Hello iCarly people! Thanks for the feedback! Well in actual fact I only put the last chapter up less than half an hour ago, so I haven't got any reviews back, but you iCarly lot are no nice in your reviews (honestly, you're much nicer than the Hollyoaks lot, they only review Kress's and John-Paul fics). Sorry, some of you probably don't have a clue what I'm talking about when I say Hollyoaks. But those of you that do – OMG did you watch it on Monday? Us, now, doesn't matter how, we'll always be together, Amy Josh forever! Josh is hot! Seriously, even if you don't watch Hollyoaks, Google image Sonny Flood – he's gorgeous! Sorry, I'm drooling now.

On with the show!


Mascara dyed tear stains dried on Ms. Puckett's pale cheeks, and her lipstick was smudged in an almost comical way, giving the image of a clown. One of her slippers was slipping off her not-so-clean foot, and gravity was tugging on her jacket, causing it to slip of her shoulders revealing a shocking pink bra.

Ms. Puckett was hanging from the ceiling.

Sam crumpled at the sight of her mother, screams echoing off the walls of the living room but still not enough to express the feeling that her heart had just been ripped out of her chest and stamped on by an ogre in soccer boots. She could vaguely hear Freddie's panicky voice in the background calling emergency services but all she could see was her mother, face tear-stained and drained of blood, with a burnt out cigarette still hanging from her limp fingers.

Freddie knelt behind her and held her, giving her a chest to cry on twice in a row. Sam sobbed inconsolably into his t-shirt, not wanting to speak or move, just clinging to the fact that she was in the arms of someone she loved.

The ambulance people arrived soon after that, the wailing siren enough to jolt Sam back to reality. Her mother was... dead?

The paramedics tenderly got Ms. Puckett on to a stretcher, gently but firmly brushing away Sam's attempts to cling to her mum. They explained to Freddie that Sam probably shouldn't ride with them in the ambulance because there would be a lot of potentially disturbing activity going on, but if they could get a lift to the hospital they could follow them up. Freddie made a call, then gently informed Sam his cousin would be giving them a lift.

Sam felt numb. She didn't feel Freddie tenderly lead her to his cousin's car. She didn't feel him slip a blanket over her shoulders. And she didn't feel him slip his arm round her and hold her all the way there. She just stared glassy eyed at whatever was in front of her, her mind in chaos. Her last words to her mother rang in her mind...


'I'll be back in a sec, hon,' Duke, Ms. Puckett's current lover, disappeared into the bathroom. Ms. Puckett got up off the sofa and up in Sam's face.

'Listen, you little bitch,' she spat. 'Duke and I have something you'll never understand so you go upstairs and stay out of our way, got it?'

'Oh yeah? What's Duke's last name?' Sam challenged bravely, not shifting from her place on the carpet.

'It's...' That's when Ms. Puckett hit her.

It was a sharp slap across the face that sent Sam spiralling away, her laptop crashing off her lap and into a corner, the screen going dark and fuzzy.

Sam rubbed the place on her cheek her mother had just struck her. 'D-didn't hurt,' she stammered, though tears were already gracing her eyes.

Ms. Puckett downed the shot she'd just poured herself. 'Oh, shut up!' She hurled the shot glass at Sam, as casually as if she was throwing a pillow at a bed.

The glass hit Sam's cheek, frighteningly close to her eye. It shattered and fragments embedded themselves in her skin, causing it to draw blood.

'Now get out!' her mother roared. She picked up Sam's backpack and shoved it into Sam's chest. 'Go!'

Sam, without hesitation, headed for the door. She then paused as she opened it.

'I hate you,' she said coldly. And with that, she left.

Flashback over

People shouted all around Sam and Freddie, who were huddled in the waiting room. As the reality of the situation slowly sunk in, Sam found herself clinging to Freddie. Freddie's cousin, Charlotte, was sitting opposite them, a concerned look on her face.

'I really think I should call your mom, Freddie,' she said, running a hand through her already tousled auburn hair.

Freddie shook his head. 'Not yet,' he said.

'Relatives of Gina Puckett?' a doctor entering the room called out.

'Um, right here,' Charlotte raised her hand slightly.

'I'm sorry to have to be the one to break this to you,' he said, 'but I'm afraid Gina was confirmed dead several minutes ago.'

Sam went limp in Freddie's arms. Her mother was gone... and the last thing she'd told her was "I hate you."


Sorry if the end was a little dodgy, I really don't like writing hospital scenes, probably because I can't draw on my own experiences. Ookay, so please review! Thanks a lot!

Oh, and Freddie's cousin Charlotte might have a point, but at the moment she's just the nice relative who drove Freddie and Sam to the hospital. I might hook her up with Spencer. And yeah, she's kinda based on me, almost. If you wanna see what I look like just ask for my MySpace if you want. I don't know about you, but I like knowing what people look like :D

Mucho love-o (and happy Jonas day)

