Please Love Me

So I read a story with the same title, but I'm not sure who the author was. Well I really liked the premise of her story which is that Angelus forces Buffy to marry him because she is the only one who has ever told him no. However, the story seamed to be written in a hurry and the ending I found to leave me unsatisfied. So I decided to sort of re-write the story more to my liking. If you've read the original it ends with Buffy not marrying Angelus and running off to Boston.

Part 1

Angelus stood just outside of Hank Summer's office door and peered through the window. His breath had hitched in his throat at the sight of the most beautifully demure girl he had ever seen. She was standing in front of her father's desk, but he couldn't make out what she was saying. Whatever it was Hank was not happy and he was shaking his head in disagreement. Several moments later Buffy quickly turned around and walked to the door and opened it. Angelus then witnessed the most heartbreaking scene unfold before him. "It's okay daddy I didn't really want to do cheerleading anyways. I'll see you at home. I love you daddy," she said hopefully. However, all that was said in return was, "Make sure you clean the house and have dinner ready I should be home by seven." Buffy lingered for a few more seconds before wiping away a few tears and quickly leaving her father's office. Angelus watched the petite blonde glide quickly down the hallway and disappear into the elevator.

Angelus without knocking entered Hank Summer's office. "Hank do you have those financial reports I asked for?" Hank shuffled through some drawers, "Yes here you are Mr. Liam." Angelus took the files from Hank's hands and shuffled through them making sure he had them all. Angelus sat down in one of the chairs and made himself comfortable. "Who was that woman that just left your office?," Angelus asked. Hank stopped what he was doing on his computer and looked up at Angelus. "She is no woman just my daughter. She goes to Sunnydale High." Angelus stood up with out a word and left the office.

Buffy Summer's was once again at home alone playing the dutiful daughter. She tried so hard to please her father, but it seemed it was never enough. At 15 years old Buffy's life as she knew it had ended with the death of her mother. When her mother had died her father had reluctantly taken her in, but only to keep his image squeaky clean. Now she was expected to go to school, clean the house, and cook the meals. She did it only because she wanted her father to love her. She felt like more of a burden on her father then his little girl. She wanted that feeling back that she had when her parents where still married and she was his little princess.

Buffy had just finished dinner when her father came home. "Dinner's done Daddy and I made your favorite: roast beef, baked potato, and salad," Buffy said hopefully. Hank barely acknowledged his daughter. He sat down and filled his plate and began to eat. "So daddy I was wondering if maybe you would reconsider the cheerleading. I promise I'll keep my grades up and keep doing my chores." Hank continued to eat for several minutes as Buffy stared at her father expectantly. Finally Hank looked at his daughter, "I really don't think it is a good idea. How are you going to make dinner when you have to cheer. And what about all the time practice will take up. The answer is no." Buffy opened her mouth to protest, but the annoyance that was plastered on her father's face warned her not to. "I'm sorry I mentioned it," Buffy whispered.

Angelus lay trying to concentrate on some extra work he had, but found his mind kept wandering back to the petite blonde he had seen earlier that day. He had to have her, but for now he would just call one of his other whores to come by. Angelus picked up the phone and quickly dialed Darla's number. He needed a blonde tonight then maybe he could get some sleep. While waiting for Darla to show he began to formulate a plan to get into the innocent Blonde's bed. He wondered what her name was. Hank never mentioned that he had a daughter before. He wondered if perhaps there was something about her in his father's extensive files on all his employees. Angelus quickly picked up his laptop and punched in Hank's name. Of course his father was quite precise with his research and there was a small file on Hank's daughter.

Her name was Buffy Ann Summer's and she was 16 years old. A junior at Summerville High. Her mother deceased last year from a brain tumor. Hank Summers took custody, but reluctantly. Her grades were mediocre at best, but she had never been in any real trouble. Angelus would bet his life that she was still a virgin. He would seduce her then fuck her then leave her. That was what he wanted to do, but he needed to figure out a way to get to her.

Angelus' thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door bell. His vixen was behind the door waiting to please him. Angelus had enough women that were willing to drop everything for a night with the pleasure he could give them that he would never have to have the same woman twice with in a month's time. Angelus opened the door and let Darla in. He would have fun tonight.