(AN: Ok, this my first story, so please take it easy)
Ashley looked at the tombstone across from where she was sitting as they lowered her husband's casket with a creak and a thump. Her face was a mask, not showing or moving. She was as pale as death, her black, now greasy, hair hanging down in rat-tails from drying earlier when it rained, her eyes where empty, blood shot from crying for two days straight.
Many people would be crying, tears steadily running down their faces, or still in shock, but not Ashley. She sat there, hand on her swollen abdomen, watching not in shock and not crying her eyes out. But, what the people at her husband's funeral didn't see was her heart being shred to pieces. Inside, she was screaming in frustration, crying endlessly, and shouting out accusations like, "Why did you leave Roger, why did you have to go!"
After a while she came back from her ongoing battle to see that she was alone. With a sigh she looked at her husband's tombstone and read it again. It was the best she could afford, after her parents-in-law went through the money and his possessions, leaving only a few precious things to her and her unborn child. It had only a couple words about him, but it was the most important thing to her now. It read, "Roger Lucian, Beloved Husband and Father of his unborn child, 1981 – 2008, May he rest in Peace". She sat there and relived through the good times, from their wedding, him proposing to her, to the day they found out that they were going to be parents. The tears she held back earlier came back with a vengeance.
Coming out of her trance, she realized that she had probably been sitting there for a while because the sun had set, and that it was going to get cold soon. Groaning, she put her hands on the small of her back, and one on her belly and got up. She leaned against the chair and thought; this pregnancy thing isn't what I thought it would be. She wiped her tears away and started walking to the gate. As she walked through the cemetery, she was looking at all the people around her husband, trying to remember them just in case she wanted to come back and couldn't find her way. She was walking up to the gates when she felt a shiver climb up and fall down her back. Like she was being watched. She looked around finding no one behind her. Forgetting it for now, she walked out and into her friend's car, to go home to her empty apartment. As her friend, Matt, pulled out she fell asleep, not noticing the 6 foot man, with fire red hair, and piercing grey eyes, watching the car pull away from the gates. With what looked like pity and some unknown emotion in his eyes.
(AN: I know, it is insanely short, but there is more to come. I just wanted to see what was going to happen
twilighter256, or twi)