Word Count: 1,006

Disclaimer: I do not own POT.

Author's Note: Merry Christmas, everyone! Enjoy. :)

Mukahi Gakuto in First Grade - Chapter Ten

As the school bell rang, the children went to take their respective seats.

"Okay, class," Izumi-sensei called out loud, "I have an announcement to make."

Kyo sighed heavily. "You always have an announcement," he said, bitterly, "What difference does this one make?" He didn't mean to be rude, but the season was getting cold, and he hated the cold. He had to release his headache somehow.

"Don't make the Christmas season so glum, Kyo-kun," said Megumi, who was sitting beside him. She then gave him a pout.

"And that's no way to talk to a teacher," added Izumi-sensei.

Gakuto groaned from the back of the room. No matter how much he liked watching Kyo getting scolded, he hated the fact that the kid was acting just like him—cocky. Or at least, that's what it looks like.

"Oh, just shut up, Kyo," he said. "Carry on, Izumi-sensei."

Izumi-sensei almost gasped. "O-okay, then." She then paused to cough. "Now, Christmas is nearing and you all know what that means, right?" she asked in a happy tone, sounding like a typical first grade teacher.

A mixture of "yes:s," "no:s," and "huh:s" filled the room.

"It means that we're going to have a Christmas party!"

The children bounced up and down in joy. No, not literally.

"I'll bring cupcakes!" Megumi volunteered. Her classmates cheered, remembering the cupcakes she had prepared (which were actually baked by her mom) during her birthday.

Izumi-sensei clasped her hands together, calling everyone's attention. "Let's form two groups," she said, "One group will bring food, and the other group will bring utensils, decorations and other party goods." She then proceeded to count the children one-two-one-two.

Gakuto ended up in the utensils, decorations and other party goods group. He raised his hand to ask a question. "We can bring anything, right?" he asked.

Izumi-sensei nodded. "As long as it has something to do with Christmas."

Gakuto started to snicker.


"Let's start decorating the room!" Izumi-sensei announced, pulling a box of Christmas decorations from under her desk. She grabbed a bundle of streamers and walked over to the white board, tying them from one end to another. The children followed suit.

And as they were doing so, the door burst open with the sound of explosion.

"What was that?" gasped one of the first graders.

"Merry Christmas!" shouted Gakuto from the door, holding a toy bazooka in his hands. He then fired another shot and grinned widely, totally unaware of the consequences he may have to face.

"Mukahi-kun!" yelled Izumi-sensei as she crossed her arms at him. "What do you think you are doing?"

"Firing a bazooka, duh," he replied.

Izumi-sensei wanted to slap him. To calm herself down, she pulled out a stress ball out of nowhere and started squeezing it. "Hand over the bazooka, Mukahi-kun."

"But you said we could bring anything—!"

"—that has to do with Christmas," Izumi-sensei promptly finished for him.

Gakuto lowered his head. "Oh."

After a good thirty minutes of fixing the classroom, everyone finished. The kids then sat down in their seats and nibbled on the cookies Izumi-sensei had prepared for them as a snack.

"Now all we have to do is set up the table with food and we can start the party!" said Izumi-sensei with a big smile. The group in charge of food then started bringing in dishes (brought by their parents and/or helpers) and set them on the long table.

In a school like Hyoutei, there are students rich enough to have someone organize a party for them on special occasions, but Izumi-sensei thought that a party made by their own efforts would be much more fun. Well, as long as the kids still have enough energy by the time they start.

"Let's party!" cheered Izumi-sensei.

Gakuto slouched in his chair, fiddling with his bangs to keep himself amused. "But we're tired," he complained, "We could've just had someone fix the room for us."

Kyo kicked him in the shin.

"What was that for, idiot!"

"I felt like doing it."

"Now, come on," said Izumi-sensei, "Let's party!" she tried once again.

Everyone groaned.

"Oh, wait, I know!" said Gakuto as an idea popped into his head. "Why don't we get my bazooka and—"


For a moment, no one said a word. They were all too beat up to do anything, let alone party. All they could think of was food. Megumi, being the mind-reader she is (not really) suggested, "Why don't we start eating?" and stood to turn the music up. She then grabbed a plate, and everyone did the same.

Everyone made on nom nom sounds as they ate.

"This is so fun!" one easily amused first grader said. And everyone laughed.

Gakuto, easily jealous, wanted to try making his classmates laugh too. "Why is six afraid of seven?" he started, telling them an extremely old joke.

"We know this already—"

"—Because seven eight nine!" he finished, laughing all by himself. "Get it? Seven ate nine!"

"Lame," retorted Kyo.

Gakuto scoffed and kicked the boy in the shin.

"What was that for, idiot!"


"Okay, okay," said Izumi-sensei, temporarily stopping their argument. "Let's take a picture!" she said, holding a camera. She walked over to her tripod and positioned the said object on top of it. "Everyone, sit down," she instructed, looking through the viewfinder. She then set the timer to ten seconds and went to pose with her students.

"Say cheese!"

Everyone muttered a random word that they felt happy saying. And with that, the shutter clicked.

"Merry Christmas, children!" Izumi-sensei greeted, giving them all a warm smile.

"Merry Christmas, stupid," Gakuto told Kyo.

"Merry Christmas, retard," Kyo shot back.


"We're at Atobe's," said Shishido over the phone. Gakuto could hear him snickering. "We have catering and the best Christmas decorations!" he boasted.

"And why wasn't I invited?" complained Gakuto.

"You're not part of the regulars now, aren't you," Shishido laughed.

Without guilt, the red-haired mentally killed Shishido.

Author's Note: I'm so sorry for the super late update! It's almost four in the morning and I'm still awake. Ugh. Anyway, Happy Holidays!