Welcome to the beginning of the end. It was fun but now it's over! This is just to wrap it up in my own little mind. So enjoy!! ^-^

Disclaimer: Do I have to do this again? (*sigh*) refer to chapter 1 kay?


People crowded through hallways where feet were stepped on, elbows were both accidentally and purposely slammed into stomachs and voices tried to raise themselves above the din. The poor misfortunate souls who had, what the polite would say, a height deficit became quickly lost in the swarm of anxious sports fans who were for the most part too concerned with finding their seats than anything else. Children attempted to run away from their caregivers at every possible opportunity for some reason unknown to anyone save the young ones. Add on top of the already large numbers of voice raised in various pitches ranging from whispers to the halting screeches of angry people was the announcers on the broadcasting system that was trying to say something or other but no one seemed to be paying him any mind. Hot dogs, popcorn and peanuts littered the cement floor and that was covered with spots of soda that inconveniently caused shoes to stick to the floor and the wearing of said shoe to become very grumpy.

All of this would seemingly make for an angry, temperamental and anxious crowd of individuals but fortunately for the people in charge of taking care of the event that the masses had attended, everyone was thoroughly enjoying themselves. While it may seem to some that no one could possible enjoy such a ransack of sights, smells and sounds the people were doing just that. Looking beyond, the garbage and confusion was an air of excitement and happiness; all the people attending were all here for one thing.

"Hockey! I love hockey!" A white haired young woman jumped up trying to see over the heads of the people infront of her. She turned to her taller companion beside her. "Rath come on even you have to admit that this is possibly the best game that these modern people could have invented."

Rath arched an eyebrow and angled himself towards the opening in the hall where he had seen the numbers indicating the location of their seats. "Oh yes Nefer-tina I simply adore watching grown men wrapped up in armour attempt to get a black slab into a net using a stick of wood while the entire duration they slip around on those abominations called 'skates'."

The charioteer stuck out her tongue at the scribe as she followed behind him while Armon smiled in innocent agreement. "Yeah I think it's a great game too Rath. See, I told you that you would like it!"

The snake guardian rolled his eyes and sighed as if to say 'why bother' but answered none the less. "Armon I know that you may not understand this but there is such as thing as sarcasm and I am known to use it occasionally."

The burly mummy, although you wouldn't be able to tell that he was a mummy under the disguise he wore, cocked his head in puzzlement. Before he could retort a youth from behind Armon poked Rath in the side. "Come on Rath, we all know that you're sarcastic all the time." The side of his mouth twitched. "It's one of your most charming traits." The scribe and the newly healed youth stared at eachother for a brief moment before both of them broke into smiles, the later laughing as well.

As they descended single file between the bleachers Presley turned his head sideways so that he could talk without falling down the hard stairs and asked a question. "Ja-Kal, why did we come to this hockey game?"

Ja-Kal placed a large hand on Presley's shoulder. "Because we thought it would be an enjoyable learning experience."

The reincarnated prince shot his friend a skeptical glance. "Yeah sure Ja- Kal, but I mean why _this_ hockey game? There's plenty of other ones that we could've gone to that are probably cheaper and close to home than this one is." The ancient hunter directed Presley into their rows with pressure to the grasped shoulder and once reaching their seats sat down. "I chose _this_ game for several reasons. The most prominent being that this was 'family night' so I thought I appropriate."

Nefer-tina sat down beside Presley and ruffled his hair, much to the youth's chagrin and protests. "Yeah kiddo it's 'family night' and were a family so what's the big deal?"

Presley looked around at his 'family'. Armon and Rath were arguing over how much money they were going to spend on snacks from the food stand, Nefer- tina sat smiling on his one side with her legs stretched inappropriately on the seat before her and on his other side Ja-Kal sat looking back with a smile and a wink. Presley smiled at them all, even if they all weren't paying attention to the moment and spoke the heartfelt words. "Nothin' Nef, but your right we always have and always will be a family."

He turned his gaze back to the rink below him just as the lights began to dim, Armon and Rath reached an agreement sitting down in their seats and Presley felt a brief squeeze on his shoulder from Ja-Kal as the pre-game laser show began. 'A weird and unique family' Presley thought 'but the best one I could ever wish for.'

The End

Yay, it's all over! I just wanna thank everyone who reviewed I really appreciate it and I wanna apologize for all of the delay's over the past months but regardless I think that this story came out pretty well. Thanks again, I don't know if I could've done so well without the criticism both good and bad. See ya later! Lilianna (