Disclamier: I do not own twilight.I wish I did...but I do own this so don't try and steal it...
I'm working on the sequel but school is hard, I will try to get put as soon as possible...
Please leave me comments on what you think..I love to hear what people think of my work...
Hey everyone this is the same story just revised, realized I really should fix some of the errors in the story..
7 years 6moths 12hr 15min 32 sec
Okay, so here goes another crazy day for Nessie Cullen, yeah yeah I know I sound like a whinny teenager, but hey if you lived my life you would be thinking the same thing. So here we go:
Hey, Renesmee Carlie Cullen here, my mother and father are both vampires, my best friends are werewolves and a bunch of old crazy looking Italy vampires pretty much hate me and think I'm going to try and take over the vampire world, awesome right... 'NOT' . Less than seven year ago I was as my mother called me; her 'little Nudger' and now I am a sixteen year old half human, half vampire and will remain this age for the rest of eternity. According to Grandpa Carlisle, I have stop aging now; it's a little sooner then they had original thought but hey am abnormal to begin with, the not aging thing is pretty cool, to be sixteen forever, mom seems to like it.
Now, me aging at such an exaggerated rate has caused some problems around town, why you may ask, well to the town of Forks I am the sixteen year biological sister to Edward Cullen , because I am way too old to be his daughter. According to the little town of Forks, Washington, my father and my mother are suppose to be twenty- five, but in my life, my father Edward Cullen is over 113 years old and my mother Bella Cullen should be twenty-five but is stuck at the ripe age of 18 for eternity.
Yeah, I know I live one crazy life...
Chapter One:
The only place I ever really feel safe in the small little town of Forks, is in the warm arms of Jacob Black. From the moment we met were inseparable which to my mother was a little hard, considering that Jacob was at one point madly in love with her, I know sounds like a soap opera does it not. Jacob is well an sixteen year old werewolf trapped in a 26 year old man's body. He should be twenty-three years old, but when he imprinted on me more than seven years ago, he stopped growing so that when I became of age it would not look as thought he should be my 'way older brother', but my well… my Boyfriend *sigh*. In the beginning he was more like my best friend... we told each other everything and best of all he gave me whatever I wanted. Every girls dream right, to get whatever they want. But in the last couple of weeks I have been realizing that there is more to this than just friendship... there this longing, this passion that I just can't stop feeling. So today when I see Jacob I am going to tell him how I really feel and no matter the outcome, I will be happy knowing that I have spoken my mind and it's his responsibility to act on it.
'I don't think I can do is……NO, I have to do this…..OOOhhh there he is…OK, Nessie you have to do this, just say….I LOVE YOU Jacob….' That's all I could think of while I paced waiting for Jacob down at first beach, while he was patrolling with his pack. Then, when saw him walking down the beach with that smile of his, I just couldn't help but panic.
As he walked closer I could tell there was something wrong he looked concerned about something.
"Hey Jake, what's wrong" as I looked in to those gorgeous eyes of his.
"Nothing much, what did you need, my dad said that you needed to talk, is everything okay, how are you feeling, is your mom okay." As he looks me up and down to see that I was still in one piece.
"No, yeah I'm fine, so is mom, her and dad went to Canada for Breakfast…. *Sigh* Um you know a couple of years ago when I asked what imprinting was and you said you would tell me later. Well… I was wondering if later would be now."
Now Jacob is known for not telling me the whole truth at certain times, then being one of them. When I had asked him what imprinting was he had told me it was just something his people did sometimes when and if they became werewolf's; when they meet someone special they become really good friends for the rest of their lives if they choose to. Now I was at the time a little young and I knew my mother had something to do with him not telling me the whole truth, but deep down I knew there had to be more to it.
Jacob sighed "Well, your mother is going to kill me... *haha*…but your old enough now and I can't wait any longer". Yes maybe now I am final understand this feel, longing for him I have.
"Well, you remember the story I told you when you were younger." Ugh, I hate when he says it like that "Younger".
"Yes, the ones about when a werewolf meets someone special they become friends forever." Sighing.
"Yeah, well there's more to it than just the normal story that I use to tell you, well, when a werewolf imprints on someone it's kind of like well, love- at- first- sight...Well yeah that's pretty much what it is… they are compelled to feel like they can't live without this other person, like there are a million strings pulling them towards each other, there's this gravitational pull towards one another other."
"Wait, love at first sight, like the crap in the movies..." I said giving him the 'holy crap are you serious look'.
"Well, yeah, so...um. Why did you want to know?"
Holy crap "compelled" "Love at first sight". This is crazy; somehow my crazy world just keeps getting crazier.
"Um, well .I...uhhh. Um, I have been well, feeling...uhh." crap I don't think I can do this. No, I have to do this. "Jake, I LOVE YOU".
With that big smile of is he says "I love you to, Nessie".
God, I hate when he smiles like that, my mom warned me about that smile. " No , Jake I L.O.V.E YOU, like I have this urge to well, um" then without even really thinking I just reached out pull him so close that I could feel his breath on my face and just kissed him. Well, I have kissed him before but never like this, there was some much passion running through me... But wait, oh my god he was kissing back with that same amount of passion. "Jake" I gasped as I pushed away from him, "I... um I have to go." And then I just ran I don't really know why I was running, I wanted this I wanted to... "Ugh". What the… I realized that there was a huge warm hand hold my upper arm keeping my from going anywhere.
"Nessie wait, I, what was that, where did all of that… come from".
"I, um… well for the past couple of weeks, well since I, um 'became a women' or finished aging, I have been having these, wellfeelings to just…… be with you..."
"Oh, well does anyone else know about..."
"Ugh. No, are you kidding I can't even handle talking to you about this. I had this feel it had something do with this secret imprinting business. And well I guess I understand why I have always been drawn to you."
"Yeah, well I guess I should have warned you about all this before you…um. Yeah, well now you know... So how did I do…?" with that lovable grin on his face
"What do you mean…?" After staring at each
other for about a second I realized he meant the kiss
"Oh well,
I don't have much to go off of but I guess it was O..." Then just
like I was as light as a feather he scoops me up in to his arms