AN: I'm extremely proud of this story. I'm trying to expand my writing skills and this is not my usual peppy, happy, cheery, funny story. But its good and hopefully will keep you on the edge of your seat, if you don't fall off :) Its a LOLIVER and you better READ it!!

DISCLAIMER: I'm not Disney Channel and I don't own Hannah Montanna, Miley or Mitchel Musso. I wouldn't mind it though. BRING ON THE OFFERS!

"Hey honey." I said. "Daddy. Me. Out." She said as she reached her hands up to my face. I pulled her out of her crib and she smiled. "Did you have a good nap, sweetheart?" I smiled. "Yes." she looks exactly like her mother. Soft blonde hair, but its naturally curly. I think she got that from my mom. She has green eyes like her mom. Now that I think about it everything except her nose and ears she got from her mom. My little two year old looked up at me and asked, "Where mommy?" "Silly girl, you know mommy's always coming home from work when you awake from your nap." I said as I moved a stray curl away from her beautiful face. "Oh." She giggled. I kissed her cheek and she giggled even more. I sat her down and watched her waddle over to the stairs and look dangerously at them. She's so little so I guess they looked intimidating. She caught me in her gaze as she looked up and said, "Daddy up. Puh-wease!" I picked her up and we went together down the stairs. I placed her downstairs in our den and took out her favorite toy out and gave it to her.

"Momma?" she said as she hopefully looked at the garage door. "Honey, I don't know why momma's not home yet. She should be." I said as worry crept up to my face. Lilly's never late and on the rare time she is. She calls. She always calls. Because she says "You worry too much". I guess I passed that on to my baby girl too.

About an hour and a half passed. "Daddy, mommy gonna call?" she asked as my worry seeped into her and she started to cry. I picked her up and put her in my lap as she cuddled up to me and cried into my chest. "Sweetheart, momma's fine. Mommy's fine. Mommy's fine." I consoled her and silently added 'I think'.

I have to put a brave face on for my baby girl. She'd be beside herself knowing her daddy's about to breakdown and cry. I can't cry though. She can't see me like this. Her mom is the only one who's ever seen me like this. I was still rubbing her back soothingly when we got a phone call. "Da phone's ringin'!!," she shouted all excited, "Is it mommy?". "I don't know honey. Let me get on the phone first." I said as I sprinted to the phone.

"May I speak to Oliver Oken?" said the deep voice.


"Hello, Mr. Oken this is the Malibu Hospital. We have Lillian Oken with us."

"My God, is she okay?" I frantically shouted a little too loud. My baby started to cry again.

"She was driving home when she got hit. She has some fractures, broken bones, and she's lost a lot of blood and is in immense pain. She's in critical condition. Room 3902"

"I'll be there soon. Can I bring my two year old, Lilly's daughter?"


That was it a small little conversation that had me near tears and my daughter crying.

"Where mommy?" she asked me as I strapped her into the car seat.

"We're going to the hospital. That's where momma is."

"Is she awright?"

"I hope so, baby. I sure hope so."

We arrived to the hospital about 15 minutes later. I had my daughter in my arms and I ran to through the 1000s, to the 2000s, and then found the 3000s. I mumbled, "Room 3900, Room 3901, Room 3902." Before I opened the door I looked my daughter in the eye and explained, "Mommy may not look the same. She'll probably have a lot of boo-boos." "I'll gets her lotsa band-aids." She smiled. I kissed the top of her head and walked in.

She was hooked up to so many machines. There was only on time I ever remember Lil being in the hospital and that's when she had our little baby girl that I love so much. Her face was the palest I've ever seen. She had at least 3 IVs in her; one was giving her much needed blood. The others were pumping nutrients into her body. I could hear the regular beeping of the machine the only thing showing me she's still alive.

"Hey Lilly, can you hear me? Baby, can you open your eyes?" She started to slowly lift her heavy lids and looked at me and closed them. She was in so much pain, I just wanted to take her in my arms and tell her she's going to be okay. I can't do that though, because it'd hurt her even more.

"Mommy?" asked my two-year old as she cautiously looked at her mother and then looked at me wanting an answer.

"Yes baby, that's mommy." I said fighting even more tears.

"Oh." She said as she looked up at me.

"Do you want me to put you down, so you can see Momma?"

" No." she said as she clutched onto my shirt.

"Well, let's walk over to her. You ready." She clutched my shirt and didn't let go. I took that as a yes and we walked over to Lilly.

I sat on the side of the side of the bed with my daughter in my lap.

"Hey baby. It's Oliver and Adalyn." I said as I moved blonde strands of hair away from her face.

"Mommy its Adalyn." She said, "Daddy, is momma sweepin'? " she asked me.

"No sweetheart, she's just tired." I told her, "Right Lilly?" All I got back was a moan full of agonizing pain.

"See?" That moan sent me over the edge, a tear trickled down my face and I wiped it off before my little one could see it.

"Adalyn?" I heard a voice say. Then I looked down and saw it was Lilly talking.

"Yes, mommy?" she replied.

"I love you a-a-a-and your daddy." she said as pain coated her voice.

"I wuv you too." she told Lilly.

"O-O-Ol-iver, call M-M-iley."

"I will, sweetheart. Do you want Ady to stay with you or me? Nod if you want her to come with me, and don't nod if you don't." I asked.

A feeble nod was given and I walked out holding Adalyn.

"Where are we goin', daddy?"

"We're gonna call Aunt Miley and Grandma."

"Can I talk to 'em?"

"No, sweetheart. I have to call them. Don't pitch a fit, Adalyn" I said strictly.

We walked to the waiting room and I set down my baby-girl down and I pulled out my phone and pressed the number 3 and sat down in the chair. I pressed the phone to my ear. Ady climbed into my lap.

"Its Miley….I'm not here right now. Leave a message!" –click

"Hey Oliver. What's up!?"

"Are you busy?" I asked her afraid of the answer. She's Hannah Montana for crying out loud, she's always busy!

"Not for ya'll. What's going on?!"

"It's Lilly-"


"Miles, listen to me! Lilly. Car crash. Room 3902. Please come!" I said agitated.

"Sure Oliver, I'll be there. Need me to bring anything?" she added.

"Cheerwios." Ady shouted into the phone.

"Thanks." I said

Ten minutes later Miley came through the door and Ady ran toward her reaching for her in a hug. Miley picked her up and came over to me and gave me a side hug. "Hey Miles." "Enough. Let's see Lilly." I've been her friend for years and in a crisis she wants to just get to the point. She had Adalyn and pretty much ran to the room as I was close behind. We opened the door and Lilly's eyes we're just slightly open.

"Mommy, me, daddy, and Aunt Miwey are here." she informed her mother.

Miley walked over to Lilly and tried her best not to start bawling. Lilly looked up at us and smiled. When she smiled, I saw the extent of her injuries. She had scrapes and bruises and stitches all over her face. I couldn't see much more because she was underneath the covers. Though she was a mess; she still looked beautiful. I glanced at Miley and she read my face correctly, and did exactly what I wanted, "Hey, Ady let's go to the waiting room, and leave mommy and daddy to themselves." "Kay, can I have some Cheewios?" "I guess." Miley said. "Miles, can you call Heather?" "No prob."

They left and it was just me and my wife.

"Lilly, I love you." I said as I took her hand in mine and kissed it. I looked up and saw that a tear was slowly streaming down her face. I used my other hand to wipe it off. She turned her head to look at me instead of staring at the ceiling. Her eyes we're full of tears and her lips trembled. I caught my lips in hers and we kissed. I pulled away and tears overcame me.

"O-O-Oliver, I hurt." She struggled to say.

"Baby, I know. What happened?" I said hesitantly.

"I was d-d-driving home and s-s-someone got in the wrong lane and h-hit me h-h-ead-d on." she told me and then tried to catch her breath.

"Hush, sweetheart, save your energy." I said caressing her face.

"I don't think I-I'm gonna make it." she told me.

"Lil, that's crazy talk. You're stronger than this."

"Oliver, I l-l-love you."

"We are NOT saying our goodbyes, Lilly." I said firmly even though I felt as if someone had ripped out my heart and was stomping on it multiple times.

"Oliver I-I-I'm in u-un-unbear—able pain."

"Stay with me."

"Forever Ollie, but I-I-I have to leave now." And just like that she was gone. I pressed the button on the hospital bed and a doctor came rushing in. He checked her vital signs and sighed,

"I'm sorry son…" He said with sincerity. I immediately felt my world stop for the second time today.

AN: Good, bad, too dramatic...tell me and I WANT 5 reviews...or i WILL NOT continue! I've already got chapter 2 and 3 typed so...the faster I get those reviews the faster you hear my story--claps I'm so proud of this la la land