It was very awkward

It was very awkward. Even for a Chuck Bass, the guy who has slept with probably every girl and now Serena too. But it the last time he had sex with a girl who wasn't Blair, he has never been in love.

No, he's not a jerk. In fact he's also doing Serena a favor.

It hasn't been the same since Nate and Blair died, since Dan became an alcoholic and sent to a therapy center and Jenny a bitch. This isn't love, even though they practically have sex every night. They have their own fantasy in their mind. One imagines Dan, the other imagines Blair.

"It's very tragic isn't it? Not to mention pathetic." Serena states.


"Us, I mean, we have sex every night. But not exactly to each other." She says, and he doesn't get it. "We imagine our loved ones. It's pathetic. You're imagining Blair, I'm imagining Dan. Doesn't that mean like we're not having sex with each other."

"I can't forget her, Serena." He states.

"I know, and I can't forget Dan. Maybe we just shouldn't have sex with each other. It's kinda taboo."

He giggles, "We've already broken the universal taboo, Incest."

She rolls her eyes, "We're not exactly blood related Chuck."

He kisses her again, and no matter how much she likes it, she struggled away, "See what I mean, I'm sure you were imagining Blair. I couldn't even count how many times we've moaned other people's name." she tries to put on her panties again.

He stops her, "Hey, hey. Look, I made a promise that I would never hurt a girl again. And if imagining Blair when we have sex hurts you. Then I'll try to move on." He says.

"And I'll try to forget Dan when we do it." She smiles.

"I need you Serena." "I need you too, Chuck."

These two, they need each other. And sometimes, need comes before love. Why should they try to find new love, when they could have each other?