Summary: An arsonist and pedophile are in Miami on the same time. Will there be a marriage between Horatio and Eric? Raquel comes back into Eric's life. The family will once again have to face, Love, Worry, Pain and Happiness. SLASH--3rd story in my H/E Universe--
Chapter 1: Christmas Time
Eric gaped as Horatio went down on one knee. And he gasped as Horatio showed him two golden rings.
"Eric Delko will you marry me?" Horatio asked.
Eric couldn't breath. He couldn't speak or move. He just sat there and looked into the eyes of Lt. Horatio Caine. The love of his life. The one man that gave him safety and love. This moment was a dream come true. Eric threw himself into Horatio's arm. Knocking them both down on the floor. Eric kissed H all over the face and then one deep kiss on the mouth. H hugged Eric and laughed as tears rolled down Eric's cheeks.
"I take that as a yes." Horatio grinned.
"It's definitely a yes!" Eric smiled and wiped the tears away. He sat up on the chair. New tears kept coming and now Eric didn't bother to wipe them off. Horatio smiled widely as he put one golden ring on Eric's finger and one on his own. Eric took the ring off and looked inside.
You Give Me Safety And Love.
Horatio Caine-Eric Delko
"It's beautiful." Eric said and kissed Horatio again.
"Just like you." Horatio grinned. They shared a deep kiss, and before things got get any further they heard Frank clear his throat. They looked towards the porch door and the team were grinning at them
Alexx rushed to H and Eric and hugged them both so hard they almost couldn't breath. Once she was done the rest of the women followed. The men shook hands with H and Eric and patted them on their shoulders. Except for Frank who gave them both a bear hug.
"Well, I suspected this was what you had planned." Frank grinned at Horatio.
"We're so happy for you guys!" Calleigh smiled.
"Yes! We get to have a gay wedding!" Valera shrieked and gave both H and Eric a kiss on the cheek.
"Let's have lunch." Frank smiled.
They all sat down at the table. Eric and Horatio sat next to each other, and could barely take their eyes off each other. They were holding hands under the table. Softly touching each other's rings. This was a dream come true for both of them. Eric had known after only three weeks together that he and Horatio were meant to be married and spend the rest of their lives together. Horatio had known that too, but he hadn't been completely ready for marriage until now.
"There is one place that we have to go to before we can head over to your father's place for dinner." Horatio whispered in Eric's ear. Eric nodded, he had a fairly good idea as to where they were going.
"So how did you plan the treasure hunt?" Eric asked Horatio.
Horatio grinned.
"Well, I simply went to a few places where you would find the specific words." He said.
"What words?" Natalia asked.
Eric thought for a second, "Um… Me, marriage, you, will."
"Oh I get it." Frank said, "You had the question all along."
Eric looked confused at his friends and his sister.
"Use your CSI brain Eric." Maya grinned.
"Oh it's backwards!" Eric chuckled, "Will you marry me?. Marriage becomes marry."
Horatio chuckled and patted Eric's shoulder. After the lunch, at around 1pm, everybody went to their families to celebrate Christmas. Alexx of course went home to her house and kids. Her siblings were coming over to the house, and her husband's parents too. Valera and Jason went to his parent's house in Orlando. Later that evening, Valera's parents, Elisa and Tom, would join them. Calleigh and Ryan went to Ryan's parents home. Calleigh had chosen not to spend Christmas with her parents. Ryan's younger sister Karen would also be at the Wolfe resident.
Frank would spend the evening with his three daughters and then tomorrow he'd go to his sister in Texas.
The newly engaged couple Eric and Horatio would celebrate Christmas at Joseph's apartment. It was big and could easily fit all his kids, sons-in-law and grandkids. And hopefully Joseph's girlfriend Lucia Muranes would join the family.
Horatio and Eric stood in front of the grave that belonged to Tim Speedle. They often came here to tell Speed what was happening in their lives. How the team was doing and that they missed him.
"So Speed." Eric said, "H and I got engaged. H proposed."
Horatio chuckled, "I wonder what Speed would say if he was with us right now."
"He'd say something like: No wonder H had to propose, after all I takes a man to do such thing and we all know that Eric ain't man enough." Eric laughed, "Then I'd say something back and Speed would slap me."
"And Alexx would slap him for giving a slap to you."
Eric nodded, "Definitely."
Horatio sighed, "I wish he was here."
"Yeah, so that we could share this with him."
Horatio nodded in agreement. He still blamed himself for Speed's death. Eric had tried telling him several times that if wasn't his fault. But somehow Horatio could help but to feel that a bit of Speed's death was his fault, or at least that he could have prevented it.
Eric on the other hand, wished that he could have had one last moment with Speed, so that he could have told him that he was sorry for being an annoying, "Little Brother." Though he didn't think Speed was mad at him, Eric still wanted to apologize for things he might have said that might have hurt Tim in some way.
"Well, Speed you know that if you would've been here today, you would have been my first choice as a best man." Eric smiled.
Horatio smiled and hugged Eric tightly.
"I'm sure he's looking down on us." Horatio said, "And he'll be with us when he have our wedding ceremony."
Eric nodded in agreement.
17:30 Wolfe Resident
Mrs. Jenny Wolfe had made a big buffet. And she pushed Calleigh to eat more and more. Even though Calleigh had said she felt nauseous. Calleigh sighed, the last thing she needed was to get sick, but right now she felt like throwing up all over the table. Ryan sat next to her, eating like a horse. On the other side of Calleigh, Karen sat and she ate practically nothing. Across the table Ryan's parents sat and smiled widely at Calleigh. Jenny was Ryan and Karen's mother and Bill their father. Bill winked at Calleigh. Cal got a feeling that they wanted to say something, or that they suspected something. Jenny nodded for Calleigh to go to the bathroom.
Once they were outside the bathroom, far away from the dinner table. Jenny hugged Calleigh.
"I heard you've been morning sick lately." Jenny smiled.
Calleigh understood what her and Bill's smiles were all about.
"No, Jenny it's not like that."
"Have you done a test?"
Calleigh shook her head.
"Then how do you know?" Jenny asked smiling. She wanted grandchildren so much. Karen had made it clear several years ago that children was not for her. Even though she loved children, she didn't want any of her own. Of course Karen was just 28 and had a lot of time to change her mind.
But everyone knew she probably wasn't going to change. So there for it was up to Calleigh and Ryan to deliver the grandchildren. Calleigh loved children and wanted her own. But after her miscarriage she was afraid to get pregnant again. Even though she had medicine that would help, she still feared that maybe she would miscarry again, and that would break her heart in such a bad way that maybe she wouldn't be able to handle it.
"Are you afraid that you'll have another miscarriage?" Jenny asked. She could see the fear in Cal's eyes.
Jenny nodded.
"How about I buy a test for you?" She asked.
Calleigh nodded. She did feel like she had last time she was pregnant. And if she was indeed pregnant, she needed to do a test as soon as possible and then take her medicine, to keep the child alive.
Jenny smiled and nodded, she left the house immidiately, while Calleigh went back to the dinner table.
"Where's mom?" Ryan asked.
"Oh, she just went out to buy something." Calleigh said.
She looked at Ryan and saw what a great father he would be. And she was certain that she'd be a great mother. Their child would grow up in a big family surrounded by people who would love her or him.
17:40 Jason's parents house
Valera had expected the worst about Jason's mother. She usually did, and then got surprised when people turned out do be very nice and kind. And Jason's mother was just that. Nice and kind. Her name was Wilma and Jason's father's name was Aroon.
"So how is the belly?" Wilma asked.
They had all just had dinner and Wilma was delighted to finally meet Valera and she was especially interested in the big pregnant belly. Valera' parents weren't with them yet, but they would show up soon.
"Well, it's heavy." Valera smiled, "But it's worth it."
Wilma grinned and nodded. She had only been pregnant once, and that was with Jason of course. She had no idea what it was like to have triplets. Jason smiled and took Valera's hand in his.
"Have you thought about marriage?" Aroon asked.
"Yeah, when the time is right we'll get married." Jason said quickly.
There was one thing and one thing only that bothered Jason about his parents. And that was the fact they were still old fashioned at times. Not always but sometimes. And being pregant and un-married was a thing that Aron and Wilma did not like.
But Wilma and Aroon had understood quite quickly that Jason and Valera had made up their mind. Also they had heard about Valera's fight with Raquel and the last thing they wanted was for the same thing to happen to them.
The door bell rang and Wilma went to open. Jason and Valera heard right away that it was Elisa and Tom, Valera's parents. After a while they joined them all in the dining room.
"Oh my little girl!"Elisa exclaimed as she saw Valera.
"Hi mom." Valera smiled. She gave her mother a hug, "No sex talk mom." She whispered into ther mother's ear. The last thing Valera and Jason wanted was for Elisa to start talking about her job and all that it meant. They were quite sure that Wilma would faint at the word "Sex".
As some time passed Wilma asked what Elisa did for a living.
"Oh, I'm a... therapist." Elisa said and Valera sighed.
"Oh really, interesting." Wilma smiled, "Is it hard?"
"No, it's very fun."
"And what about you Tom?" Aroon asked.
Tom pointed at his wheelchair, "I'm an adventourus person who climb rocks." He joked, "No, but I race in my wheelchair."
Aroon looked surprised, "I didn't know you could do that."
"Of course you can, it's easy." Tom grinned, "Maybe I'll show you me home made race track."
Jason choked on his drink at the thought of his dad racing down Tom's hill in a wheelchair. Aroon would die in fright.
18:15 Joseph's resident.
Lucia Muranes was being questioned by Maya and Trish. Sort of. They hadn't asked her any questions at all the first time they met her, which was three weeks ago. So now that everybody were busy with talking to each other, Maya and Trish saw their chance of getting some alone time with Lucia.
In the living room, everybody else were just talking and watching the kids so they didn't hurt themselves. Elena was now visibly pregnant and softly caressing her belly. That was what they were talking about. Elena and of course Horatio and Eric's engagement.
"I know what newly engaged people do." Carla grinned and winked at H and Eric, "Do it at home."
Eric blushed and Horatio laughed, "Carla!" Eric said, "We're not having... we're not going to make love here if that's what you think."
Carla laughed and slapped her little brother in the head, "I was just joking."
"I've never been to a gay wedding before." Elena smiled, "I wonder what it's like."
"Very queer." Carla chuckled, "And for the first time in our lives we'll get to see Eric in a dress."
Eric choked on his drink and stuck his tongue out at Carla, "No way." He said.
"You are most definetely the girl in the house." Carla said and Elena nodded in agreement.
"Why?" Eric asked.
"Because H is way to macho to be the girl." Elena grinned, "But you Eric, you're the woman."
Horatio laughed and Eric glared at him.
"You're sleeping on the couch tonight." Eric said.
"I can live with that." Horatio grinned and then gave Eric a kiss, "Sorry Erica."
Eric shook his head at his new girl name.
"Erica, that's sweet." Joseph's said, "Don't worry Eric, I still think you're a man. Horatio on the other hand is the woman."
Eric laughed, "That's the truth!"
"I'm sure Horatio has a hidden side that only Eric sees." Joseph grinned.
Horatio nodded, "Oh yeah, that's true." He said in a very girly voice.
Everybody laughed. They all loved it when Horatio acted girly.
"So have you bought each other gifts?" Carla asked her siblings.
"It's not until tomorrow." Elena said, "But yeah, I bough gifts for everyone. Now I have no money."
18:30 Wolfe resident
Calleigh stood in the bathroom with the stick in her hand. She was afraid to look at it. If it was negative and she wasn't pregant she'd probably feel disappointed. And if it was positive she'd be terrified and but on the same time happy.
Calleigh was just about to look at the stick as Jenny knocked on the door.
"Cal, are you alright?" Jenny asked.
"Yeah, I'm coming right out." Calleigh said.
She heard Jenny walk away and sighed. She looked at the stick. She nodded to herself and walked outside. Ryan looked concerned at her.
"Everything alright?" Ryan asked and gave Cal a kiss on the cheek.
Calleigh nodded and then sat down in the couch in the living room. Jenny smiled at her and then gave her a questioning look.
Calleigh nodded to her and Jenny shrieked. She stood up and gave Calleigh a hard hug. The other's looked at Jenny like she had lost her mind.
"What's going on?" Ryan asked.
"I'm pregnant." Calleigh smiled.
Horatio barely made it inside his and Eric's house, before Eric pushed him against the wall and kissed him hard.
"I want you now." Eric said and pushed himself against Horatio.
Horatio moaned and ran his hands down Eric's back. Eric dragged Horatio towards the bedroom and got rid of his clothes faster then ever before.
Then Eric pushed Horatio down on the bed and kissed him again.
AN: So far peace and quiet huh? It will change later... lol
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