The following are two alternate endings that I wrote for this story. I don't normally do alternate endings but with this story I felt that the original ending I had first decided on was very important to share and if I was going to share that one, I might as well share another that I had tossed in the trash heap.

The first alt was the original ending I had come up with when I began writing this story. The second alt is an ending that developed later that I really liked but wasn't my normal style and seemed too untrue to the characters.

My writing technique is a bit strange, I start at the beginning and decide upon the end. I then write everything else in between. However when I drew nearer the end of this story (and I do this with most of my stories) my indecisiveness kicks in and my brain starts shooting out several endings all at once. Most of the time there are two-three main endings to decide upon and the other endings are different variations of the two-three with minor alterations.

That happened with this story. It gets to the point that I can't decide and love all of the endings so much that the only fair way to do it is stick with my original but after consulting my husband he told me to end with the one the story actually concludes with. I usually don't change my mind but my husband argued that it was more fitting and really stuck with Vexen's character and I had to agree 100% so against every nagging in my brain saying "JUST STICK WITH WHAT YOU ORIGINALLY CAME UP WITH!" I decided I would end it how I did.

Now we have two lovely alts so the story can conclude the way YOU want it to.

Thank you again for reading!

Alt. Ending 1

The Original Ending

Vexen stood on the edge of the roof, wind tousling his hair as he looked down. Most of the inmates had already dispersed. There were a few that still lingered around on the grounds but as soon as the sirens in the distance began echoing they all spread like ants. He heard the door behind him open but he did not turn to look. He had a good hunch who it was. "Why didn't you escape?"

Zexion heaved as he approached Vexen slowly. "W-why would I? There's nothing out there for me."

Vexen glanced over his shoulder. "There is a whole world out there waiting for you. I destroyed your file… Its as if you never existed. You could start a new life."

"That life would be meaningless." Zexion stepped up onto the edge beside Vexen and stared at him. "You're the only person that's worth having around in my life. I could see anything and everything but you're the only one that makes me feel like my life isn't so fucked up." He smiled and turned his gaze outward. "Besides, I hate this god damned planet and everyone on it except for you. I'd probably just kill again. Everyone I could kill, I would. So where does that leave me except for in another hospital?"

Vexen chuckled and grabbed Zexion's hand in his own. "Truth be told, I never expected you to run away. I knew you'd come here to find me. You love me too much."

Zexion smiled and looked up at the doctor. "Yeah, maybe. And maybe you love me too."

"Maybe." Vexen returned Zexion's smile. "I wish you could have seen me kill Xaldin."

Zexion laughed softly. "Was it wonderful?"

"My best work yet." Vexen turned and pulled Zexion against him. "You know, I never thought you were crazy."

"Oh?" Zexion cocked an eyebrow and traced a finger up the doctor's chest. "I hope you don't expect me to return that sentiment. I always thought you were fucking nuts."

"Well, you would be correct." Vexen smiled and pressed his lips to Zexion's. When their lips parted he nuzzled the boy's face gently. "I do love you Zexion… In my own strange little way. I just thought you should know."

Zexion smiled and looked away from Vexen. "Yeah, I kinda figured that out. Just like I'm sure you figured out how I feel about you. I love you Vexen."

"Yes, I know." Vexen kissed his lover again and smiled. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah." Zexion turned from Vexen and looked out at the world before him. "Maybe the next world will be better than this one…"

"Maybe, yes." Vexen gripped Zexion's hand and stepped off the edge of the building.

Alt. Ending 2

The Sappy Ending

Zexion burst onto the roof gasping for air. He had forced himself to run most of the way there and he could scarcely breathe. His eyes fell on Vexen and he stumbled toward the older man. "V-vexen! Don't jump yet! I have s-something I have to say." He knelt on the ground just short of his lover, no longer able to force himself further. He heaved trying to regain his breath before finally bringing himself to stand on shaky legs. "Vexen, I know you probably don't want to hear this but… I love you! It's so much more than just being dependant on you. When I'm near you I'm just happy. Thinking of you makes my heart pound and when you touch me or look at me all I want is to be in your arms. I've never felt that way before! You're the only person that makes me feel like maybe my life isn't as fucked up as I thought it was. That maybe I have a chance for normalcy. I've never known what life is supposed to be like, but I know you can teach me. And I want that. I want that more than anything." Zexion sighed as tears began streaking his cheeks. His voice was raspy now and he wondered if Vexen could even understand what he was saying. "I don't have much longer to live. Demyx did something to me, and I don't know when I will die from it. But I know that all I want is to know what a normal life is supposed to be like. Even if it is just for a few days, or even a few hours. And I want you to show me Vexen." Zexion's legs failed him again and he dropped back down to the ground. "I was born into a hellish life. I don't want to die in one… Please."

Vexen stood letting the wind blow his hair. He watched the distance for a few moments before turning his eyes to Zexion. He stepped down and walked over to the boy, raising his gaze to meet his own. "I could never offer you anything normal. It just couldn't be that way. However…" Vexen pulled Zexion up to stand and smiled. "I'm sure we could get as close to normal as possible for being us."

Zexion looked in awe at Vexen before smiling brightly and wrapping his arms around the man. "Do you mean that!?"

"When have I ever said something I didn't mean?" Vexen scooped Zexion up into his arms and began the long descent down the stairs. "We'll get you to a hospital. We'll see what Demyx did and hopefully it is easily fixed. If it is, we'll have the rest of our lives to spend together. How does that sound?"

"It sounds like all I've ever wanted." Zexion rested his weary head against Vexen's chest and let himself be carried all the way to the red Ferrari. His eyes stayed glued on the blond as they sped out of the parking lot and down the long road toward the city. They passed a barrage of blaring lights and sirens likely headed for the institution but Zexion's gaze was only on Vexen. He smiled to himself as his eyes slipped shut and he fell into a very deep slumber.