Spoiler Warning: Chapter 518 and after Sesshomaru goes about with two arms again.


When a lifetime was a collection of centuries, one solar year was an eyeblink. Still, with the rapid expansion of his entourage to include two human children and surpassing his father, Sesshomaru felt it'd been a stretch. That his left arm was gone nearly the entire time, the daiyokai had grown quite accustomed to swinging a blade single-handedly.

Flexed his restored left arm, he had to wonder, Was it really necessary? He could still strike Jaken, two hands weren't required for that. The second arm just might get in the way.

It'd be another limb to bleed from or worse. Sesshomaru grimaced remembering how close Shishinki had come with the Meidou Zangetsuha.

At this rate his restored limb served only for atheistic.

One good reason, just one to keep this arm.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin's chirpy voice called him back to the present. "Look what I found!" She offered an especially sparkly rock -- quartz, he identified -- out to him. But golden eyes were drawn to the little ponytail that was sagging from the day's excursions.

"Come here." Sesshomaru's own command took him by surprise as Rin trotted back.

Rin automatically stepped forward. "Huh?"

Without completely realizing what he was doing, the demon's ten talons set to work. Nimble claws quickly removed the loose hair tie, gathered a tuft of black strands, and secured it with a tug.

"There." Sesshomaru promptly crossed his arms and looked the other way. The girl was dismissed. Bewildered and still clutching the small crystal, Rin plodded off unaware of the important verdict she'd just helped her lord reach. That her existence was its pinnacle.

When she was sure she was out of even the dog-demon's earshot, Rin winced and loosened her ponytail. "Owww…I sure hope Lord Sesshomaru can find other uses for his two hands."


A/N: Quick drabble with little purpose beyond entertainment. Whaddya think?