Title: Saltwater Tears
Author: Sometimes, A Muse
Date: started 6/1/2008; finished 6/2/2008
Fandom: Legend of Zelda
Pairing: (sort of) Japas x Mikau
Rating: PG
Warning: (Canon) character death
Word Count: 380
Summary: Drabble. The things I didn't say.
Disclaimer: Don't own the characters, don't have any money to give you if you sue. Original plot elements are mine.
Author's Note: Inspired, strangely enough, by the thought of drowning, and the thought of (OOT)Link's Zora tunic. I...yeah. That's my brain for you.

"So, he's really gone then?"

"Yeah. I...I'm sorry." Link looked down, unable to face the sorrow in the other's eyes. A long moment passed, in which Link nervously scuffed his feet. Though he'd heard the old adage, Link hadn't believed that silence really could be deafening. "He...he didn't suffer."

"I...yeah. Thanks, man."

"Yeah, sure. Um...is there, you know, anything I can do?" Link glanced up; his companion, with his horrible, sorrowful eyes, had turned to gaze into the distance. Link, in turn, studied him: grief took on many forms, and Link knew the quiet exterior only served as a mask for deeper feelings.

"No, it's cool. You did the show with us, ya know, it's cool."

Link turned, sensing in the statement the desire to be alone. He was stopped, however, by the next thought.

"There is one..." The voice trailed off, accompanied by a shake of the head.

"One what?" Link prompted softly.

"Nah man, it's stupid."

Taking a half-step closer, Link raised his hand to gently grasp his companion's shoulder. "I'm sure it's not."

Link's hand fell as the body turned, that sorrowful gaze meeting his eyes once more. "Could you...you know?" A hand gestured towards Link's face. "I just...I need to tell him..."

Link simply nodded. Pulling out the mask, he took a deep breath and slipped it on. Closing his eyes against the momentary dizziness the shape-change brought on, he slowly let the breath out, counting to ten in his head, before opening his eyes once more. He stood, waiting for the other to speak; what he did not expect was the soft caress to the side of his face.

"I...I'm sorry." Words came hesitantly, eyes blinking shut and throat swallowing as if to force the thoughts out. "I'm sorry I couldn't...I was too scared...I never told you...that I love you too." Japas leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Link-Mikau's mouth. Stained with the Zora's tears, it tasted of seasalt and sorrow. Japas broke contact quickly, turning and walking quickly away, shoulders shaking with emotion.

Link brought his hand to his-Mikau's face, finding his cheeks wet with his own saltwater tears. "I'm sorry, too," he whispered into the too-silent room. "I'm sorry I couldn't save him."

I'm sorry I couldn't give you two a chance.