mask so no one could see his face right now, or the agony he was feeling.

"This is punishment for you too..."

Yes, this would be his punishment. He would have to deal with the guilt of killing Lelouch vi Britannia for the rest of his life, no, for all eternity.

"You'll continue to wear the mask as the ally of justice."

He would do that for him. He would take his place as Zero and lead the world into its rightful place as he so wished.

"You can't continue living as Kururugi Suzaku.."

He felt the small weight of a hand pressing against the mask covering his face, more tears trickling down the sides of his cheeks. He wished he wasn't wearing this mask, contradicting what he thought earlier. He wanted to feel that touch again. Those frail hands being placed against his face, bringing him closer over and over.

"You'll give everything for the world, including your own happiness, for all time.."

He didn't want that. The world didn't deserve anything from him. He deserved something from the world though. Hatred, guilt, and anything else it would offer him. The only person that deserved anything and everything from him was Lelouch. Those eyes deserved his smile, that heart deserved his love, that person deserved his soul. It didn't seem right, that he would do anything for him but wanted to refuse this request, or was it an order? It didn't matter..

"I accept that 'Geass'."

Was he lying? The thing he once called a curse he was now accepting, because now of all times it felt like a gift from the person he loved the most. The gift of eternal life. No, in a way it was still a curse. Cursed to live forever without his prince by his side. Again a contradiction, as this was his punishment. His mind was spinning too much to make sense of anything. All he could do was listen to the last few words Lelouch would offer him with that voice of his. That oh so lovely voice he heard everyday at school, the one he heard commanding him to fight and live, that voice that would cry out and call his name when their bodies were melded together.


He was alert after hearing his name. It would probably be the last time he would ever hear it, and he wanted to remember. Remember the tone of it, remember how it smoothly ran off the other's tongue.

"Don't…don't forget anything about us. Not a single day we spent..together..even after I'm gone..I'll continue to love you. Always. Everything about you."

Green eyes closed, gritting his teeth together as his grip on the sword tightened, hands trembling slightly. He wanted to kiss him one last time. He wanted to say how he felt and so much more, though the given location with all the eyes set on him denied him of that. It was truly his punishment indeed. To the very end.


As quickly as he could, he pulled the golden blade out, feeling the hand against the mask slip down and the body of his loved one stumble backwards a bit before barely walking forward to the ramp just behind him.

"…..I love you, Lelouch vi Britannia." Was the last thing he could whisper out before his voice threatened to crack. The only thing he couldn't see was the thin smile upon the Emperor's face as he dropped to his knees, his body leaning forward and toppling over before sliding down the ramp, leaving a trail of blood in its wake.

Even through his tear glazed eyes, he could make out the faint hand print of blood caressed on the side of his new face.