Games in the Playground Summary: Side's and Sunny like their planks … but perhaps they weren't always pulling them for the reason everyone thinks. Ratchet/Twins. A gift for N

Disclaimer: If only, if only, the little plot bunny sings.

Rating: Mature for later adult themes.

Image: hey_by_yamaishi


When people are children, they pick on the ones that they like; pulling pranks and gags on them if only to have their eyes glance at them for a moment. Sooner or later, as the years drag on, this pranking's true purpose becomes more apparent along with the emotions that have been hiding behind the shallow shell of a game. This emotion is the most simple and hardest word of all … it is love.

Cybertronians are no different when it comes to these games.

It might just take a few thousand years, though.

The sky had always been dark on Cybertron, given that it had no sun, but right now it was alight with the missile fire while thousand warriors laid dying at the will and whimper of war. It was something Sunstreaker had never noticed nor admired before. In fact, it reminded him of the relationship he had with his brother. They were the red and the yellow flames of war, which always existed together.

But as they existed together … the also died together.

Not a lot was known about true twins, given that the war had been going on for so long that no one had time to properly look into the subject. Yet, there were three things that were almost always true when it came to twins. The first was that twins were not two separate beings, but in fact one split spark. The split had originally occurred because half the spark didn't wish to leave the safety of the Allspark, while the other half yearned to taste life, be it bitter or sweet to him or her. So it would split into two separate, yet in essence, the same being.

The second thing that was factual was that due the unwillingness of half the spark to leave the safety of the Allspark, one of the twins would be withdrawn or bitter. This would mean that despite the adventurous nature and even frisky attitude of his other half, twins would rarely show any romantic nature in separate femme or mech. Love thy brother first … and my lover later.

The third and most drastic rule of the three was a mere seven letters … when one dies, so does the other. Or at least that's what everyone thought … no twin would ever tell them different. It was just a fact of life; one didn't want to live without the other.

So, it was quite understandable that at this very moment, Sunstreaker was panicking, perhaps for the first time in his young life. After all, at this very moment it was everywhere. It was warm, dripping and spilling far and wide as if it were trying to escape death … trying to escape his brother and him, his brother's blood.

With a whimper of tearing gears, the yellow mech started crawling across the barren landscape that had once been a bustling city. He was in agony right now, but one would presume so with half of his left leg dragging behind him like shredded fabric. But it had been his own fault. Their present caretaker, who still had a little shred of sanity, had told them that they were not supposed to leave the base. Younglings, especially ones that were bright yellow, needed proper armor. Unfortunately, their systems weren't developed enough to carry the armor's full weight. Thus, he denied them the right to leave the younglings' care center to help the Autobots fight.

Yet, being young, one thinks of them self as almost immortal and indestructible to harm … until a hail of seekers flew overhead.

So now, thanks to either a well aimed shot or their bright paintjobs, Sunny was trying to pull his bleeding brother into his lap … what remained of his lap at least. The yellow twin's engine choked as he watched the glowing fluids roll down his lap, mixing with his own energon from the stump where his leg had once been. The yellow twin shivered as his hands twitched, wondering if he should touch the hole in his brother's chest or not.

"Side's," murmured Sunstreaker as he started petting the side of his brother's helm, trying to get him to turn on his optics. He was so scared. It was an emotion he barely showed and had never allowed the feeling to drip through his and his brother's link, but right now the emotion was just pounding though the connection, drowning out the entire battle around them.

"SIDE'S!" cried the yellow being as he started to shake his brother by his shoulders, "wake up! Don't die! Please don't leave me alone here!"

The yellow mech threw his head back in a wail of pain as his brother spark started to block itself off from his, Side's last gift to him. He was going to lock his spark so that Sunstreaker wouldn't die with him. The two had never uttered a word of it, but had agreed. If one died in battle, he would lock himself off from his brother so that they both wouldn't die.

Sunny had lied. It was a one way deal as far as he was concern. The world had no love for him. It had stomped and punished him from his very first step of life as if Primus was disgusted at his very presence … like he was dirty and filthy to look upon. That was why he struggled to be pristine as possible, to prove that he wasn't dirty or filthy or whatever it was that deserved him such punishment. Yet, the punishments seemed to come no matter how perfect Sunny's paint was nor how lovely his gloss, and somewhere along the line, he noticed that he was vain … cold … dead inside. So much so that most mechs wouldn't speak to him, look at him … love him.

No one loved him. They all loved Sideswipe. He could continue if Sunstreaker was gone, but he couldn't continue alone. Sunny didn't want to be punished again, to be alone for whatever unspeakable crime he most have performed, it was just unbearable. He would die with his brother.

"I won't remain alone here," and with that said, he slammed into the mental walls his brother had put up to protect him. Sunny cried out as he forced his way into the connection, clawing at it with his very spark. He could feel Sideswipe cursing him, begging him, demanding him to pull back … to please pull back. Yet, he would not listen. Sunstreaker continued in his onslaught on the bond until a cry escaped his brother from the other side, like a ghost fading into the night, and Sunstreaker embraced his brother's dying presence, hissing as death slammed itself into his systems as well.

After the initial shock was over, Sunstreaker started petting his brother's helm as if he had hair, his engine hiccupping in distress as his spark started to copy the pace of his brothers. The two sparks were now like a fading candle in the wind, nearly going out with every breath their engines pulled into their vents. And, despite the red brother's weak pleas over the connection, despite the darkness, Sunstreaker kept his brother's spark pace, his chassis trembling at the sudden loss of warmth. He'd die with his brother. He knew 'Side's would be angry with him for such an action, but really … what was there to stay for?

Suddenly, there was a crack of shifting ruble as a being ran past; perhaps, thinking them dead due to the amount of energon encompassing them. That is, until Sunstreaker growled, baring his dental plating like a wild dog as he pulled his brother's body closer into his chest.

The being suddenly stopped, dust gathering at his heels as he stared with wide optics. Another growl escaped Sunny as those blue optics slowly turned onto him, a mixture of shock and relief in the other's stare.

"Y-you're alive?" replied the stranger as the dust settled at his heals.

Sunny merely pulled his brother closer, his engine giving a hiss.

The being's optics shuttered for a moment in confusion as he lifted his hands in a peace sign, "Calm down kid, I'm a medic. I won't hurt you."

Sunny trembled as he internally fought with his options as the medic started towards them. He could let the medic look at Sideswipe. He could let him pull Sideswipe away and possibly save him … or Sideswipe could still die. The medic would probably then force him to stay alive. Sunny shivered at the very thought of being without his brother for even a moment, but if there was even the slightest possibility that he could survive, Sunstreaker would release his brother.

Yet, if Sideswipe were to die … the youngling would fight against that medic took and nail to die as well. He would not deny that.

With an ache in his spark, Sunny slowly unfolded his brother, allowing the stranger to see the being that was his brother. The stranger's optic almost twitched, but soon he was stumbling down he incline towards the two brothers. It didn't take long until the stranger was standing before Sunny, his engine panting. It was as if he was waiting for permission to kneel down as he looked Sunny in the optic, but Sunny did no such thing. He merely stared at the other as if he was trying to place were he had met this person. For, his spark told him that he did know this person.

The stranger slowly knelt down; still staring into Sunny's optics until a small gurgling noise escape the dying being before him … he did not hesitate in stealing Sideswipe from his brother. Strangely enough, Sunstreaker made no movement to reclaim his brother. He merely watched as energon pooled between the medic's fingers as he started stitching wires and closing off valves. Yet, the frown on the stranger's face didn't disappear, and he quickly threw a scan over Sideswipe's body. Suddenly, he was looking up at Sunny, his optics wide as if he had just been whispered a great truth about the universe.

With daring hands, the stranger started to reach towards the yellow twin, and Sunny nearly cried out in horror as the other grabbed him by the wrist pulling him closer. He stared into those blue optics for a moment, fear running through his systems and into his brother's side of the spark. No one ever touched him, not even a congratulatory pat on the back for a job well done. The only people who dared touch him, besides Sideswipe, where people who wanted to hurt him.

The medic noticed that the other being stiffened under his touch as if he were expecting to be hit. The stranger reached forward, cupping Sunny's chin, "You have to let go."

Sunny's optics shuttered for a moment, "W-what?"

The stranger leaned forward so he was mere inches from Sunny's face, close enough that if he were a lover they could kiss. The medic's spark hammered against its casing at the thought of what he was about to ask. He could kill them both … or keep one alive; it was still only a theory. But one life was better than two dead, "I need you to let go. You're a twin, a split spark, correct? You're killing your brother. His spark is weak and you slamming your spark into his half is stressing his already weak half of the spark. Let him go … cut yourself off from your brother."

A tint of fear quickly crawled into Sunny's optics. It was as if the medic had just asked him to kill himself. He couldn't even imagine existing without his brother, for even a moment, and what if it was a trick? What if he knew Sideswipe was about to die and wanted to trap him here, in the world of the living.

"No," growled the mech softly. He would not be tricked so easily.

The stranger stared at the other in shock. Great, just what he needed … he got the anti-social mech of the twins. It took all his self control, but he resisted the urge to beat the mech unconscious with a wrench. He reached out, ready to grab the mech by the shoulder and try to shake it out of him. Instead the medic got a punch to the face, causing him to fall back with a yip. Slowly, he sat back up, feeling the hinges of his jaw squeaking.

"You hit me you slagger," gripped the Stranger, part of him forgetting his bedside manner for a moment, not that he had much of one to start with.

Sunny growled and tried to leap forward, but he merely yelp out in agony as his shredded leg held him back. So, instead he threw a glare at the Autobot, trying to get in between him and his brother, "I'm no fool. You just want me to separate from my brother so he'll die alone and leave me here," a click escaped his vocalizer as he tried to push the sorrow out of his voice, but it broke through anyway, his voice soft and broken, "I-I don't want to be … alone. Nobody wants me here. I don't want to be alone."

The stranger's angry was drowned as quickly as it came, and before Sunny could even threaten to growl at the other for getting to close, the stranger had oddly encompassed him, pulling him into a tight hug and burying his head between his hand and his chassis. The yellow mech was still for a moment, his pump hammering in surprise. He had been expecting a hit or a punch to the face … nobody hugged, him except for Sideswipe. Yet, he could find himself unable to say or do anything. He was still as a stone, until the mech holding him spoke barely above a whisper, "Is that it? Is that why you are threatening both yours and your brother's life … you are afraid to be alone?"

Sunstreaker's optics dimmed and he cursed himself for showing even that much emotion … but he could barely feel Sideswipe right now. He could barely feel the beat of his spark whispering against him. For the first time … he'd admit he was scared to be alone. Sunny drew closer to the one holding him, his form shaking as his vocals expressed his fear, "Y-yes."

A soft smile escaped the mech that was holding him, petting Sunny's helm in a comforting manner. Slowly, he pulled the shaken twin away, looking into his optics, "Well, you're not alone. I'm right here."

The yellow mech said nothing, his lips inoperable and unable to speak any truth or lie. He was stunned … this stranger knew not even his name, yet he offered him the only thing he lacked: company.

"Now, let me fix your brother here, and then I'll patch up your injuries until we can get to a real medical wing. The silent bond may ache for a while, but it won't last forever."

And with that said, the area was silent until Sunny found his lips able to move, his eyes set on the stranger instead of his brother's repairs, "W-what's your name stranger?"

A huff escaped the mech as he reattached a leaking line, "You can call me Ratchet."

Yet, Sunny was never given time to says his as he passed out from the shock of his severed bond.


Sideswipe turned on his optics as he came out of the memory. It wasn't his memory; it was Sunny's and it was a memory that he hid from Sideswipe. Mind you, his brother hid things from everyone, but not him, and he didn't know about it. For the longest time, he didn't even have a clue about his brother's guarded memory. But one night he crawled into his brother's berth as he trembled from one of his occasional nightmares, placing his chamber close to his brother's in order to tell him that he wasn't alone. In that moment, a slight tender moment, his brother's spark was open and unknowing that it was supposed to guard anything. It was a memory Sideswipe had dwelled on ever since.

"Hey 'Sides?" chimed in the grey gunner as he waved his hand in front of the front liner's face, "don't zone out on me like Sunny, 'kay? I have this wicked story I want to tell yah?"

The red warrior gave the gunner a questioning look, trying to ignore the feeling of shame in his spark. He had wanted something more from the gunner once upon a time, but … he couldn't leave Sunny. Speaking of which, Sidewipe looked over in his brother's direction and sighed. His brother was silently watching Ratchet as he poured himself another cube of high grade, a drunken laugh on his lips.

That was it. No more of this little game of tag in the playground. This game of chase had to come to an end.


Paw07: lol. I should win the 'Procrastinator of the Year' award for how bloody long I've been working on this … and it's not even done yet! Anyway, this is a gift for Neurquadic because she won the competition I had for Promise not to Tell, like months back. (slaps wrist for being so lazy). I've divided it out into three chapters because usually my one-shots are around 2500 words, but since I promised her 7000 words, I've divided the fic into three parts. Here's chapter one and two more to go.