There's a power cut so I have nothing else to do than to write a fic! Thank god for chargeable laptops lol. This one's a Seddie.

"Come on Sam, it might be fun to see everyone again!"

Her reassurances were not a comfort to her. She was dreading this, at first she planned not to go but when she went to make up some excuse she just couldn't bring herself to do it. As much as she hated to admit it she wanted to see him again. She had tried to mask over what had happened, not even Carly knew about her past with him. She bowed to herself to keep it a secret from everyone, what happened was between her and Freddie.

"Sam your shaking" Carly laughed feeling her friend's hands "What's there to be worried about?"

"I'm not shaking" Sam said defensively "I just get nervous when I'm...driving"

Carly rolled her eyes "Is is because you might see Jonas again?"

"Of course not, I was 14! I'm so over it"

"Well then what is it then?"

Sam knew Carly would never let this go, years of friendship had taught her that. She quickly made up an excuse.

" has been almost 10 years since we left school. I mean I'm nervous about what people might think of me"

"Is that what your all hyped up about" Carly giggled "You have nothing to worry about. You have a great job, a wonderful apartment and you're looking hotter than ever. Trust me; people will be more than impressed!"

"Yeah" Sam breathed "I guess your right"

The knot in her stomach was getting larger the closer they came to the reunion. Sam could hardly concentrate, she kept picturing his face. The way his dimples would grow deeper when he smiled, the way his eyes lit up when he found some new tech stuff or the way his lips felt against hers...


She slammed the breaks. Surely enough they were back at the very building she had spent most of her childhood asleep in. It hadn't changed at all. It brought all the memories back, some she would rather be locked away forever.

"Let's get going" Carly preppy voice called "Wait! Is that...Freddie?"

Sam looked up in an instant. She could feel tears starting to creep out of her eyes. It was most definitely Freddie. He had grown a lot since she last saw him, his hair was a litter longer and he had a little stubble on his face. He looked amazing. Looking at him again brought all the memories flooding back to her, the bickering, the fights and the kissing...

"Sam? Sam?" Carly's worried voice called to her "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Right then she realized that she couldn't do it. She had spent so long doing her best to move on. She had tried so hard to forget about her past and now this silly reunion was going to ruin everything. That was it, she was turning the car around and going back to the safety of her was apartment. The only problem was convincing Carly.

"Seriously Sam, you're really scaring me. You look like you've just seen a ghost or something"

Sam looked at Carly; her face was stricken with love and concern. It was time she told her the whole story. Carly deserved that much.

"I'm going to tell you something" Sam stuttered "But you have to promise not to say a word to anyone"

"Yeah, of course Sam. You can tell me anything"

"Right" Sam said taking a deep breath. "It all started our first day of senior year..."

-- Ok, well, what did you think? From now on the story will be telling the past from Sam's POV. So don't get confused if I don't mention the future for a while. This is my attempt at a long story...I hope I can update fast...