Disclaimer, I don't suppose you need me to tell you that Harry Potter is not mine, but just in case you didn't know he belongs to JK Rowling.

The loyalty charm

It was the beginning of the summer break after their fifth year at Hogwarts. Harry James Potter was sitting in a small café just a few minutes walk from Charing Cross station on Charing Cross road preparing his mind for what he was going to do. As he sipped his coffee while waiting for Hermione to join him he thought back to what led him to where he now was and what he was going to do.


He had entered the hospital wing under his invisibility cloak so that he could sit with his injured best friend Hermione, just as he had done every night since the battle in the Ministry. Simply sitting and holding the unconscious girls hand brought him some calm to his troubled mind. He was just about to whisper to her once again that he wanted her to get well soon so that he could tell her that he was falling in love with her and wanted to be her boyfriend, when he heard the ward doors open. He had no idea who had walked in due to the screens around Hermione's bed but he could hear the mutterings of a male voice. He held his breath as who ever had entered the ward walked toward where he was.

Harry heard two sets of footsteps that stopped at the next bed along where Ron Weasley his other best friend lay, kept in a magical sleep as potions cleared his system of some toxins. The foot falls stopped right next to the curtain of the screen separating the two beds and Harry heard two men he knew well speaking.

Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of the school and thought of by Harry as a grandfather figure and mentor was the first to speak so that Harry could hear. "So Arthur, it is done. I have placed the charms on Miss Granger, though why you wish to have such powerful loyalty charms toward Ronald rather than just give her the love potion Molly brewed, I don't understand."

"Molly said that if she was under a loyalty charm for six months before we feed her the potion, she will be ready to marry Ron by the beginning of next summer, actually she will be ready to allow him to do as he wishes with her by the middle of the spring term." Arthur Weasley replied and then chuckled, "I think they will be occupying several broom cupboards before this year is out. That will leave Harry open for Ginny, she has the instructions for the potion, and thanks to your loyalty charm toward the family Harry is quite ready to become her boyfriend."

Harry sat trying to hold back the magic that wanted to break free and kill the two plotters standing so close to him. That two of the very few adults that he trusted were planning such a thing was practically unbelievable. Thanks to his anger needing to do something several charms that had been cast on him without his knowledge were very suddenly rejected and broken down by his magic and stopped working. Breathing as quietly as he could he waited with bated breath for the two men to leave.

"Well Arthur Ronald seems to be progressing nicely, Madam Pomfrey informed me he will awake around lunch tomorrow, now that you have seen him how about we retire to my office and discus the arrangements for the summer?" Dumbledore asked after a few silent minutes.

Harry racked his brain over the following week, trying to come up with some way to save his hopefully future girlfriend from her awful fate if she were to marry the bone idle Ron. But he had never been any good at plans and had come up with no way to get Hermione out of this plot. He needed Hermione's help but he knew that with the loyalty charm she was under that she would not believe him for one single moment if he told her.

The beginning of the summer holiday, leaving Hogwarts for the summer holiday, the ride on the train and the journey to Little Whinging had all gone past in a blur for him and he still had no idea what he could do. Lying in his room at number four privet drive, Harry knew he needed someone to talk to before he went crazy. His usual recipient of his summer woes, his owl Hedwig was not around as she was out hunting so he could not talk to her. He could not even talk to his aunt or cousin as they had gone off on holiday. Then it came to him. "Dobby."

Harry heard the very quiet pop of the excitable elf as he arrived in his room. After they had shared greetings Harry had poured out his story to his little friend. Dobby had listened carefully to what his master was saying and was furious with what was being done to Mistress Mione. "If Dobby was Master Harry, Dobby would go talk to Gobliny peoples Dobby would." The little elf said in anger, "Dobby cans take master Harry to Gobliny bank he can, no bodies will know master is being not here."

Harry with no better ideas thought about what Dobby was saying, he remembered he needed to see the Goblin's about his now dead godfathers' accounts and will. "Dobby, at least it's an idea, which is more than I came up with, wait there while I get dressed."

Fifteen minutes later Harry was standing in front of a teller in Gringotts bank asking to see someone privately. Thirty minutes later Harry sat angrily staring at the copy of his godfathers will that the Black account keeper had just read to him. "Mr Sharpclaw sir, there is something definitely fishy about that will." Harry stated rather loudly.

Sharpclaw looked at the young human in front of him and wondered why he would be so angry, he would become a very rich young man once the will was read officially, apart from a few thousand galleons to a Mr Lupin the will was divided into three equal parts. "May I enquire what troubles you Mr Potter?" he asked eyeing the young man carefully for any sign of him lying.

Harry looked into the eyes of the Goblin for several seconds before he spoke, trying to show that he was telling the truth. "Remus Lupin, was Sirius best friend, had been for many years so he would obviously get more than five thousand galleons, there would also be the house, Sirius had said as much. Also Sirius really, really hated Molly Weasley with a vengeance for how she treated him, and I don't believe for one second that Sirius would leave anything to her, or to the man who kept him locked in that awful house, not when you consider that Dumbledore is the chief warlock and could have got Sirius the trial he never had. No sir… Sirius would never have left his families fortune to either Molly Weasley or that old fraud Dumbledore."

"Tell me Mr Potter is this your way of getting rich," Sharpclaw asked quietly.

Harry looked at the Goblin his green eyes blazing. "No Sir… I already have enough to last me a life time. I just know that will is not right, maybe they did the same to Sirius as they are doing to my Hermione."

"Who is your Hermione, and what does she have to do with this?" Sharpclaw asked with suspicion growing in his mind.

Harry then told Sharpclaw about what he had overheard in the hospital ward at Hogwarts, adding that he and Hermione were very close and that he had intended to ask her about a betrothal during the summer until he heard his headmaster, now he thought she would definitely turn him down.

Sharpclaw looked at Harry for several minutes while deciding what he should do, he then asked. "Mr Potter might I be able to view your memory of the events you spoke about?"

Harry even though he was very wary of someone invading his mind after Snape's Occlumency lessons, gave the Goblin permission to examine the memory of his visit to Hermione's bedside. It took Sharpclaw just a short few minutes to enter his mind and look at the memory and then including one of the way Sirius interacted with both Remus Lupin and Molly Weasley, and Harry never even realised that the Goblin had done anything, having never felt a thing.

"Mr Potter what you say plus your memories puts a very large question mark over this will, so I will cancel the planned reading until I have searched my files for Mr Blacks previous will. Meanwhile I believe I will offer Goblin help for you with your friend's problem. What you will need is a female curse breaker to remove something as powerful as Dumbledore's charms; we should also check you out and remove any charms spells or potions that may have been placed on you without your knowledge." Sharpclaw said as he pressed a button on his desk.

Just five minutes later Harry and Sharpclaw were joined in the room by Fleur Delacour, a friend to both Harry and Hermione. Harry related his story to Fleur and then offered a permanent memory of the event which Sharpclaw quickly accepted, placing the memory in a recording crystal for Fleur to watch.

"Harry with her being at number 12, I can't think of any way to get hold of Hermione without someone knowing, and with a loyalty charm as you describe, we will never be able to persuade her to come with us willingly. Come if you are finished here we can take a lunch break and think this over, see if we can come up with anything." Fleur said looking at Harry and then the Goblin.

Sharpclaw nodded and agreed it was a good idea to go and come up with some form of plan to free Miss Granger with out alerting either the Weasleys or Dumbledore.

Fifteen minutes later Harry and Fleur were just beginning to eat in the café provided by the Goblin's for their human staff, when they were interrupted by a rather noisy pop sound and the appearance of Hermione standing next to Harry. "Hermione! how on earth did you get here?" Harry exclaimed as he jumped away from the shock of her being just two inches from his elbow.

Fleur very quickly grasped the situation and the opportunity that was offered to them. Hermione had her back to the blond French woman and so Fleur cast a detection spell on her, the results of which instantly came up positive. Standing Fleur quietly stepped up behind Hermione. "Miss Granger your wand please?" Fleur said as she pressed her own wand into the brunet's neck.

Shocked Hermione put up her hands in the universal sign before she spoke. "Fleur what are you doing?"

"Sorry Hermione but it is protocol when someone arrives in one of the banks properties wearing several class B spells or charms, and you have a number of them on your person, which means we can not trust that you are here under your own free will." Fleur said.

"I'm not here of my own free will, am I? something grabbed me and then I am suddenly here." Hermione said frustrated.

Fleur gave Harry a tiny wink unseen by Hermione. "Well then best we find out what is happening don't you think?" Fleur said seriously as she led Hermione to a ladies changing room where Hermione was told to strip.

An Hour later a rather surprised Harry sat in Sharpclaw's office holding hands with Hermione, who no longer had any charms or spells on her person or her clothes, while she viewed his memory of the conversation between Arthur Weasley and Dumbledore. She was then asked about Sirius's relationship with various people by Sharpclaw. It was no surprise to the Goblin that her view of the various relationships matched that of Harry, which to him proved that there was something most definitely wrong with the latest will of Sirius Orion Black.

Sirius's will was taken away to be studied by experts while Sharpclaw decided that Gringotts would take a small risk and help out Harry. After sending one of the junior Goblins down to the Potter vault to retrieve the spare copy of the Potters wills, which would be read after the will Mr Black had made three months previous.

As Sharpclaw read out Sirius's previous will he was surprised at the vast difference between the older and newer wills, in the older will which he had declared the legal one. He read out quite a few names, reinstating some of the Black Family and leaving them a fair amount of gold, there was also a rather large amount for Mr Lupin as well as Harry and Hermione, who also got the books of the Black library. Harry got the house, which he did not want so offered it for Remus to use. Two of the Weasley boys were to receive two thousand Galleons to help in their shop, but no other Weasley was listed. Albus Dumbledore was bequeathed thirty pieces of silver.

Sharpclaw read the wills of both James and Lily Potter, apart from a sum of galleons going to Sirius, Peter, Remus and Alice who were the last of their close friends still alive, everything they owned was passed down to their only son Harry. Along with the wills there was a rather large envelope with just 'Harry' written on the front. Harry opened the envelope and pulled out a small piece of what appeared to be blank canvas. On the inside flap of the envelope written in what was definitely Lily's hand a short note said to enlarge the canvas to its full size just tap it while saying finite. Once it was enlarged Harry was to use a drop of his blood to reveal a painting.

There were three stunned people who stood staring at the painting when it was revealed. On the canvas was a portrait of Hermione holding a black haired baby, under the portrait were the initials 'H.J.P ?' and the words 'holding Lily Jane Potter.'

It was some time before Sharpclaw said "It would seem that one of your parents was rather gifted in ways we knew nothing about Harry."

"That's you Hermione, you and our first born, I know it is." Harry declared the shock obvious in his voice. "Mum must have been a seer," he said not for a second thinking his father might be the artist.

Hermione stared at the portrait for quite some time before she spoke quietly, "Harry if this is accurate then we will be having Lily Jane very soon, that top in the picture, well my mum bought me one exactly like that one just before I went to number 12. I haven't even taken it out of the bag yet. It's a winter top…"

End of flashback

Harry was pulled away from his memories when a small hand rested on his shoulder and a voice he knew so well said a quiet "Hello love."

Looking up into the face of the girl speaking Harry let out a sigh of relief. "I have been so worried sitting here," he almost whispered.

"Dobby made it so easy; he got me into number twelve without anyone seeing us, and then shrunk my trunk before taking me to talk to my folks. I've arranged for them to take a holiday in Australia for the rest of the year. They want to know if you and I will go with them?" Hermione said as she sat next to him.

"I have a question, er would you be my girl? Become my betrothed? I was going to tell you when you were in the hospital wing but I never got the chance… I love you Hermione… I love you and I am not talking puppy love or a teenage crush. I really love you with my very heart and soul." He told her as he took hold of her hand.

"Are you asking me to marry you Harry?" she questioned a smile developing on her face.

"Yes… Yes I am, I wanted this even before I saw that painting. In fact I would probably not have worried so much if I had known about it sooner," he then chuckled a little before saying "if Arthur and Dumbledore had not been plotting to potion you for Ron I would have not got to talk to Sharpclaw and seen the picture. Suppose we have them to thank for this in a way. Oh and I think getting away is a good idea."

"Yes Harry, I want to be Mrs. Potter. Question is where can we get married, Dumbledore is bound to find out about it, even if we manage to make arrangements where could we go to get away from him and his ruddy order." She asked quietly looking worried.

"How about we ask the Goblins, and I know the perfect place for you to hide until we leave with your folks," he said grinning like a fool on a high.

They left the café hand in hand after a short walk to the nearest alley, Harry called Dobby and they let the little fellow in on their idea. Dobby happily took them both back to Sharptooth's office. After a short talk to the Goblin who told them about a ritual called hand fasting, which could be for as short as one year or could be for life, simply depending on the wording of the oaths made at the time, it would be magically registered some where in the bowls of the ministry and not likely to be seen by human eyes until either Harry or Hermione asked for a copy of their wedding certificate, because almost all hand-fasting vows were made for just one year, which did not make it worth taking the trouble to go through the records. Agreeing to the ceremony they asked Dobby to be their best man and witness along with Sharptooth. As they gave their oaths in unison both of them committed them selves for all eternity.

Just a few short minutes later Sharptooth arranged for Hermione to be added to all Harry's accounts with access to all his vaults as Mrs Hermione Jane Potter. Having offered their deepest gratitude for his help the new Potters wished Sharptooth goodbye and Dobby took them both to number four Privet drive.

Harry showed his new bride his home, including the dingy room that was his, seeing the look on her face when she saw the room that Dumbledore kept returning her new husband to Harry looked into her eyes, "We wont be using this room, I've slept in there for the last time. We will use the guest room until we leave, oh remember we can't do any magic even though being married makes us emancipated."

Hermione phoned her parents to find out when they would be leaving and discovered they were booked on a flight in two days time. She was annoyed that she could not tell them her news, or that she would be joining them she informed them she had left the Black house due to its filthy state and that they were not to worry about her if anyone came looking for her.

Hermione awoke the next morning not knowing that she had conceived sometime in the past two hours while she slept, she was definitely pregnant when she joined Harry in the shower after unpacking some clean clothes for the day, even though while in the shower both she and Harry twice more did their best to see that she got pregnant.

Albus Dumbledore entered number twelve to be cornered by a rather angry Molly Weasley as she ranted about the Granger mudblood having disappeared with all her belongings. Certain that she was under their control he suggested that she may have returned home for some reason before he dispatched Nymphadora Tonks to check out the Granger home. Tonks quickly returned to inform them that there was no trace of Hermione at her home and that her parents were at work as usual.

Neither Dumbledore or his order members had any idea where she might be, not a one of them even considered that she might be with Harry at Privet drive. A search was arranged to try to find where she might have gone. Order members were sent to all her school friends and dorm mates with no trace of her being found.

Ron Weasley was furious that his future wife was missing and repeatedly laid the blame on the order members for allowing her to escape. A number of the members began to question what Ron meant about her having escaped. Tonks stood at the kitchen table as a large number of members sat down for dinner. She had some questions to ask as she was not to happy about what Ron's ranting was inferring.

"Tell me Molly, why do I get the impression that Hermione was being held here against her will. What is it we are not being told?" she asked getting several members agreeing with her.

"He's just worried about his girlfriend," Molly blustered while staring daggers at her youngest son.

"As far as I know Hermione was quite smitten with Harry, and she did not get on with Ron at all. In fact I know for a certainty that Hermione hates Ron for always belittling her in front of her friends, so I now know you are lying to us. So when and more to the point how did that hate change so quick she has become his girlfriend, wouldn't happen to be potions would it? You can be quite sure that if I find anything underhand is afoot here I will most definitely be reporting it. I joined to fight Voldemort not hold young girls prisoner for your vile off spring." Tonks said as she got even more suspicious about Ron's behaviour.

"Hermione is mine just as I was promised!" Ron blurted out before any of those in the know could stop him.

Before Tonks or the other suspicious members could say a word Dumbledore had his wand out and obliviated them all of the conversation. Standing to leave he announced "We will continue the search for our wayward student in the morning." He then left feeling angry that the Weasley boy was unable to keep his big mouth shut.

Arthur dragged his complaining son up to his room to give the boy a lecture about the need of new blood in the family and how if he could not keep his mouth shut they would turn to Percy instead.

A surprised yet quick thinking Tonks watched the reaction of everyone in the room after Dumbledore had cast the obliviation spell and to feel safe she mimicked them until she was sent to search for Hermione. As soon as she was out of number twelve she disapparated to the ministry. It did not take her long to reach her boss's office. "Can I speak to the boss, it's rather important," she told the secretary.

Smiling the secretary said "I think you are in luck auror Tonks, Madam Bones is taking a short tea break at the moment, I'll just nip in and ask for you." The secretary returned just a minute later and told Tonks to go in.

Tonks entered the boss's office a very worried woman. After taking a seat that was offered Madam Bones asked her what her problem was. "Well first did you know that those anti mind control charms we have on our new badges works against obliviation?"

Amelia Bones looked quite surprised by what her auror told her and her monocle slipped from her eye. "No actually I did not know that, you have obviously either witnessed as someone was obliviated or someone tried it on you. Which one was it, and was it a legal obliviation?" she asked a little sharply.

"Bit of a long story behind all this, which I will talk about later. First the obliviation was not in any way legal. I just witnessed a whole room full of people obliviated by Dumbledore. I thought I should tell you what happened as it is rather important that someone else knows what is going on.

I was at the head quarters of Dumbledore's little bird group, I take it you know of the order of the phoenix. Well I joined them in order to fight Voldemort, but today I discovered that what we are doing has nothing to do with fighting him and his death eaters…" Tonks then went on to tell about what had happened and the suspicions of several people. "I wasn't sure if I was right about Miss Granger until Dumbledore suddenly did his mass obliviation.

From what I witnessed after that I would say that Dumbledore has sold Miss Granger to the Weasley family as a sex slave for their youngest boy. Boss, I know for a fact that on the night Voldemort was in the ministry Hermione Granger actually hated Ron Weasley because he treats her like shit. There is no way that girl would give up Harry Potter for the Weasley jerk. Oh by the way I should add that the order spends quite a lot of its time making sure that young Potter is kept locked away from everyone, including his close friends."

Tonks got rather a surprise when Amelia agreed that Mrs Hermione Potter would never agree to something that parts her from her husband. Amelia Bones had not yet told anyone that the documents from Gringotts verifying that Potter and Granger had undergone a hand fasting ritual, or that it was not the temporary hand fasting that some go through, had arrived at her desk by mistake. She now had those documents locked in her safe at the back of her office.

A large detachment of aurors, all who had something against the old head master were organised and dispatched to arrest him and to bring him to the holding cells where Dumbledore would be charged with illegal obliviation, he would also be held for being involved in slave trading, which even in the Wizarding world was a very serious crime, Tonks evidence as an Auror would see that the old man was convicted. Madam Bones also set some officers into checking on former female Muggleborn students to see if there were any other victims of Dumbledore's they should know about. That report would reveal at least forty Muggleborn girls had gone missing before the end of their last year at Hogwarts and the investigation would widen, with descriptions of the girls being posted all around Diagon Alley.

The two Potters had no trouble getting to the airport and purchasing tickets on the same plane as the Grangers, even though they were both tired out from all their nocturnal activities. It was two in the afternoon when they left England heading for the land down under.

On reaching Australia it did not take them long to find a small town where the local dental surgery was for sale. After a short one hour internal flight, the two Potters and the two Grangers were settled into the local hotel for what they thought was a short stay.

Amelia Bones was quite busy writing out a charge sheet for Albus Dumbledore who was down in the holding cells, when her secretary entered the office and told her that there was a French girl outside who wished to speak to her. Giving a sigh and pushing the documents in front of her out of sight she told her secretary to send in the girl.

Fleur entered the room and took a seat in front of the desk. Looking up at Amelia she said, "I think it important that you view this Madam," she then handed the memory crystal to Amelia and settled back to wait as the head of the law office watched Harry's memory.

Amelia pulled the memory crystal away from her forehead and gave the young French woman a rather broad smile. "This is just what I needed to add to the evidence we already have against Dumbledore. That old man is going to be taking a holiday in hotel Azkaban, he may even be in the same cell block as the Weasley's." she then pressed a button on her desk. Seconds later the door opened and her secretary entered.

"Yes Amelia?" the secretary asked as she entered the room.

"Ah, Fran, call in the same team that arrested Dumbledore, we have more to arrest." Amelia said as she rubbed her hands together. She was always happy to arrest those who used love potions and the like, due to her hate of such potions.

Fleur being a member of the Order of the Phoenix offered to take Amelia and her squad of officers to the order hide out. She too hated the thought of love potions. Twenty minutes later Fleur along with the DMLE officers watched as a house appeared in front of her. With the Auror's being unable to see the house Fleur had Amelia's hands on her shoulder and the other officers each holding onto each other so they knew where they were going, she walked into the house leading the squad behind her. As soon as they were over the door step and could see the house the officers spread out as best they could in the not to wide hallway. Fleur led them to the kitchen where most of the order would normally gather.

In the kitchen they found the whole Weasley family except Bill and Charlie, sitting around the large table. It took just seconds for the law officers to arrest Arthur, Molly and Ron Weasley on charges of illegal potion and spell use on Mrs Hermione Jane Potter in an attempt to enslave her as a sex slave. Ron on hearing the charges once again could not keep his mouth shut and started to rant about how the order had allowed Hermione to escape. By the time he was finished his mother and father were also charged with kidnap and illegal detention of Mrs Hermione Jane Potter. The whole thing had taken just ten minutes. The Weasley's were very quickly portkeyed to the holding cells of the ministry. The remaining Weasleys were shocked and sickened by what their parents had done to their friends.

"Er Madam Bones. Could you tell Hermione that I knew nothing about this and I hope she will remain my best female friend? Hermione is like my older sister and I would hate to lose that relationship." Ginny Weasley said as Amelia was walking out of the kitchen.

The two Weasley twins chorused "Us too please Madam Bones, even if we are older than her we still think of Hermione as our big sister."

Amelia nodded her head, "I'll tell her what you said when I see her," she said though made no promises. She did not want people to know that the Potters had left England on what she supposed was their honeymoon.

Two weeks later Amelia sat in her office having a tea break while worrying that Dumbledore might just get away with his crimes due to his support in the Wizengamot, when she received yet another visit from Fleur Delacour. "So Miss Delacour to what do we owe this visit, another memory maybe?" she asked as the young French woman took a seat.

"Actually Madam I have several memories, most of which will probably have you ready to permanently dispose of one vile old headmaster." Fleur told her as she pulled a small box from her bag and placed it in front of Amelia.

Amelia Bones had just finished watching the last of the memories and was pacing around her office trying to control her temper. What she had just witnessed were Harry and Hermione Potters memories of their adventures during their five years at Hogwarts. It took several minutes before she had calmed enough to think clearly with out getting the urge to go and kill Dumbledore. Opening her office door she asked her secretary to send four aurors to fetch Cornelius Fudge to her office.

Cornelius Fudge was an angry man when he entered Amelia Bones office, but before he could utter a single word Amelia said "Cornelius Fudge you are under arrest on several charges. The most serious one being ordering the murder of Harry Potter. Delores Umbridge is even now being arrested for the attempted murder of Harry potter, using illegal and unforgivable spells on a student of Hogwarts. Torture of Hogwarts students using a restricted class blood quill on said students, along with a whole string of other charges. You Fudge will also be charged with illegally ordering a kill on sight order, murder of a witness known as Bartimus Crouch Jr to prevent him being questioned, illegal incarceration of the Hogwarts ground keeper, plus a few more charges relating to bribes and corruption. Do you have anything to say."

Cornelius simply sat spluttering that he was the minister of magic and could not be arrested, while Amelia ordered that he be taken away to the holding cells until his trial could be organised.

It had taken Amelia four days to collect enough Hogwarts students who could verify the Potter memories of events in Hogwarts over the past five years. She had four of the faculty who were also willing to give evidence against Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall. McGonagall was going to be paying for ignoring the needs of her students as she obeyed everything that Dumbledore told her. One of the main witnesses against her was one of her life long friends who had begged her to take care of the children no matter what the head master said only to be ignored. His name was Filius Flitwick, he was joined by the school healer who had repeatedly been prevented from treating Harry Potter for malnutrition, and other injuries obtained out side the school during his stay at his relatives home.

Snape was going to be facing a charge of treason as was Dumbledore for his support of Snape in destroying the potion industry of Britain by driving away any budding potion masters from studying the art. It was argued that he did it on the orders of Voldemort and that he had been in the school simply to do that task and to sow discord among the students. Destroying hundreds of careers during his almost sixteen year's tenure at the school and bringing the potion industry of Britain almost to its knees.

Dumbledore was going to be charged and would be found guilty of five attempted murders of Harry Potter, the kidnap of both Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. The sixteen year imprisonment of Harry Potter. The endangerment of an entire generation of the British wizarding world on several occasions. He was found to be a true and present danger to society and was sentenced to be put through the veil of death. When he called for Fawkes to save him the phoenix did not answer his call.

During their month at the small town the Potters and Grangers had liked the little town they had spent that first month in so much that they chose to stay there, it was the town where their daughter Lily was born. It became so much like home that they decided to settle down there permanently. They moved out of their rented accommodation and each family bought themselves a house. Their new homes faced each other on a small quiet road on the south side of the town. They had been truly lucky to find two houses that suited both families so close together, and they did not hesitate when it came to deciding to buy them. Helen and Richard Granger had always wanted more children and with Harry and Hermione's help and the local fertility clinic Helen ended up pregnant with not one child but with triplets. Richard bought the small dental office in the town and set up his new business there. The business quickly grew as their reputation for being two very good and gentle dentists. The business flourished as more and more patients registered with them over the following years.

It was two days after the night that Helen's plan to have another child was voiced when the family paid their first visit to the local fertility clinic so that Harry could leave his special donation to be used on Helen, who surprisingly went alone to all the following appointments for the IVF treatments, while her family made plans for their future. That she went alone never struck any one as odd or out of the ordinary. Richard had been truly happy when Helen told him she was pregnant, he was finally getting some more children to raise despite his inability to perform after an accident a few months after Hermione was born.

They all knew Harry was the biological father of the triplets but only the four of them ever knew he was the father, they never told anyone else. They put their looking like him as a simple coincidence the memories of the night the triplets were born often replayed in her mind, and always made her happy, especially the dreams she had had that night of Harry being far more than just the donor in her IVF treatment, each time that memory played in her mind left a smile on her face. Those dreams were something she never revealed to anyone, she took that treasured naughty little secret to her grave with her.

Together Harry and Richard took care of their wives, one a young mum and the other pregnant, while planning some rather amazing futures for their children. Helen had two girls and a boy, all of them were magical and all of them looked a lot like the Potter family, the two girls looked like Lily while the boy looked a lot like a cross between James and Harry. Though he did grow up to be almost six inches taller than Harry.

During their second year in the town Harry and Hermione bought the local newspaper, and both worked in the offices to start. Both of them tried several of the jobs at the paper, Hermione found her place in the managing of the paper while Harry enjoyed doing the sports reporting. It was only a couple of years before they bought their own TV station and became popular broadcasters. Slowly but surely as the Potter family grew so did their little business empire. By the time Hermione's four children were old enough to be taught at magic school the Potters were wealthy enough for them to have their entire family home taught, they also helped to pay for the Granger triplets to be home taught so that magic never caused the family rift that had been slowly developing in the Granger family until they all escaped Britain and moved to Australia.

Without Dumbledore around no one bothered Harry, there was no one from Britain trying to get him to face a dark wizard, and Voldemort was quite happy that Potter had left the country. He told his minions that Potter had left because he was a coward, despite it being widely known that Harry Potter left because Dumbledore had tried to sell Hermione as a sex slave. Dumbledore and the Weasley's evil plots were well known through out the land because it being Dumbledore's trial it had been well written about.

Harry and Hermione Potter had no inclination to ever return to the land of their birth and lived quite happily working as TV presenters along with their rolls of owner/manager. They lived and watched their family grow up and have family of their own. Happy with what they had accomplished.
