Chapter 15:

Tomas's P.O.V:

I groaned and placed a hand over the throbbing pain on the back of my head. I hissed in pain as I lifted my head up too quickly and pain shot through my head as the world spun around. I dropped my head again, and then lifted it up again, this time slowly. Once I was sure the world had stopped moving, I looked around.

The trees swayed with the wind, seeming to point the way the other vampire had gone, and their gigantic shadows hid me from the sun, which was in the middle of the sky.

I hissed as ferociously as a threatened snake and got up quickly, not caring about the pain in my head, and slunk farther into the shade, not liking the brightness that seemed to burn my eyes right out of their sockets.

When I felt I was safe for then, I stopped and dropped to the ground, holding my head and sticking it between my legs, groaning in physical pain and emotional pain.

What do I do now, I thought to myself, She is goneā€¦again!

How about you don't freak out!, the other, sensible side of my head said.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and soaked in the scents of the woods, trying to calm myself.

I could smell the scent of a skulk of foxes that had passed only hours ago. I could smell of running water, probably full of fish and bears waiting on the shore for the fish to start flying. I could also smell the rusty metal of a trap long forgotten along with the scent of the dead, which seemed to stain a small part of the air, like bleach on a dark colored carpet. But one thing that made me stop in shock was Ashley's scent.

Ashley's scent was something I would never forget in my entire existence. It was a wonderful mix of salt water, freshly picked cotton, sand from beaches, and lilacs. The smell was unique, and was one of the things that drew me to her. But now, in another sense, it drew me once more to her.

Scrambling to my feet, I followed her scent, hoping I wasn't too late.

Here we go again, I thought sarcastically.

Ashley's P.O.V:

Slowly, the peaceful oblivion that I have been stuck in for what seemed like forever faded away, and light filled the dark. Soon the lights became hazy shapes, and then the shapes became four people, who were hovering over me, each one of them with a stony look.

There was a squat one, with wrinkles all over his face and with barely any hair (he had only little grey tuffs on the side of his head). Then there was a young man with short, close clipped, dark hair that was dyed blue at the tips, whose eyes were a merciless grey. Another had dark blonde hair that spilled over into his right eye, leaving only one bright green smirking at me in amusement. The last one had caramel brown hair that reached his shoulders and was kept back in a braid. His eyes were a dark red, darker then even blood, and were soft and gentle, though they held the wisdom of men who have seen everything.

I gave a small shriek in fright and the dark hair pinned my arm down with one hand while placing his hand over my mouth quickly. I felt a river of tears flow down my face as I struggled fruitlessly to escape. The old man grabbed a giant syringe off the desk next to me and I fought even harder to get out, my breathing short and shallow. The old man quickly burrowed the needle into my arm and I screamed in pain, ignoring the hand over my mouth and my aching chest.

When the needle was removed, the dark haired man pulled away and wiped the hand that was over my mouth on his pants, glaring at me.

I couldn't have cared less since my body was paralyzed, and I couldn't feel anything except a chilly, shocking pain begin at my arm and start to make its way throughout my body.

My back arched and I let out a blood-curdling shriek. The men, except for the red-eyed man, placed their hands over their ears and flinched. The red-eyed man knelt down onto the bed and took one of my hands and started massaging and petting it incessantly it soothingly and whispering in my deaf ear useless, sentimental words.

The pain came from everywhere in my body, except for my stomach.

Thank God, I thought, I don't think I, or the baby, would be able to stand the pain.

Suddenly, the chilliness was replaced by heat, which kept on building, and building, and building.

I took a deep breath and attempted vainly to keep my breathing at a normal rate. Sweat rolled down my face furiously as my body spasmodically twisted and turned, attempting to get rid of the fire that was slowly burning my insides.

The man, all the while, continued his stream of pointlessness, consoling words. His hand had moved from my hand to my face, stroking my cheek soothingly.

I screamed again as the pain grew worse. Lifting my hand, I grabbed his arm with a death hold and attempted to look past my glazed gaze to peer into his eyes. "What did you give me?" The man didn't say anything, but his hand sped up as it continued to pet my cheek.

"What did you give me?" I screamed as I put more pressure on his arm. But before I could get my answer, a tsunami of pain crashed onto my body. My hand fell from his arms and hung like lead weights at my sides. Even though my voice was hoarse, I let loose a shriek that was colored with pain, desperation, anguish, and confusion as my body rolled around from side to side, leaned forwards, and arched backwards.

As the pain swept through my body, the man had stopped petting my cheek and took a step back, looking at me with saddened, red eyes, looking like they wished the could take the pain away; yet knowing they couldn't.

This pain wouldn't go away, or at least it wouldn't go away yet, so as my body continued having a spasm, I screamed my lungs out, hoping someone would come and get rid of the pain.

After thirty minutes, the spasm turned into a constant trembling that reminded me of when I was a little kid and I had gone out to see the snow one morning in only a pair of pajamas. The man stepped forwards and tilted my trembling head to the right, revealing the left side of my neck. "What-t-t are-e you-u-u going to-o do-o?" I murmured nervously, not sure of what was going to happen. The only answer I got was the feeling of his fangs sinking into my neck. This slight pain was magnified and I whimpered in pain, seeing as my throat was sore and anything louder would make it even worse.

The man placed his hand on my cheek again and started massaging it slowly, trying to quiet me.

Pain soon gave way to tranquility that cleansed my body of all pain, numbing it effectively. I sighed at my, most likely, temporary release and relaxed, enjoying the painless feeling.

Finally, the man removed his fangs from my neck and pulled up a chair from behind him and sat down, looking me over earnestly. I waited for him to say something, not sure of what to say myself, but he didn't say anything as he continued to caress my cheek.

Shyly, I whispered, "Why are you doing this to me?" He looked at me with sad eyes, but didn't say anything. I looked at him expectantly, but I still didn't get an answer. Angry, I tried to sit up, but he pulled me back down. "What is going on? Why won't you answer my questions? Why am I here? What are you going to do to me?" He still didn't answer, but moved his head so that it was facing away from me.

"He's mute. So he can't answer you." The voice rang out from the doorway and I glared at the woman that was leaning on the doorsill, who had her arms crossed and was glaring back at me. .

The woman's hair was a dark red, darker then Tomas's, and was put into a giant braid that reached mid thigh (which I thought was just ugly). Her eyes were sea turtle green and they held a small amount of malice in them. She was about 5' 8" and had a dancer's build, lissome and willowy.

She uncrossed her arms and walked briskly into the room, shutting the door. That set off warning bells in my head, and I placed a protective hand on my stomach as I sat up, watching her suspiciously. Once she was at the foot of where I sat, she said, "So, Ryan, how did it go?" Ryan lifted his hands and quickly made signs with them, so quickly that they were only a blur to me. The woman nodded before saying, "That is good, do you want the doctor to come in here and check on her?" Ryan shook his head and the woman nodded. Before she left, she turned to me and handed me a book that seemed to have come out of thin air, saying, "This book will help you get your answers. I hope you will join us soon. Have a nice day," unfriendly, and then she disappeared (most likely using her vampire speed).

I looked down at the book, and then back up at Ryan, who smiled at me. Smiling nervously back, I opened the book took a deep breath.

Here we go, I thought as I asked, "So, where am I?"


This is Chapter 15!

I know, I'm kind of using the same kidnapping trick, but please don't hold that against me :D

Please review! Please, please, please!

Also, for those who have read my other story Caged please vote on the poll that is set up in my profile.

I want to see what character(s) are their favorite!

Please and thank you,

Twi :D