"Quil, I love you."

"You, you what?"

Damn, I can't believe I just said that.

"Umm, I think I just said I love you." Well I mean there is no point in denying it, he heard me and I don't think I can play it off by pretending I said elephant shoe.

A smile was creeping up on Quils face and he eventually replied. "I heard what you said."

"Huh? Then why are you.." that was when I was interrupted by Quils warm lips crushing mine. I was in too much shock to reply to the kiss so, I just sat there with my arms hanging limply at my side and my lips unmoving.

I think that was what made Quil pull back with a distressed look on his face. Thankfully I returned to my senses as he moved away and I let my arms wrap his neck and I urged myself closer to him letting my lips met his again. Quils hands found there way to my waist and pulled me closer to him and I could feel his heat radiating on every inch of my body that was touching his.

After a few minutes of what felt like absolute bliss Quil pulled back and looked me lovingly in my eyes.

"I love you too Claire-bear."

This felt like I t was too good to be true, I was definitely going to have to pinch myself soon to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"But there is something I have to tell you." Quil looked afraid to tell me, like he was deliberating wether I would run away screaming at this news.

I knew he was over reacting though, I don't think anything Quil has to say could break my little bubble of happiness I was in right now so I urged him to tell me. "What is it Quil?"

"Claire, I'm … I'm a werewolf."

Ok so maybe there was.

"You're a what?"

"You know the old legends of spirit warriors and Taha Aki? Well they are true, all of them." His eyes were pleading with mine to believe him and I was being sucked in.

"So you, you're a werewolf?"I said pulling my gaze away from him and staring at the floor. This is incredibly confusing and might I add downright stupid, I mean Quil can't be a werewolf it is physically impossible.

"Yup but not just me, all of the guys, even your Uncle Sam."

Oh great I'm surrounded and even related to a bunch of 6ft tall guys who are all insane and think they can turn into wolves.

I think Quil could see the disbelief on my face and quickly tried to find out why.

"You don't believe me do you?"

I shook my head for my answer, afraid that I would blurt out something offensive.

"Why not?" Quil looked hurt to know that I didn't believe him.

Unfortunately a shake of the head would not suffice and I had to answer. "Well it is a little insane."

"Fine then, I'll show you." He said as he ripped me off the bed and led me to the window and opened it.

"Umm Quil?"

"Trust me." And with that he pulled me onto his back and jumped out my window onto the ground that was 2 stories below us. It was amazing that he landed on both feet and even more so that he didn't break anything.

"As a werewolf I am tremendously strong and heal almost ten times as fast as a normal human."

Okay so I admit this werewolf thing was becoming slightly more believable. After Quil had let me off his back he led me to the edge of the forest that was closest to my house.

"Ok, you stay here and I will be right back. Don't be afraid."

Afraid? What was I going to be afraid of? I thought as Quil walked into the forest.

I was alone for only a few seconds before a huge chocolate coloured wolf stepped out from where Quil had entered. I was trying so hard not to scream when I noticed that the wolf was standing back like it was waiting for me to approach it. I looked more carefully at the wolf then trying to remember what Quil had said about not being afraid. I noticed the wolf had the exact same chocolate brown eyes as Quil, and how it was the same colour as the fur. Oh my god, this wolf is Quil. At that moment everything hit me at once, Quil was a werewolf, he wasn't lying and lastly but possibly the most important I loved him and he loved me. It was with that thought in mind I edged closer to Quil to truly see him as a wolf. I let my fingers stroke his soft yet coarse fur that covered his face and lead to his ears. In his wolf form Quil was almost as tall as me and when my hand explored his fur he pulled his head closer to mine and licked my face from my chin to my forehead.

"Eww! That's gross Quil." And then he ran back into the forest.

Opps I hope I haven't offended him by saying that and I could feel guilt pooling up inside of me. I really hope he is coming back I thought desperately.

I felt all of the guilt wash away though as I saw Quil walking back out pulling a shirt on over his head.

"Why did you take your shirt off?" I asked curiously.

"Well my clothes have a tendency to tear when I transform, so I have to take them off before hand." The sudden image of what Quil was like moment before filled my brain and I could feel and dark red creeping up my neck onto my face.

"Oh." I replied rather embarrassed.

"So, do you believe me now?" Was his response, as he walked over and hugged me tightly letting the warmth of his body envelop me.

"Yes." Was the only reply I could get in before Quils lips were upon mine again.

Breaking away from the kiss I looked up at Quils eyes knowing the same amount of love was being emitted from my own and let my mouth express what my eyes were saying.

"I love you Quil."

" I have loved you since forever Claire."


Well this is the end. i was going to continue it on but then thought it would just be annoying and yeh.

Anyway thank you all so much for reading it and also for reviewing, I never really expected any reviews and the amount I have gotten is really amazing.

I would also like to say a special thank you to sadisticpaleone, twinsmom, bsf16 and twilightobession, your reviews made me want to write more even when I was having massive writters block. thank you so much.
