Sequel time kind of! haha This is the sequel to What Lays In The Forest. If you read this without reading that first, it will make no sense. haha I know these are going to be shorter but there will be a lot more of them. I plan to write a letter every other day.

Vote in my profile if you want Jacob to be a werewolf. It will help because I have no idea.

The title comes from a John Mayer song, 3x5. It's all about a boy and girl writing letters and the boy is saying that he's finally coming back. It sounded fitting. lol

August 13th, 2008

Dear Edward,


How have you been? I've been well. I made a new friend. His name's Jacob. I know what you're thinking. Jacob as in the Jacob I hate. Well it's that Jacob. To my surprise he's not so bad. I'm even going over to his house tomorrow. It's strange, I know but true.

Let Alice know I'll wear the clothes. She'll know if I don't and I don't want to make her angry. They're alright, I suppose, just not what I'm used to wearing. I'll just get used to wearing skirts… that's all.

No more mythical creatures for me. Vampires are enough for a life time. But by my next letter, I'll probably be hanging out with a Witch or something. You never know… Kidding.

Tell everyone I'm good and still alive. I haven't fallen down a manhole or anything like that. But you must know by now that I tripped down the stairs and twisted my ankle. How graceful am I? ….Don't answer that. But you probably already know as Renee rushed me in and I knew Carlisle was trying not laugh. It's not that bad really. I managed to hide my sprained wrist from Charlie and Renee and Carlisle said it was fine. But again, you probably know that too.

I don't know why I have to write to you, Edward to be honest. Alice will see my future and Carlisle can tell you about my latest injury then you all can laugh at my expense. Everything I'm telling you, you know. And don't say you don't because I know you do.

Other than what I've mention, nothing has changed with me to be honest. I'm just Bella. Boring and plain Bella. I would like to tell you I'm sorry already for my letters in the future. They will probably bore you out of your mind when you would rather be getting some mountain lion.

What's something you don't know? Umm…. Tricking… My birthday's exactly in one month but Alice probably saw the lack of a party that I'll have so you know that too.

Well….I'm miss you, Edward. I truly do. I wish you would come around but I do somehow understand your logic behind it. But I don't want to be with anyone but you.

Forget I said that. I knew I should have written in pencil.


Bella Swan

Sooo... that was a lot of Bella being Bella. I had that thought in my head for the longest time. Wouldn't Edward already know everything she's writing? haha I don't think Edward would care though. lol I keep having to remember Bella is only twelve...well soon thirteen. :D haha