Gundam ½
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or Ranma ½
Pairings: 2/1, 3/4, 5/Mousse, 13/6, Ryo/Ran, Tofu/Kasumi
Plot: The Gundam boys plus Zechs and Treise get thrown into Ranmaverse to live again but they get their memories back when they are ten. What's this? Ranma has a twin? The Tendo's have a brother and cousin? Xain-Pu has a cousin? Tofu has a twin? The Kuno's have a sane cousin? Ryoga's family adopted? Time for Gundam ½!
Prologue: Death and Rebirth
The scene of destruction met the eyes of the five young men as they got out of their gundams. They had just won the war but at a high cost. They sat in a group at the foot of Wing Zero, tired after the adrenaline they had been feeling vanished. As they waited a car pulled up and out stepped Lady Une and a few of the Preventers guards. "Is every one alright?" she demanded an answer once she got closer. "Only a few cuts and bruises, we'll live." The blond pilot, Quatre, said with a small smile as he leaned against his lover, Trowa.
"Most of the damage was done to the gundams thankfully." The chestnut haired teen, Duo, added with a tired look, not even trying to be his normal hyper self. He then reached over and hugged his lover, Heero, to his chest and kissed him on the cheek. After a few more minutes of talking another vehicle showed up to transport the tired pilots. Once they all were in the car the driver smirked lightly, started the car and drove it for a mile before diving out of the front seat, pushing a button when he hit the ground. Lady Une stared in horror from the car behind the pilots as the car that held the hero's blew up. "Nooooo!"
"Congratulations Mrs. Saotome, twin boys." "Ranma and Heero." "Here are your new twins Mrs. Tendo." "Nabiki and Duo." "Just sign here and little Trowa is all yours." "Welcome to the family Trowa Habiki." "Matriarch, your daughters gave birth at the same time! Meet Xain-Pu and Wufei!" "Here's hoping little Quatre wont be like his cousin Tatewaki and my brother." "Soun, I hope you don't mind watching over Zechs for me, it's just for the week end." "I would be glade to watch over Zechs, dearest sister." "But brother, why would you want to be a doctor when you grow up?" "Because Treise, I want to help people, just like you want to be a police officer!" And so it begins…
Please tell me what you think. I don't know when I'll update this but the next chapter will be longer. R&R