Hello people! I know I haven't updated in forever and for that I am eternally sorry! I've been so busy with everything going on in my life and just haven't had to the time or the mind to write this but the other day I saw an advert for Camp Rock 2 and suddenly was inspired to carry on. Not to mention the soundtrack came out so I am currently raving out to it!

So once again I'm so sorry but here is the next chapter!

Mitchie, Caitlyn and Peggy were all getting ready for Jam that night. Mitchie was going to be performing twice. Once with Shane singing 'This Is Me' and then again 'Who Will I be'. Brown wanted to show everyone what they'd gotten up to this summer so was making most of them perform again. Mitchie didn't mind though because honestly she loved singing with Shane. It was so much easier to get up on stage and sing in front of people when she knew he'd be there with her. Starring into those beautiful eyes and seeing all the emotions the flicker through them as he sang to her. The tight t-shirt and his hair just in his eyes giving them more colour as they stared at her looking into her soul….

"Mitchie! Earth to Mitchie" Caitlyn waved a hand in front of Mitchie's face

"Huh? Sorry I was daydreaming" Mitchie apologized giving the two of them her full attention

"We were just saying how that Molly girl was being a brat today" Peggy stated

"Yeah, I know Shane said she's been flirting with him all day" Mitchie frowned

"Poor him. He has her for the whole year as her mentor as well" Caitlyn pointed out

"Yeah but that means she can't date him right?" Peggy grinned

"Doesn't mean she won't try" Mitchie muttered

"Come on lets go Rock that stage" Caitlyn changed the topic

"Yeah, show that Molly who exactly she's dealing with" Peggy bumped shoulders with Mitchie

So with that they all got up and started to head to the stage were tonight's Jam was taking place. When they got there they stood around talking with everyone and meeting new people. Soon though the lights went down and everyone turned to the stage were Brown was now standing mike in hand. He spoke to all of the kids about what happened during the summer and how the rest of this year was just going to be summer all year through. That gained cheers from the crowd and everyone clapped at him. When the crowd calmed down he went on to say about all the amazing talent here. After he'd done that he smiled at everyone before introducing Connect Three and on came Shane, Nate and Jason. They started to play 'Play My Music' from the summer and just like the first time everyone started dancing along to it. When they finished Shane introduced the Hasta Lavista crew and just like at final Jam everyone was blown away with there energy and dancing.

While Mitchie was watching Shane came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist giving her a kiss on the cheek. She grinned and leant her head back on his chest while clapping her hands in rhythm with the music. Once they finished Ella came up with her mike and announced Tess singing '2 stars' but Ella didn't run of stage like she should of instead she joined Tess on stage and Peggy appeared as well. Mitchie hadn't even notice that she'd left her side. She differently preferred this version of the song with all three of them showing off there best aspects. She hadn't even realised that they'd planned this but in the end she couldn't stop her self from joining in dancing with Caitlyn who along with everyone else seemed to be caught up.

Shane took her hand then and motioned that they needed to head back stage. Mitchie pulled Caitlyn with them considering she was doing the mixing for her song. Once we reached backstage and she helped Caitlyn set up for 'Who Will I be'. Once she was ready Mitchie headed up on to the back part of the stage but as she got closer her nerves started to raise. This would be the first song she'd sung in front of people with out Shane beside her. She knew she couldn't depend on him all the time so she shook that feeling off. You'll be fine. It's just like performing with Shane except he's not there. She told herself. She could hear that Tess had finished and was introducing her to perform. She gave a deep breath and went up on stage. As soon as she started singing she could feel the energy coming off the crowd and with that she throw herself into her song. It was at times like these that Mitchie knew she belonged to perform. She could see Shane standing next to Ella and Tess smiling widely at her. It only gave her more energy to sing. When she finished the song she could barley hear over the all the cheering. She bowed before introducing Peggy and heading back off stage.

On her way past Peggy gave her thumbs up and Mitchie wished her luck. Once she was away from the stage she saw Caitlyn smiling widely at her before running up to her and hugging her tightly telling her how amazing she was up there. Mitchie just laughed and told Caitlyn how amazing she felt up there and how the crowd seemed to enjoy it.

"Hell, they didn't just enjoy it! They loved it! It's going to be hard to beat that" Caitlyn grinned

"I hope not! Other wise the next act isn't going to be too good" Shane stated as he walked up to them mike in hand "But Caitlyn is right. You were amazing up there"

"Thanks" Mitchie smiled

"Now come on let's get ready for the best performance of the night" Shane exclaimed

"Why is it going to be the best performance of the night" Caitlyn asked

"Cause I'm in it of course" Shane smirked

"Oh and here I was thinking he'd got better" Caitlyn sighed

"No Shane's always been cocky fame just took it to a whole new level" Nate explained coming up to stand beside Caitlyn. Mitchie didn't miss the fact that Caitlyn went a bit red at hearing Nate's voice.

"Okay, enough about me we got a performance to rock" Shane told them grabbing Mitchie's hand and pulling her to one side of the stage.

"That was mean" Mitchie told him as they waited for Peggy to finish

"What was?" Shane questioned

"Not telling Caitlyn that Nate was coming back stage to see her and then leaving her with him" Mitchie explained

"They've got to learn to talk to each other eventually, I just think it should be sooner rather than later" Shane argued

"Fine but its on your head if Caitlyn kills me later" Mitchie stated

"I'll protect you from her" Shane grinned "I'll see you in a minute. As Uncle says Rock it poppet"

"Don't ever say that again!" Mitchie shouted at him as he walked away from him. He just laughed as he headed to were he'd enter the stage.

Mitchie could hear Peggy introducing then and then the music started and she walked back onto stage singing the song that had brought her and Shane together. Everyone had left backstage to stand in the crowd and watch Shane and Mitchie's performance because they were always amazing. When Mitchie finished her part she expected Shane to appear from the other side of the stage but it was Shane he could never do things half way. So when he started singing everyone turned around and parted a way for Shane as he made his way toward her. When he reached the stage Jason and Nate boosted him up and with that he walked to Mitchie as they sung together. They reached each other and stood facing each other singing out the song that had brought Shane back to who he was. When the song finished the whole room went up in cheering and clapping. It was impossible to hear anyone talk even with the microphones. Shane and Mitchie just grinned at each other like mad people before Shane took her hand and they bowed together. They both run off stage and didn't have much time before they had to be back on to do the final song with everyone.

Everyone patted them on the back and told them how great they were as they all got into position to do 'We Rock'. Soon Brown introduced everyone and the music started and they did it just like they had on the last day of camp. It was here that Mitchie felt completely at home. When the song finished the crowd went crazy again before they all headed back to there cabin for the night. Mitchie stayed backstage with everyone as they chatted about the amazing night but soon they all had to head back to there cabin before they were told off for being out after curfew. So with that they all said bye as they headed to there beds. Shane, Nate and Jason walked the girls back to there cabin. Peggy and Caitlyn headed inside and Nate and Jason headed to there's giving Mitchie and Shane some privacy.

"Well tonight went well" Shane grinned

"Yeah, I will never get over the feeling you get when your onstage its amazing" Mitchie sighed

"You were born for this you know?" Shane smiled

"I doubt that Shane, I just love it" Mitchie replied

"Well, I better head back before Brown gives me detention. I'll see you tomorrow bright and early for class" Shane smirked

"Is there really detention here?" Mitchie questioned

"I don't know but I don't want to find out" Shane shrugged "Good night Mitchie"

"Night" She hugged him and he gave her a peck on the lips before he left heading back to his cabin

Next Morning-

The girl's alarm clocks all went off at the same time and each one of them groaned. After getting in last night they had been to full of energy to go straight to sleep so they'd stayed up talking and dancing around. Eventually they all passed out at just after midnight. This meant they weren't in the best of moods when there alarm woke them up for classes. Classes officially started today so they were all going to be split up for the day. They slowly crawled out of bed and started to get ready for the day. They were running late for breakfast but could find it in themselves to rush. So when they got there most people were already sitting around eating. The girls each grabbed a plate of food and some coffee before sitting down. Shane, Nate and Jason made there way over to were the girls sat drinking there coffee like there life depended on it.

"Late night?" Nate asked as he sat down

"Hmmm" was the girls reply

"I remember the feeling when we use to get to bed at like 3 in the morning and then have to be up at 6 for interviews and rubbish while we were on tour. It's was exhausting" Nick explained

"Dude, honestly I don't think they care right now. They look dead" Shane stated

"We just need to finish our coffee and will be fine" Caitlyn told them before sipping her coffee again

"Yeah, anyway what has everyone got first?" Mitchie asked starting to feel more awake with the help of the coffee

"I'm teaching dance" Shane smiled "Nate's teaching drums and mixing. Jason is teaching guitar"

"I've got drums and mixing first" Caitlyn smiled at the fact she got to spend the morning with Nate

"I've got Guitar" Peggy grinned

"Voice and lyric's, with Brown" Mitchie sighed

"We all have dance 3rd though" Caitlyn stated

"Well then I'll see you all at break and we can head over to class together" Shane grinned as the bell went signalling us to get to class "See you guys later" he gave Mitchie a quick kiss before heading off.

With that everyone stood up and started to make there way to where they were meant to be. Mitchie was making her way to Brown's room when she bumped into Molly. She didn't say anything to Mitchie other than a glare before walking into the room with a flick of her hair. Mitchie rolled her eyes at her action. Once in the class room she sat down next to Tess who was in her class and waited for Brown to arrive. They sat there talking for a bit until Molly came over to them.

"Hey Tess" Molly smiled at her

"Hey Molly, you know Mitchie right?" Tess replied

"Yeah, sort of. We haven't had time to really talk" Molly stated in an uninterested voice "Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to like hang out later"

"Erm… sorry I can't I promised Shane that I'd hang with him and the guys tonight" Tess apologised looking at Mitchie

"Oh maybe I can come?" Molly asked

"Err…" Tess turned to Mitchie unsure

"Yeah why not? It will be nice to get to know you a bit better" Mitchie shrugged

"Your going to be there?" she asked outraged

"Of course she is. She's Shane's girlfriend" Tess exclaimed

"Oh right yeah. I forgot that" Molly mumbled "Well see you guys around" she said before walking off

"Are you crazy? All she talks about is getting Shane and you just gave her a free pass you hang with us!" Tess whispered shouted at her

"No, I think it will be the perfect opportunity to show her that Shane has no interest in her. Plus what the hell is going on tonight? I didn't even know we were getting together for the night?" Mitchie argued

"I thought you knew. Shane asked me this morning if I wanted to hang out with you lot. I think he just wants to relax and toast some marshmallow's round a fire" Tess explained

"We didn't have much time to talk this morning. We were late for breakfast" Mitchie sighed "But thanks for the heads up"

With that Brown walked in apologising for being late before starting the lesson. He got a few people to stand up and sing that he hadn't heard before; including Molly who was actually pretty good but just like the old Tess she was over confident with it which just wasn't nice. Brown seemed to notice it as well because he warned her about the way she carried herself. After an hour of singing up and down a scale Brown let them go for there next lesson.

Mitchie's unfortunately was English. She could right a song no problem but give her a book and tell her to read it and tell you what it meant she'd have no clue. When she got there she took her place in between Peggy and Ella. Not a minute later and Caitlyn walked in and sat behind Mitchie. There teacher was already there and as soon as the bell rang again she introduced herself as Miss Moore. No one expected her to be so easy going and to start off the lesson she had them all stand up and throw a ball around the class room and when you caught it you had to say your name and something about yourself. Once everyone caught the ball she got all of them to move the desks to the wall before getting them to sit on the floor in a circle. She then asked questions about what they did or didn't like about English. By the End of the hour Mitchie had fallen in love with her new teacher. She was cool and leaned back and knew just how to grab your attention. The girls were almost sorry to leave the class. Almost. They all headed to sit on one of the benches that were around camp to sit and talk.

After about 10 minutes Mitchie told them she was going to go find Shane before there class so she could tell him about Molly coming tonight. Tess and Mitchie had told everyone about what was happening but most of them already knew from Nate or Jason. So with a wave Mitchie headed off to find Shane. She first looked at his cabin but when he wasn't there she headed to the dance hall were he was teaching. On her way she said hey and waved at people who smiled at her. When she got to the dance studio she walked in to find Shane bent over a few boxes with props in them. She couldn't help but look at how amazing his ass was. He was in the perfect position and seriously who wouldn't of? It was Shane Grey after all. He stood up then and turned to look at Mitchie who blushed at being caught starring at him.

"Hey" He smirked "Checking me out I see"

"Well I'm aloud you are my boyfriend" Mitchie argued

"true but at this point I am a teacher so technically your checking out your teacher" he grinned

"Well then Mr Grey, I am sorry for checking you out" Mitchie smiled at him

"Well Miss Torres I think I can let you off this once" Shane winked at her before leaning in closer going to give her a kiss

"It would be very inappropriate to give you a kiss" She stated as she leaned away from him

"I won't tell anyone if you don't" Shane muttered

"deal" Mitchie replied before kissing him and wrapping her arms around his neck as his went around his waist. When they pulled apart Shane grinned while Mitchie just went and grabbed a hat and mike. "Remember this"

"Our first dance lesson" Shane replied "I was a jerk then too"

"Yeah at first but then I saw that you weren't all bad when you helped us out" Mitchie argued

"That was only because somebody in the kitchen with flower all over there face had a go at me" Shane smirked

"I don't know who that was but whoever it was I bet had the right to talk to you like that" Mitchie countered

"Oh yeah I was being a complete spoilt brat" Shane agreed "Anyway now that we have figured out I was a complete jerk. Can we talk about what your doing tonight?"

"Oh actually that's what I came to warn you about. Molly will be joining us" Mitchie stated

"Why?" Shane asked

"Because she asked Tess if she would hang out with her tonight but Tess said she was busy with you and as soon as she heard your name Molly wanted to come. I couldn't just say no." Mitchie explained

"I guess not. She's in class next with us." Shane sighed

"Well, there's not much we can do. Will just have to put up with her" Mitchie shrugged

With that Shane and Mitchie set up for the next class. Soon people started arriving for the lesson and Mitchie left Shane and joined Caitlyn, Peggy, Ella and Tess to warm up. Once the bell went Shane called everyone together and just like on the first day of camp he told everyone to grab a hat and a mike before putting on the music and telling the class to follow him. He'd changed the routine so no one would know it and soon the whole class was following Shanes orders. Once they'd got it down he got them to run throw it several times so he could see the different levels in the class. All together he had a pretty good class. He couldn't deny the fact that Molly was actually a good dancer but she was over confident and you could see it not only on her face but in the way she moved. When they'd been dancing for a good 10 minutes he stopped them and told them to rest while he gave out different tips and advice.

After that he split the class into two groups and made them have a dance off just for fun and to see how they coped with free styling. After the dance off he had them all take a break for a bit while he set up the next part of the lesson. He'd come to realise in teaching that if he put on the hard front for the first lesson no body messed with him and by the end of the lesson everyone was about ready to die from exhaustion. Shane let them go 10 minutes early so they could change before there next classes. Shane had the next lesson off so headed back to his cabin for a shower before tonight. As no doubt it was bound to be eventful.


Shane, Nate and Jason were all heading towards Mitchie, Caitlyn's and Peggy's Cabin to pick them up before the bonfire they were having tonight so they could all hang out. Tess was meeting them there with Sophie and Molly. Shane had invited Sophie along because he thought it wouldn't be fair if both Tess and Molly were coming and Sophie wasn't. Not to mention she was a nice girl and an amazing dancer. They arrived at the cabin and knocked on the door. Caitlyn pulled it open and walked out followed by Peggy and Mitchie. They all headed down to one of the camp fire spots and the boys started to grab sticks and logs for the fire.

"I still think we should make a bird house here. I mean it is a camp. What camp doesn't make bird houses?" Jason complained

"A music camp! People come here to make music not birdhouses" Nate exclaimed

"Well I think they should make bird houses" Jason whined

"You know what Jason I agree. They should make bird houses. After all what is a camp with out bird house making" Caitlyn agreed smiling at Jason

"See! She gets it" Jason grinned before walking off to get more sticks

"Did you have to do that? Now he really won't shut up" Nate sighed

"And why do you have to be so serious! Loosen up and maybe he won't annoy you as much and you'll see the funny side to it" Caitlyn smirked

"I am not always serious" Nate shouted after her

"Dude yeah you are" Shane stated patting him on the shoulder before heading over to the fire pit and dumping the wood in there.

Once all the fire wood was in place Shane lit it and took a seat next to Mitchie. They were waiting for Tess, Sophie and Molly to turn up so were just sitting and talking. 10 minutes later they turned up. Tess walked right over and sat next to Caitlyn joining in hers Jason's and Nate's conversation. Caitlyn left soon after though walking over to Sophie and started talking to her about some of the dance stuff she did in class. Molly flicked her hair before walking over to Shane and Mitchie who were messing around. Molly got over to them just as Mitchie finished messing up Shane's hair.

"Hey" Molly smiled at him

"Oh hey Molly. Everything going alright with classes" Shane asked

"Yeah everything's great. Your dance class today was amazing" Molly grinned

"Thanks. You did well today. You just need to watch out for looking over confident. It can sometimes mess up the mood of the dance" Shane explained

"Of course. So I wa…." She was cut off by Caitlyn before she could finish

"Were are the marshmallows we can't have a bonfire with out them" Caitlyn shouted

"There here Caitlyn in my bag" Nate stated grabbing them "Now everyone grab a stick to touch them on"

Everyone did as Nate said before grabbing marshmallow's off him and putting them on the sticks "I brought cracker for smores" Tess smiled holding up a packet of crackers which Jason and Caitlyn immediately attacked. Overall they were having a good night eating smores, talking, messing around. After everyone had eaten most of there marshmallows Shane got his guitar out that he'd brought and they started to randomly sing songs. Mitchie demanded he play his original version on 'Gotta Find You' and he couldn't say no. This was the first time that anyone but Mitchie had heard his version without Mitchie's part. They all clapped when he was done, he then passed the guitar to Nate and put his arm around Mitchie pulling her close to his side and kissing her on the cheek.

Molly who was sat across from them next to Sophie glared at the action. She'd come here tonight in hope that Shane would notice her new outfit her father had brought her. She was hoping over time that he'd see just how much better for him she was for Mitchie. She had the money to go with his. She had the looks that matched his. She had the amazing voice that went with his. So why was he even bothering with the hometown girl that obviously had no future? To her she just gave the answer that he was doing it for the publicity. Rock star dates small town girl, made big news and sold CD's. He'd be Molly's if it was the last thing she did.