A/N: Well folks this is the last chapter! Thank you everyone! I know this fic was alot shorter than my usual work, but I projected for it to be short.. It's the type of story I could keep going on forever with, but because the plot is more emotional than anything else, the ending may seem a bit open ended. I wanted it to feel more like a short 'snapshot' then anything else. Thanks for all the positive reviews that you all have given me.

Description: Sakura suddenly finds herself facing an arranged marriage with the Hyuuga heir. She doesn't want to tie herself romantically to anyone. Will a refusal upset her life too much? Will she be forced to accept something she does not want? Neji/Sakura

Disclaimer:I do not own Naruto. That right belongs to Kishimoto. Nor do I own the lyrics to Natasha Bedingfield's "Wild Horses"; which was what inspired

Burning whispers, Remind me of the days,
I was left alone, in a world this cold
Guilty of the same things, provoked by
The cause


Chapter 7

It was a good solid week since Arashi had stuck me in the pen with the stubborn filly. It had been nearly dusk that day when the animal and placed her velvety lips on my shoulder, her chin hairs tickling my skin. She was slowly allowing the man to work with her more and more. But even I, who was as far from a horse trainer as one could possibly get, could see that any progress made was on the animal's terms. I had to admire her tenacity and spirit. Glancing to the side, I watched as Neji went about working on his set of chores for the day.

He had withdrawn from me, after that night. It was what I'd wanted, or at least what I thought I desired. The victory was hallow and tasted like dry ashes in my mouth. I knew my rejection had hurt more than just pride and that knowledge bothered me the most. I would have gone to apologize to him, to talk it out, to at least become friends. He was a good man. A bit backwards in his thinking maybe, but weren't we all in some way or another? I'd talked to him of things that I never breathed to another living soul.

Neji had also kissed me in such a way, that I knew that any other man's touch would always fall short. Not because of the attraction that came flaring to life between us, but because of the emotion behind it. As if he felt my eyes on him, he lifted his head wiping the sweat beading on his brow and turned his gaze to mine. Liquid burning silver. How I had ever mentally classified the Hyuuga prodigy as a cold individual, I'll never know to this day. How I never noticed that burning, intense gaze? I honestly have no clue. For several moments I was drowning in those depths. Finally I wrenched my gaze from his and turned my back on him. The spot between my shoulder blades began to burn, but still I fastened my eyes on Arashi and the strawberry roan.

Striding over to the pen, I leaned against it, drawing the attention of both occupants, "Have you thought of a name for her?"

Arashi shook his head, "I don't name 'em. I leave that up to the buyers," he waved a dismissive hand at me. Though it wasn't verbalized, it clearly was a 'get lost' gesture.

My lips thinned and then a thought hit me, "Mind if I take one of the horses out for a ride?"

The older man pinned me beneath a thoughtful gaze. For several seconds I could see him contemplating my query and then slowly he nodded his head, "Sure kid. I don't see why not. Just take one of the ones in the pasture by the barn. The others are far too green for ya. Before ya go, go ahead and feed them so you won't be restrained to a time limit. I can practically see you slobbering at the bit."

Frowning at his less than charming description I merely nodded because I didn't dare release the sharp retort on my tongue. Pivoting on my heel leaving him to stare at my retreating back, I went straight to the pallette and pulled back the tarp none too gently before filling one of the wheelbarrows with the flakes of hay. Methodically I went from pen to pen, tossing the flakes over the fence. I watched the animals gallop eagerly from one end of the field to the other to get their share nipping and pushing one another to find their designated pile.

For several peaceful moments I watched them eat before dragging the empty wheelbarrow back before going into the house to change into something warmer. I didn't have any sweaters with me, so I just layered my clothing, figuring it would have to do. When I stepped back out onto the porch I suddenly found myself face to face with the Hyuuga. Our eyes met for several heart stopping moments. I was the first to advert my gaze, and was not in the least bit ashamed by that fact.

"Weak," the Uchiha's faint voice haunted me.

Swallowing the lump that formed in my throat when the scent of cedar tickled my nostrils, I turned my face further away as I stepped off of the porch, the heels of my boots scraping against the grass. Lifting my chin, I looked at the barn, fixating my malachite orbs on the splintering wooden surface while I made my way to it. Grabbing a halter and lead rope, I went out to the back pasture holding the older horses that Arashi had borrowed from a friend of his to help with the training of the mustangs. Ponying, I think he had called it.

A couple of the horses lifted their heads their ears swiveling in my direction at my approach. When their big brown eyes fell on the lead rope on my hands they took off in the other direction. I really wasn't in the mood to go chasing after them. An older dappled gray mare however continued to hold my gaze, her deep mahogany orb held my own thoughtfully. It was as if she were sizing me up. I could see wisdom in those eyes as strange as that may sound, but that's exactly what I saw. A snort left her, her head bobbed a couple times, and then at her own ambling pace she approached me on her own. I almost felt like an idiot for putting the halter on her.

However she just patiently stood there and let me be the silly human that I truly was and allowed me to 'lead' her to the barn. I groomed her out and I took my sweet time doing it because she seemed to really enjoy the feel of the curry comb. When I was finally finished saddling her, I led her outside before mounting and settling into the worn grooves of the saddle. I took up the reigns in my hands, but let them fall slack against my leg. I guess you could say I was putting myself in her care. For a moment, I pondered the direction that I wanted to take.

The mare lifted her head her ears flicking back in my direction. It was like she was asking me, 'okay now what?' Clicking my tongue the way that Arashi had taught me to do, I looked north. Immediately she began to walk that way. The gray mare took me over the green hills and my chin rose as the evening breeze lifted my pink tresses and whipped them against pale cheeks. My loose ponytail whipped about as the wind picked up while the sun began to hang low in the sky, casting a rosy ethereal glow to the hills.

The scent of salt tickled my nostrils. It wasn't long until the horses hooves hit sand. We both came abreast of the high mound of the dune. I pulled up the reigns subtly asking my guide to halt. We both stopped and our twin sets of eyes gazed out over the expanse of the deep blue waters. Shutting my eyes, I listened to the peaceful sound of the foamy liquid lapping against the beach. It was one of those sounds that not only sounded wonderful to the ears, but to the soul as well. Refreshing, cleansing, strong.

Lifting the reigns I asked the mare softly, "Feel like a run?"

She moved forward, her muscles flexing beneath me as she went down the side of the dune. The mare took me to the edge of the waters and once more we stopped. Snorting, she tossed her head, obviously unafraid of the crashing waves. Turning her nose, both poised on the edge. I dug my legs into her sides, and that was all she needed. She bounded forward, galloping and kicking up wet sand as she went, her powerful hooves seeming to run upon the edge of the wind itself. Freedom is relative, I thought, as I felt my soul straining against the proverbial bit.

The fluidity of the motion beneath me, was poetry in itself. The bindings that held my hair fell away, and the bubble gum hued tresses whipped fiercely against the sea breeze. The warm hues of rasberry and sherbert arced and raced across the darkening azure skies. The once white clouds now lavender against the sky as the sun seemed to touch the very brim of the depthless waters. By the time the horse slowed it was dark and the stars were beginning to twinkle against the black velvet.

As we made our way back to the ranch my thoughts drifted inwards and even though I wanted to curse myself for doing it, I couldn't help but think of the ANBU captain who had followed me out to the middle of nowhere on a bogus mission. Those silvery eyes of his as deep and mysterious as the ocean itself following the traces of the shadow I left behind. The feminine part of myself, the side that I'd been forced to suppress due to the line of work that I'd chosen in this life was a bit amazed that such a man, had taken interest. The small, tight bubble that I'd guarded for so long threatened to burst and the Hyuuga was the one holding the needle. At first I'd hated him for it, but now I wasn't so sure.

When we arrived at the barn we were greeted by the hymn of crickets. I took my sweet time unsaddling the gray mare and brushing down her sweat laden fur. I picked her hooves clean, making sure there wasn't a speck left behind. Her nose brushed against my sleeved arm as she nibbled at the rolled up cuffs of my dull brown long sleeved shirt. My lips turned down as I led the mare back out to the pasture. As soon as I opened the gate and removed her halter she pranced merrily inside, tossing her head as she went. I couldn't help the small amused laugh that left me.

Leaning against the fence, I folded my arms over the top and braced my chin on the surface of my brown checkered sleeve. My nostrils quivered at the horsey scent that had been left behind in the material, and I realized that I was beginning to enjoy the smell. I would miss it, when it was time for me to leave this place. Lifting my eyes, the green orbs followed the dancing shadows of the horses moving in the darkness. I could hear their soft nickers as they seemed to answer one another and the sound of hooves scraping against the ground.

Even though I had felt like I had come to a stand still in my life, the simplicity of my surroundings was a stark reminder that life continuously moved on whether the occupants within wanted it to or not. I hated that I was so weak when it mattered most. My whisper was soft in the night, "I keep running into myself... hoping that I'll find somebody else..." I shook my head at my silliness.

As the words left my slightly parted lips I felt his presence approaching. It was a strange sensation. He was concealing his chakra signature but I sensed him all the same. His voice was clipped and cool when he spoke his sandal clad feet scraping against the hard packed dirt, "I believe that I have spent more than enough time here... it is time that I return to Konohagakure." I didn't turn to face him. I didn't want him to see the look on my face.

The tempo of my heart increased as it clenched like a vice in my ribcage. I'd been telling him to leave since the moment we'd left Konoha but now that he was informing me that he was going to do that very thing I really didn't want him to. I instinctively knew that the moment he left that he'd move on and it would be like nothing had ever happened between us. The only indicator that it had ever happened would be the shattered ties with my parents that I was still loathed to go back and face. I could only utter one simple word, "When?"

"Tonight. I've already spoken with Arashi. I was going to leave earlier but I wanted to wait until you returned," he replied without inflection.

I knew that it was probably only solely for pride he waited for me to come back. It would hurt that Hyuuga pride of his to think that I might believe that he'd been running away. My voice was suddenly stuck. I could feel my throat constricting. If anything, I'd been the one running away. I was the biggest coward I'd knew. The real question was, did I really want it to end this way? It was completely reasonable of him to return. I knew that the emotional roller coaster that I'd been, hadn't been fair to him. Granted, he shouldn't have gone to my parents before speaking to me but he was from a noble family and there were just some things that stuck with a person whether you wanted them to or not.

"I see," I still didn't turn. It was bizarre. It was like de javu all over again, but this time if this man walked out of my life, it was because I'd chosen not to stop him. Indecision clawed at my gut, along with the fear of the unknown. Did I want the bubble to burst?

"Sakura," his tone dropped an octave. The cold inflection of before was gone and indecision colored the sound.

If there was any doubt before of what his leaving truly meant it was completely gone now. The unspoken question shimmered between the two of us in the yawning silence. My shoulders tensed as he stepped behind me closing the distance between us. His tapered fingers gently grasped my shoulders and I allowed him to turn me. Lifting my chin my emotions recoiled deep within the recesses of my soul at the look in those pale orbs of his. Even though all those with Hyuuga blood had the exact same eye color due to their blood limit, there was not another person with eyes as intense as his.

Tell him to stay, my mind yelled at me. The sound of the words formed in my skull and bounced around wildly as the tempo of my heart increased. If he turned on his byakugan, I wondered what he would see on the inside of me. My mouth went dry and my mandible worked as I nibbled at my lower lip abusing the tender flesh.

Coward, Sasuke's voice floated, cutting through my chaotic thoughts.

My voice was hoarse at first, "I... I don't want you to leave..."

"We've been here far too long as it is. However it is not my place to make you return home," Neji replied coolly, "But it is as you said a week ago. I do have things that I need to get back to..."

"No," I refused to accept that response and my hands shot out to clutch his shirtfront, "Not yet..."

"What is it that you are waiting for Sakura?" his silvery orbs searched my down turned face.

I paused, my fingers kneading the front of his tunic. That was a good question. What was I waiting for? Or rather what was it that I came here searching for? No matter the circumstances, I belonged in Konoha, just as he did. I think that Tsunade-sama had sent me here because she'd known for a long while that I'd been broken on the inside and I needed time away to put myself back together. How long was it that I been staring at the shattered glass that littered my soul? I was still a long way from putting all the pieces back together because some of them no longer fit where they used to. But who said I had to do it alone? It was no wonder I hadn't noticed the hot ivory eyes that had followed me. I'd been so lost in myself that I hadn't seen what had been right in front of me all along. I murmured softly, "I don't know Hyuuga... but... I do agree that it's time that I return home..."

I could deal with my parents, even though I really still didn't want to yet. It was just this thing that was now between me and the Hyuuga heir that was making me crazy. He dipped his head in agreement, "Yes. Do not be concerned with the issue regarding your parents. I will fix the trouble that I caused you..."

"No," I shook my head in refusal, "You won't. I was the one who broke it... literally... I'm the one who should fix it."

"But I..." he started to protest.

I put my finger to his lips a saucy smile pulling at my lips quieting the sound, "No buts Hyuuga. It's high time I stop running away... I'm going to sit down and have a nice long talk with them. They have no idea what a nin's life is like and if they insist on keeping me from working in the hospital, well then, I'll just open my own clinic if I have to."

The grin melted away when I felt his warm breath tingle against my finger. I snatched the appendage away and laced my hands behind my back, "But... I'm not leaving in the middle of the night... I'll leave in the morning."

"So you will be returning home?" he queried as if he couldn't believe he heard the words coming from me.

"Yes Hyuuga. I will be going back to Konoha tomorrow," I slowly reiterated patiently nodding my head as I did so, "I don't want to just up and leave... I feel that I owe Arashi at least a thanks for allowing us to stay here for so long..."

His lips quirked and he looked at a loss for a moment. It was obvious that he hadn't expected me to say I was going to go back to Konoha as well. Despite the emotions roiling through me I was rather pleased for a second that I'd thrown a wrench into whatever plans he had.

"I see," and then, "If that is the case. Then I will wait until the morning to leave as well..."

I could hear the uncertaintyand the hope rolled up all into one in his voice and I couldn't stand it any longer. He'd left me alone for the entire week after having kissed me as passionately as he did that night. It was what I'd asked for, but yet every time I watched his retreating back I felt cold spread on the inside. The bubble burst into a million shards. Neji was startled though he tried to hide it when I suddenly reached out and grabbed his shirtfront again, my fingers curling into the folds of the material. I leaned my forehead against his chest. I spoke slowly, "I still cannot agree to the sudden offer of marriage but..." I stopped as it hurt to even breathe at that moment.

"But..." his voice was so soft I barely heard it.

"But..." I breathed in deeply, dragging the air into my burning lungs, "I would like to... try. I don't quite understand what's between us... but I'm not going to be a coward anymore. I want to give things a chance... I can't continue to hide from life and my emotions. The life I chose is a harsh one. That's just how it is..."

I could hear his intake of breath and before I could open my mouth to say anything else, I felt his lips slant over mine drawing me in drugging my mind and washing all my residual doubts aside. His callused fingers went to the nape of my neck beneath the wind tossed pink tresses, folding the curves of my body against his. He broke the caress and leaned his forehead against my right shoulder. A sweetly intimate gesture that caused my heart to squeeze. He asked softly his voice slightly hoarse, "Are you certain?"

"The question is... Are you certain Neji? I'm still broken. You can certainly do better than me," my voice was hushed against the crest of his ear.

"We all have things that we need to work on. We are human and therefore, no one is perfect," Neji lifted his head to gaze into my moonlit eyes.

I could help the silly laugh that gurgled in my throat, "Neji Hyuuga admitting that he isn't perfect. There is just something so wrong about..."

Before I could go on further, he kissed me again. I think it was more to shut me up then a passionate thing. Even if I did agree to try dating him, to see how things went between the two of us, I don't think I could ever stop teasing him. He just made it far too easy. The kiss may have not started out as passionate but it was quickly getting there, I thought vaguely to myself, when his tongue ran along the seam of my lips in askance. Breathlessly I parted them and went weak at the knees when the warm appendage slid in caressing and hungry all at once.

The protest died on my lips when he moved back, the depth of the hunger in his ravenous pallid eyes searing me to the very core of my soul. He murmured throatily, "Just as you have requested... we will take this slowly and one day at a time..."

"That is all that we are allocated as nin. We can only take things as they come," I sighed in agreement, still burning and aching from his touch.

Lacing my fingers through his we returned to the house in amiable silence.


"You want to what?" Arashi eyed me as if I'd grown two heads.

"When the strawberry roan's training is finished, I would like to purchase her. If you could send word I will come to pick her up when it is time," I smiled gamely at him and then, "That is if you'll sell her to me..."

"Well kid, I guess I should have seen that coming. Sure I have no problem with it. When everything's completed I send you word through Tsunade with all the necessary information," he shoved his hands in his pockets eyeing the two of us thoughtfully, "Ya gonna return home eh?"

"Yes. Thank you for your hospitality. I know it was a favor to Tsunade-same but... all the same... thanks," I replied, the grin still on my lips.

"I gotta ask ya kid. Ya got a name in mind for that filly?" Arashi's brown eyes were bright with amusement.

"Freedom," was the immediate response.

"Kinda corny but it fits her I guess. I suppose it's not the worst name I've ever heard on a horse," he nodded down at me, "Well kid, if you ever need a place to run to... you're welcome here. You both made good hands even though you were a bit green. That strength of yours can be damned useful..."

"We appreciate the offer," Neji responded politely, although I could tell by the look in his silvery eyes, that such a thing would not be coming any time soon if he could help it. He didn't like being talked down to and Arashi had certainly done that. I personally felt it had been a good experience for him to be treated just like everyone else.

"Maybe next autumn," I agreed merrily.

Arashi watched until he could no longer see the strange pair of shinobi in the distance. After a moment's contemplation he shook his head and went back into the house muttering, "Kids these days..."


"Next autumn?" Neji asked after we'd gotten well away from the ranch.

"Yes and I'm serious. I enjoyed my time there," and then I put my finger to my lips in a mock thoughtful gesture as I jumped from tree branch to tree branch, "But I still cannot think of what I should put in my report. I'm a bit torn..."

Ahead of me his shoulders stiffened but he still replied in his ANBU captain's voice, "There will be no such thing as... this was not... a mission by any stretch of the imagination."

"Oh... I see. Well what if Tsunade-sama wants one? Should I regale her with your amazing conquering of the feat of the abominable hammer and nail? Or... maybe I should tell her that you gained a fair amount of diplomacy skills?" I teased him thinking of the little black horse that hadn't been too happy with the Hyuuga's gruff approach.

"Haruno has anyone ever told you that you can be insufferable at times?" he asked in front of me, his tone stiff.

"Not really, no... but," I caught up to him and then passed him up in a flash of pink and mulberry, "I suppose that's subject to change."

A squeal left me when I felt his muscled arm grip my waist, forcing me to stop and nearly sending me plummeting in the process. I was about to protest but I suddenly found myself pressed up against the trunk of the tree. Within the span of a moment, his lips were every where as were his hands, tasting and touching. I went to push him away, but he captured the delicate appendages in his hands before kissing me senseless. I could see a pattern beginning to take place. My mouth was getting me in trouble it seemed, delicious trouble, but trouble none the less. Not that, that was anything new but never had I had such delectable repercussions in the entirety of my life.

I knew that our relationship was an odd one, but an honest one and it would continue to be so for as long as we desired to be together. We could talk frankly to one another and even at the end of the day even if it wasn't a perfect it was always interesting. I would come to love this man, I knew that, and I believed that now that I'd come to accept what I couldn't before. When he finally lifted his head, his chest heaving from the lack of oxygen. I asked him teasingly, "Has anyone ever told you, that you are really good at kissing..."

"I'm a Hyuuga," he arched a brow down at me, as if this explained everything.

"Do I look like I give a rat's ass about what your last name is? I was just saying, you know, that you're good at kissing... but with that attitude... I take it back," I returned haughtily. I couldn't tell if he was being serious or joking. The infamous poker face of the Hyuuga clan was definitely going to make this relationship and interesting one.

He smirked down at me, "That's not something that you can take back Haruno..."

"Oh yes I can," I wagged a finger in his face when he bent his head in to kiss me again, "And you know... we've got a few days trip to get back to Konohagakure... now if you decide to be a good boy..." I peeked up at his face coquettishly beneath the veil of pink eyelashes enjoying the look of confusion I caused with the sudden change in topic, "I may find that I have enough room in my sleeping bag for two..."

I watched the color peak in his pale cheeks, and he'd taken a step back as if I'd touched him in the gut with a hot poker. I took off before he could get a bearing on his thoughts. A ridiculously happy smile touched my lips as the breeze whipped at my bangs. As I'd lectured many a horse, freedom is relative. Which was true in a sense. But life was what you made it, and I planned on taking it moment by moment. I would allow the past to remain where it was, it was time that my green eyes looked to the future taking the present as it came.


To ride a horse is to ride the sky. ~Author Unknown


A/N: Well I hoped that you all enjoyed this mini ficlet. I know it was a bit corny in places but it really started out as an expirement with first person and it is what you see now. As for the horse's name I know it's corny as hell, but it's sort of an inside joke. I've heard such outrageous barn names that I had to make a silly one myself. I do understand that it's open-ended but like I said, I wanted it to have the feel of a 'snapshot' and hopefully it feels that way. Thank you for reading this work. I hope you all enjoyed it for what it was. On a side note, this will probably be my last fic that I do a Neji/Sakura pairing unless the muse decides otherwise. Thank you, and until next time. Please review and let me know what you think. I'd like to know if you thought it sucked or if you liked it for what it was.