Okay, okay. The usual: homework. Stinking homework which destroys your fanfiction-ness. Grrr… …That, AND laziness. xD

Well…this chappie is based on something that happened on school, and I got really mad…and yeah. The rest that happened was a mush, all messed up and dirty.

This chapter is to cheer Michy up, since she said something about a family member being sick and stuff…MICHY! CHEER UP!



"56! 56 percent!" Jirou screamed, over and over again until Michiko thought she felt her ears pounding. Yes, the sleepy-go happy tennis player managed to get a 56 on his retest. But did his happiness have to go so far as to screaming into his poor cousin's ears?

"Ji-chan, I get it now!" Michiko screamed back, her eyes squeezed shut and her hands clenched into fists.

Jirou blinked confusedly, and then laughed nervously. "Sorry, Mi-chan…"


Michiko turned around, recognizing the bright, high-pitched voice. "Ucchan! Not on your skateboard today?"

Ukyou grinned widely and bounced on the soles of her sneakers. "I'm getting it fixed!"

"I thought you were going to get a new one, though!" Michiko thought about the day before, when the wooden board clattered into pieces.

"Fuji-senpai offered to buy me a new one, and I got guilty, so I just went to get it repaired." Ukyou shrugged, kicking a pebble. "Though there was one in the store that I really liked…"

"Then why didn't you get it? That old piece of wood is useless now, Ucchan! Why didn't you just let Fuji-kun buy you a new one?"


"Go away."

Michiko rolled her eyes, hearing the arrogant, cocky voice sound behind her. "Keigo, would you be so kind as to…" she made a shuffling movement with her hands, "shove off?"

Atobe rolled his eyes as well and smirked at her. "As you do not wish, Michiko."

Ukyou looked between the two of them. "How far as your relationship gone? I mean, the last time I checked, I think you two were still calling each other by your last names and not your given names?"

Atobe scoffed airily, "I am merely calling here by her first name because she addressed me by mine."

"Oh yeah? Well, maybe I should start calling you 'Monkey King' as well! Eh, Monkey King?"

"As you prefer. But then I shall give a nickname to your friend of yours, huh?"


"This Seigaku brat, I shall name Idiot."

Ukyou stomped her foot. "I have a name, and that's Ukyou!"

"Well, you're also an idiot, so I have the authority to call you Idiot!"

"Says who?!" Ukyou was starting to get angry, moisture coming to her eyes and clouding her vision.

Michiko noticed. Well, of course she noticed. Michiko had been Ukyou's friend since ever, and she noticed every single thing that made her friend upset. Michiko was always the most observant.

"Me! And according to my rules, you don't have a name! You're just this whiny brat who bothers people at their own time!" Atobe retorted. He, of course, hadn't noticed that Ukyou wasn't playing his game this time. He didn't notice when she rubbed at her eyes and shouted back at him. He just thought that this was one of their usual banters, but he was all wrong.

Atobe was just playing this game, and it was a game that Ukyou didn't like playing.

Michiko tried to stop him, to get him to stop talking, anything to get Ukyou to smile again, but Atobe had pushed too far this time, and Ukyou started producing tears, her breath coming in quick, small gasps. Michiko began to wonder if she was alright.

He dug way too far into her past, and Michiko knew that Ukyou wouldn't be fine with it.



"I didn't mean to!" Atobe protested, as Michiko still glared at him. Ukyou was still sitting there, but she had calmed down after Fuji, who had come later, gave her a lollipop to suck on.

"Michy, I'm fine with it." Ukyou started to talk, but Michiko didn't stop glaring. She knew Ukyou's pain. She knew what it was like to have your past suddenly unlocked to others. Also, Ukyou's voice was dull, and she couldn't let him get away with just apologizing.

Ukyou, seeing that the silence was getting more uncomfortable, began to explain.

"My father died when I was still small."

Atobe and Michiko, along with the rest of Hyotei's regulars and Fuji, looked up, startled. Ukyou wasn't the type of person to start talking serious.

"Mother couldn't name me. I turned five, and she still couldn't name me, because she was still so unsteady about father's death."

Michiko smiled sadly. This, she knew, was part of the reason why she adored people like Michiko and Fuji so much. They were people that were quite easy to get along with, and they could understand.

"I was nameless until the age of seven. Teachers called me 'Midori' because I had green eyes, but the people around me would whisper in loud voices and called me 'Nameless'." She let out a forced laugh, which made many flinch.

"Then I met Michy."

No one was talking at this point, and Michiko held her breath, slightly proud that she was the heroine of Ukyou's story.

"Michy was nice. She offered me candy, talked to me and became my friend. She started calling me 'Ucchan' for no real reason. And so then, my name became Ukyou."

Michiko opened her mouth to let out all the tension that had practically squeezed her throat tight. "That's why she's so sensitive about her name. It's important to her, and I don't like you saying things to her like that."

Atobe was next to talk. "Sorry." As soon as the word left his mouth, he had the strangest look on his face, which pretty much said 'when in the world did I become so soft?'

Ukyou, who was staring at Atobe's face, suddenly started giggling. Still holding the lollipop in her hand, she kept giggling, until her insides started splitting, and tears were running down her cheeks.

Michiko rolled her eyes, a smile on her face, and began laughing as well.

Fuji soon joined them, giving Atobe a knowing look before cracking a grin.

Atobe merely scoffed again and stared quietly at Michiko's laughing face.



"…She fell asleep, eh?" Atobe smirked, looking at Ukyou, who had her head in Fuji's lap. The whole gang had been playing at the arcade for two hours, and Ukyou's eyes had finally given out on her.

Michiko laughed quietly at Ukyou and wondered what would happen if she just grabbed a camera from nowhere and start taking pictures of the two. …Needless to say, she'd be a dead meatball if Ukyou ever found out.

Then, Michiko's face lit up, and she nudged Atobe. "Keigo, I need a camera!"

"What for?" came the reply. He tried to keep the surprise out of his voice; she had just called him Keigo. Not Atobe, but Keigo.

"So I can blackmail those two."

Atobe squinted at her, and she smiled innocently. "…Fine." He handed his expensive, high quality camera to her, and she took it gingerly.



She giggled and asked Atobe, whose face was slightly pink. "Can you have these developed by tomorrow?"

Atobe grunted, "Sure thing."

She beamed, "Thanks, Keigo!"

"…You too, Michiko."




And yeah, that's what happened to me today. xD Weird, huh?

A bit of Ukyou and Fuji there…but there is going to be FLUFF in the next chapter, I assure you.

Michy? You okay? I luffle you! xD

REVIEW PLEASE! …cookies?
