Title: Eternal Dusk

Author: AnkouBlake

Pairings: all canon

Rating: T

Notes: This story is the continuation of Renesmee's story after Breaking Dawn. It is in Renesmee's POV, about three years after the end of Breaking Dawn, so she's physically 13-14 years old. I'm not sure how Stephenie Meyer was aging her, so I'm going to go with that, sorry if that offends anyone.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight characters. They belong to Stephenie Meyer. I use them for fun. No infringement is meant.

Summery: Breaking Dawn spoilers! Three years after their victory, the Cullens are continuing to live their peaceful life in Forks. Renesmee continues to grow at an alarming rate, both physically and mentally, developing new abilities as time wears on. When she is plagued by nightmares involving the loss of her family to the ever-plotting Volturi, she inevitably leaves the solace of her happy life to go to the source of the problem. Once in Volterra, she unwittingly uncovers a secret that could very well be the undoing of the ancient Royal Coven.


I never imagined that I would find myself here, standing before the Royal Coven, vulnerable and scared for the ones that I loved. Hadn't I come here to spare myself this very image?

Before me, the ominous line of black and grey cloaked faces glare at us with their ruby eyes. Inside my chest, my mortal heritage thrums away in panic. My mortality has never been tested before this moment. I could only hope that my vampire genetics outweigh the human ones.

A cold hand slides into mine, his hand an odd sense of reassurance to me. I spare him one quick glance as the line advances on us all, traitors to the monarchy. His milky red eyes shine with the force of his smile, his silent thank you to me for giving him some form of hope; hope that he hadn't seen in decades. I tighten my hold on his hand and face our executioners, readying myself for their killing blow.

And my family. I could feel them behind me now, preparing themselves for the fight that we had so nearly avoided only three years earlier. Perhaps we had always been destined for this, to be the ones who would bring down the megalomaniacs that acted as our protectors, or die trying. A low growl sounds from behind me, raising goosebumps on my arms and then, it begins.

AN: And there you have it, the beginning. I don't know how often I can update this, but I figured that I would at least get it started for you all. Hope that got your mouth watering for this fic. Be patient with me, please, I'm working on it! Thanks guys!