So we are nearing the end, finally. Lol, yeah this story is starting to drag -yawn- I'm thinking of putting up another story soon, one not so long and confusing of course. It's gonna be RoranXOC and EragonXKatrina. Tell me what you think about the pairings and if you want more details please ask! Oh and review! Please and thank you those are the magic words! And thank you to all those oof you who view the chapters, but it would be nice for some feedback, love you all!

Chapter Thirty-Three


"What we need is that spell..." Murtagh muttered.

"What?" Estarael asked looking up from the book she was reading. Galbatorix was gone from the castle but both knew he would be watching.

"The spell to send you back," Murtagh licked his lips.

"No, I'm not leaving you here alone," Estarael objected standing.

"Estarael, this isn't how it's supposed to be! I'm supposed to get out of here by myself and fight for myself, you shouldn't have to go through this!"

"Shouldn't or can't?"

"Shouldn't. This could all be over so easily if we just get a hold of that spell."

"But I won't be with you..."

"You think this is easy? I'm trying to get it over quickly because the longer you stay, the longer I have to wait for you to disappear and leave me! It's not nice!" Murtagh growled.

Estarael walked towards him and held his face in her hands. She kissed him softly until his shoulders relaxed. "This is hard for the both of us. We just need to get through it now."

A knock on the door interrupted them both.

A young servant opened the door, " Galbatorix is back and expects you both on the field in two minutes for training."

Estarael and Murtagh were soon losing hope about getting back. A month had passed and with the help of Galbatorix's magic the two dragons were rapidly growing. One afternoon Galbatorix called Murtagh alone to see him.

Murtagh had gone in and came out with the same blank expression. Estarael wanted to inquire about what was bothering her love, but his expression told her to leave him for a while. Her eyelids were drooping when Murtagh had come back from his day long trek.

"Hello," he whispered coming toward her and rubbing her back, a habit he had acquired when something was bothering him.

"Hello," she muttered. She wanted to ask him what was bothering him but he let it slip from his lips in a melancholy way on his own.

"Eragon is my brother." Estarael sat bolt upright, she ddin't want to tell him that she knew alreadly so she tried her best to act surprised. "You knew already didn't you?"

"I am from the future."

He sighed and lay down on the bed. "Galabatorix wants me to attack the Varden soon."

Estarael gulped. She knew this was hard for him she grabbed onto his hand and kissed the back of it.

"I told Glabatorix not to let you come with me."


"It's going to be dangerous! If anything happens to you here, god knows if you'll be there in the future." She hated to admit he had a good point. She pursed her lips and turned away from him.

"I just don't know what to do anymore."

The next couple of months had passed by quickly for Estarael for Galbatorix had been drilling her and Murtagh was gone for most of the time. Already Murtagh and Thorn had made several attacks on the Varden and she knew shortly that the impending doom of the Umpire would come. That is if sahe didn't fight. Galbatorix had foolishly gone along with Murtagh's plan to keep Estarael as a secret weapon, so that Eragon would be safe and out of harm's way. She felt that there was no way out and dreaded the feeling that it was all because of her that the Varden might be destroyed.

Estarael wiped the sweat off her brow and looked towards the castle. Merithuros was walking bristly towards the palace chamber. Estarael furrowed her brows what was going on? Merithuros almost never left her study. Casting a spell on herself to be undetected Estarael hurried forward.

Merithuros had casta spell after looking around to ensure no one was around. A space in the wall quickly opened and Estarael quickly remembered the many tunnels running through the castle. Estarael dashede forward just in time to follw Merithuros. They walked for about half of an hour twisting and turninbg corners, often using magic to get by certain pathways.

The end result was worth it though. For the last room they entered were covered in bright crystal like objects that emanated true power...The Eldunari.

Merithuros snickered. "I know you're there," she whispered her voice like diamonds tinkling. She turned around and looked straight at Estarael. Waving her hand Estarrael felt her spell lift. "I'm thinking of killing you but I don't know if that would negatively affect time and destroy all of us. You see unlike my father...I think before I do things." Estarael was dumbfounded. How did she know she was from the future?

"I created all of these spells. The ones to bring you to the past, and well to look into the future. I'm not an ordinary magician Estarael. I'm more powerful than you'll ever be. Is theer anyone else who can create spells?"

"You may be able to create them but can you use them or do you need a real magician to help with that?"

Merithuros snickered. "Soon enough I'll have my own dragon and be able to use them."

"Meaning I could kill you now."

"You could. But I'm your one way ticket out of here."

"There must be another way."

"There are...dozens. But only I know of them. Let's cut the small talk. In a few minutes I'm going to destroy all of these Eldunari, dress as a spy I just killed for the Varden and inform them of what I did. Then they'll be on here like the plauge and my father would die. Your precious love will be rewarded a new name and I'll escape quite merrily."

"That's good, what are you getting out of it?"

"The egg. Soon I'll be a dragon rider in the future and master all of the spells there are and kill you all."

"What if someone manages to stop you."

"I highly doubt, no one is as good as me." Estarael smiled to herself. You do have weaknesses Merithuros. Your arrogance will get you killed...hopefully. "So...still going to stop me?"

"No, I don't think I could win," Yes, of course bitch but am I really going to tell you that?

"Great, by the way this room is protected from my father's stupid eyes and ears feel free to ask me anything."

"I don't have anything to ask anymore except...wasn't bringing me in the past a ploy to destroy the Varden?"

"You're too full of yourself. You're just to get my father distracted. He is so wrapped up with using you as his secret weapon that he wouldn't know what hit him.

"Seems like you've got it all figured out."

"I do. Now leave, time is short."

Estarael breathed in and out deeply. She needed to contact the Varden quickly. Tears sprung to her eyes, she didn't know how without alerting Galbatorix. Then she thought. She grabbed a bowl of water quickly from the kitchens and concealed herself running quickly to the room that contained all the Eldunari. It took her great time but she found it eventually. Merithuros had said she blocked the room. Estarael gaped at the room. All of the Eldunari was gone. She closed her mouth thought and set to work quickly. She whispered the the Ancient Language and saw the leader of the Varden, a beautiful woman, who she remembered as Nasuada.

Estarael fumbled abit at the startled human. She did the hand motion for a greeting the elves often did and began speaking rapidly.

"Who are you?" Nasuada asked in an authoritative voice.

"I have no time to explain! I am a dragon rider, I want to help that is all to know right now," she quickly lifted her palm and showed her the mark, her Gedwey Ignasia. Nasuada's eyes widened.

"I have to call the others!"

"No! This is between life and death of thousands!"

"Yes, continue."

"Soon one of your spies will bring back news that all of the Eldunari have been destroyed. They have but wait for the spy before getting into action. That spy is that daughter of Galbatorix in disguise and will cause horrendous problems for Alagaesiia in the future. I suggest you capture her and then make your way to Uru'baen."

"Wait. The Eldunari have been destroyed, so Galbatorix is defeatable. We must capture the spy when she comes. What about Murtagh?"

"He will cause no harm." At least Estarael hoped he wouldn't. With Galbatorix weak, he mightn't be able to control Murtagh as much.

"How are we to trust you?" Nasuada finally asked.

Estarael smiled and whispered to her in the Ancient Language of her trust. Nasuada nodded.

"Thank you."

Nasuada disappeared.

"Stupid child," the old rider growled from across the room. Before she knew it a hand swung out and punched her square in the face. All she saw was blackness.

Maybe one or two more chapters ahead. Please review, constructive criticism is needed. I think Estarael sounded a bit Mary-Sue in this chapter (but hasn't she always been like that? XD) Tell me what you think please I AM BEGGING YOU! lol alright kiddies, enjoy. And tell me what you think of the pairings for the new story ;D Love you all.