"You haven't bruised Aerrow for six weeks! You play video games day and night! What is wrong with you?!" Cyclonis stamped her foot, frustrated at the unmoved Dark Ace. " Get a move on!"

The Talon commander resumed his staring.

Cyclonis, however was in no mood to stare. She slammed the door, cursing under her breath.

She needed to talk to someone. No, not an idiot Talon. Snipe was too stupid. Dark Ace was acting like fungus on a log. Ravess, well...


"We need to teach him a lesson." Ravess drawled, a slightly manic glint in her eye.

Cyclonis bobbed her head eagerly. This was a good idea.

"Lessons," Ravess continued, a grin spreading across her face. "Lessons on...

"Happiness." Cyclonis said instantly.

"Common sense." Ravess replied, just as quick.

"Life." The master fired back.



"That's it." Ravess smirked, slapping her hand on the table. "We send letters throughout Atmos, asking for--"

"Lessons on life, happiness, common sense and advice on curing stress." Cyclonis said in a singsong voice.

"Oh, yes, my dear," the sharpshooter nodded. "Stress."

They nodded in unison.

It was the perfect plan.


Yes, yes, yes. I know it's short...

Chapter 2 will be posted soon!