I am sorry that it took me this long to write chapter 5, I can make up all kinds of excuses but (working) live just got in the way. Sorry about that, and the other thing was, I just didn't know what to do with Eli David. We have heard a lot about him, but we never really met the guy, other then a small part in Last Man Standing. Anyway I hope I do him justice. Once again I apologize for any translation errors, He I am not English. Have fun.

Friends or Lovers

Chapter 5

In the weeks that followed Tony and Ziva were at Gibb's mercy. He did have his way with them, every single errand he could think of he made them do it, one day he had Ziva doing the most ridiculous errands the next day it was Tony turn to run around town.

" that's it, he just gave his last order, I am going to kill him. He made me go to another lab in order to get a second opinion in a case that's not even ours. If Abby hears that Gibbs has her work checked by an outside lab, she will kill him before I do" Tony looked up at Ziva who had the most angelic smile on her face. " but of course all that doesn't matter because I love running around town in order to solve any crime that comes across any NCIS desk"

Slap. Gibbs walked by Tony. " you better"

Later that morning Tony was interviewing a man in interrogation room 3 when Gibbs entered the room where Ziva was watching the interview from. " Do you not think it has gone on long enough. You have made your point" She turned and faced him. " I haven't even begun yet" Ziva schrugged her shoulders turned around and started to walk out of the observation booth.

" the heart does what the heart wants, not you or anyone else in the world can stop that"

" Does he really love you, and do you really love him. If he hurts you I'll make him pay"

" I love him with my body, heart and soul and I know he feels the same about me. Tony knows you'll hurt him if he screws this up, trust me he is all too aware of that"

" Alright, but I do not want any affection shown in the workplace, during work hours it's strictly business." Ziva walked over to Gibbs and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. " strictly business….she hesitated ….Dad" and with that she practically ran out the door before he could respond to that.

Since Ziva was running late because the witness she and McGee were talking to wasn't exactly the the brightest star in the world, she called Tony to tell him that she would meet him at her apartment. He told her he would get diner started , when Tony opened Ziva's front door he hesitated something wasn't right. " Good evening, special agent Anthony DiNozzo" A thick accented voice rang through Ziva's living room. Tony dropped his grocery's and tried to reach for his gun, but before he could even react he felt the nozzle of a gun pressed in his neck. " Now, now, that is not the kind of welcome I would expect from someone who has been sleeping with my daughter" Slowly out of the darkness of the living room a man came walking up. He gestured to the man who had a gun in Tony's neck to leave the apartment. He talked to the man in short brisk Hebrew sentences and only then the man left the hallway. He closed Ziva's front door and from what Tony could tell stood guard at her front door.

"I am sorry for this kind of intrusion, but I don't think my daughter would invite me over for diner otherwise, we do not get along all that well, ahh where are my manners. I am Eli David, Ziva's father."

The man who had introduced himself as Ziva's father extended his hand and Tony shook it for lack of anything better to do. He was still too surprised by the whole thing. Eli David grabbed Tony's grocery's and walked to the kitchen, he didn't even bother to switch the light on he just did it in the dark. How did he know where to go was Tony's initial reaction. Ziva never bothered with the light as well, she did most of her things in the dark and now here was her father doing the exact same thing. Did all assassins do this. Tony shook his head and switched several lights on so he could see what he was doing but most of all he could get a good look at his future father- in-law.

The man had the same dark look that Ziva had, a somewhat olive coloured skin, dark hair and eyes that seem to look right through you. Yes, she defiantly was her father's daughter alright. " So, what are you planning to cook, Anthony" Eli David stood in the kitchen like he owned the place.

" Tony, you can call me Tony, well I thought I would make some Italian dish, the one Ziva's likes a lot"

Tony felt like he was in a episode of the Sopranos, one mistake would cost him his live. He swallowed, alright might as well get it over with.

Ziva made her way up to her apartment when she saw Afrem standing there in front of her door. She immediately knew her father was in her house………..together with Tony. Ziva came to a stop in front of Afrem

" He's inside" Ziva looked at Afrem's face.


" You could have warned me you know"

" Yes, I could have Ziva, but that would not have been so much fun now would it"

Afrem was grinning from ear to ear. They had know each other for a long time, Ziva had played many pranks on him, and he on her. This was just one of those paybacks. Afrem was having trouble hiding his laughter. Ziva took a deep breath and headed inside. She was at a total loss when she saw her father and Tony together in the kitchen cooking. She hung up her coat and walked towards Tony.

" He, sweetcheeks you finally made it" Tony kissed her on the cheeks. " Look who's coming to dinner" Ziva kissed Tony back while she kept a eye on her father.

" Abba, what made you come here" Ziva switched to Hebrew because she didn't want Tony to hear her conversation with her father.

" Can a father not visit his daughter every once in a while"

" You never visited me before"

" You've never been this serious with a man before, so I wanted to get to know him, I wanted to know who has swept my daughter of her feet"

Tony felt Ziva tense up the moment she had confronted her father. The temperature in the room had dropped 5 degrees the moment Ziva had started speaking to her father.

" The table has already been set, let's eat" Tony tried to lighten the mood, but Ziva and her father appeared to be in a staring each other to death contest. Tony grabbed Ziva and practically shoved her to dinner table. Eli David followed in silence, during the meal there wasn't much talking going on, but at one point Tony noticed that Ziva was relaxing more and more. Tony didn't know if that was because of the good food or the large amounts of alcohol she was consuming.

Maybe one or two more chapter will follow.