Disclaimer: It's JKR's not mine, although I would think that was obvious already just by the premise of the story.

A/N: Many of you have mentioned the slippery slope Harry was on last chapter; maybe this Epilogue will clarify things for you all.


Potter Turns Down Nomination for Minister

In a shocking twist, Supreme Mugwump and Chief Warlock Harry Potter has refused a nomination to take the most prestigious office the Ministry of Magic has to offer. It has become common belief during the successful implementation of Potter's equality bill that he would next move on to the office of the minister due to his extraordinarily high approval rates.

This intrepid reporter had the rare chance to get Potter's quote on the issue and the following is what he said, "I've never been interested in having the office of Minister. Instead I prefer to stay in the Wizengamot and help draft policy that will bring this country into the 20th century, and I want this for all of the magical races not just witches and wizards. The stain of pureblood bigotry has no place in a civilized nation like ours, and we need watchmen like myself and former minister Kingsley Shacklebolt to prevent some of these unsavory types from sneaking back into positions of power. For those of you out there who wish to abuse others, I tell you just one thing, I'm watching you."

Powerful words indeed from the wizard many believe to be the most magically powerful man alive, and this reporter confesses to being afraid over the course of the brief interview. Not afraid of Mr. Potter, but rather his ability to follow through on his promises if he is pushed too far.


Harry sighed at the breakfast table as he read the article, even though not much would come of it he still would have to put up with teasing from some of the department heads he was friendly with back at the ministry. Now that he was both Supreme Mugwump and Chief Warlock as Dumbledore before him, he found that to do a good job he was spending much more time on the jobs than Dumbledore ever had.

He was molding the future of the magical world, and while many were aware of it, no one was willing to act against him. He hadn't been proud of the actions he had undertaken to reach this point, but they had fallen into the nebulous cloud of the greater good. The goblins were actually modernizing their banking law, and due to the opening of non-goblin run banks as competition the interest rates on magical loans were the lowest they had ever been, leading to a boom in the economy of the wizarding world never seen before.

Many of the secrets of magic lost on the world of witches and wizards were slowly becoming unraveled thanks to the help that non-human magical species were willingly offering in the spirit of true magical cooperation. It was amazing what the actions of one man could do to improve the world for all peace loving people.

Harry knew that the mere existence of these changes were payment enough, but instead of being content to change the world he found more happiness in the dull monotony of eating breakfast with his again pregnant wife and his toddler son, than he ever did changing the world for the better, regardless of what they wanted.

Hermione finished cutting up little Liam Potter's eggs before she turned to her husband and asked, "What kind of news is there in the paper?"

Harry merely smiled, "Just some threats and other boring rubbish sweetheart. It is hard being me after all."

Hermione's hand traced the small bulge in her stomach that would eventually be her daughter before she answered, "Yes terribly hard having the power to change the world after all, isn't it?"

Harry sipped his glass of juice for a long moment before he replied, "Changing the world wasn't so hard, but not losing myself in the process was the tricky part."

Hermione smiled wisely, "You know that even if you had lost yourself I would have found you and put you right. I've never let something trivial like god like power to sway me before, and I wouldn't have let it happen then either."

Harry nodded and slowly stood walking over to his son and kneeling on the floor as he watched the three year old eat about half of the food that was one his plate while the other half ended up elsewhere.

Harry smiled at his son as little Liam gazed back at his father with eyes of innocence, "My goals changed when this little man came along, I had the power before and when Liam James came along, I knew I had to use it instead of hide it."

Hermione rolled her eyes but smiled at her husband's sap, "So now that you have everything you ever wanted what's next for Harry Potter?"

Harry merely smiled, "I might be the master of death, but I think I'd like to concentrate on life for awhile. Making love to my sex crazed genius wife, spoiling my son and daughter, and anything else I can think of to fill the hours. It's going to be a rough life."

Hermione simply replied, "I shudder to think what the world would be like if you men had to give birth. Then you might know what its like to live a rough life."

Harry nodded slowly, it was always better to let Hermione have her way when she was hormonal and pregnant he had found. True, surviving a pregnancy with the smartest witch alive had its drawbacks, but if she killed him he would just come back, being the Master of Death did have its perks, after all.


A/N: There you go, a bit of fluff to offset the darkness of the previous chapters. It wasn't my intention to make Harry an incumbent dark lord the previous chapter, merely a man who was willing to break some eggs to make his own version of an omelet. The real effect of being the Master of Death on Harry beyond the obvious of his powers was more apparent this chapter.

I really wanted to set out and create a Harry that had none of the primary weaknesses of his canon counterpart, and his best strengths. Harry had been offered power beyond his 11 year old reckoning when he battled Voldemort over the Philosopher's stone, so I tend to think he is beyond the corruption that Rowling sort of hinted at during times in DH.

Being able to use power and not be afraid that it would corrupt him, would have liberated Harry in a way Rowling never wanted to do. I highly doubt Rowling wanted to liberate any of her characters; she was far too fond in keeping them confined in the misery of their own existences in the series.

As to the rest of this short story, I'll leave it to your imaginations what happened to everyone else, thanks for reading and thanks for the reviews.