Since I thought the bombing in which Ziva was involved in was a little bit snowed under by the fact that one of the newbies turned out to be a traitor I thought I should write a little bit about it. However I also wrote a little bit of Agent Afloat in it, since I don't know how that is going to play out, it's all pure speculation. Since I don't know anything about ships, please forgive me for any mistakes I make in that department, and since I am not English I also ask you to read trough the language mistakes.

Friends or Lovers

Chapter 1

by Nemisses

Tony was glad to see his former teammates getting off the plane. He had called in the help of his former team because he knew he was in over his head with this particular case, so that's why he had requested the help of Gibbs. He went over to great them and was extremely happy in fact to see one team member in particular, namly Ziva. She looked tired, but he blamed that on the bumpy plane ride. He knew they had experienced some heavy weather during their trip to the SeaHawk.

In order to hide his feelings for her and the team he greeted Gibbs and McGee first before turning to Ziva, he gave her a big hug and patted her lightly on the back. She winced a little, which made him feel odd, I mean why would she do that, isn't she happy to see me. Strange, he thought.

Gibbs told Ziva and McGee to freshen up and meet him and Tony in about an hour or so in the canteen on deck 4. Gibbs walked over to Ziva and Tony saw the both of them in a heated discussion, which by the looks of it Ziva lost and Gibbs won, since she gave Gibbs a deadly glare before walking off. Gibbs turned around to face Tony "You look good, Dinozzo, life on a ship does you good, you've put on view pounds haven't you. Well, fill me in on the case" Both men were in the canteen when McGee showed up but there was no sign of Ziva anywere. " Maybe she is lost" suggested McGee.

" No, she is not, I told her to go see the ship's doctor, it was a bumpy ride overhere, and I am afraid that some of her stitches opened up." Dropping that bombshell on DiNozzo, Gibbs left the canteen to question the suspect that Tony already had in custody. DiNozzo stopped McGee from leaving the canteen, " she has stitches, McGee what is going on"

Meanwhile in the infirmary, Ziva was feeling a whole lot better know, the doctor had given her some painkillers but he had insisted on cleaning the wounds, because according to him it was better safe then sorry. Ziva thought he just did it because he was bored, and was glad he finally had something to do besides handing out a aspirin every now and then, according to the Doctor is had been a slow view couple of weeks. She was just putting on her clothes again when Gibbs appeared.

" How is she, Doc"

" She is just fine, all the stitches held, and she fit for duty again, however I did give her some painkillers which she has to take just before turning in so she can sleep the entire night instead of waking up every time she turns and the pain wakes her up, but other than that she is fine"

Gibbs looked at Ziva, " you didn't tell any of this to Tony did you"

" No, I didn't, what could he have done, nothing. He is on a boat. It wasn't like he could have done something . He would only have gotten worried"

" ship" said the Doctor, " we're on a ship" Both Gibbs and Ziva gave the Doctor a look that made him mumble a small " sorry" and he practically ran out of the infirmary after that.

" Well, he does know now. I told him I send you to see a doctor in order to get a check-up after the bumpy plane ride. "

" Oh, crap"



First I wanted to make it just a one chapter event, but I just kept on going so I decided to chop into two (or maybe more chapters)