Wewt! Alrighty… So for those of you who've been waiting for this, I'm sorry it took so long. I didn't want to do what I did with my XigDem fic and post it as I typed it. I wanted to have this all finished before I shared it but then I lost my inspiration for it (mind you, I started this one BEFORE I started my XigDem fic) and I realized that the only thing that would inspire me to continue is if I have no choice BUT to continue if I have readers waiting for it.

I know ZekuVeku isn't a popular pairing. I honestly don't see why… Seriously, it drives me crazy to no end that people pair Zexion and Lexaeus. Poor Zexy! We don't want him broke in half do we? Lexy is so big! It's like a Great Dane fucking a Chihuahua! Lol… THAT and I just have a hard time imagining Lexaeus like that. You know… All sexual and stuff. I just can't see it.

However I hope that you give this fic a chance even though it's not your run of the mill LekuZeku or MarluVeku. I still think this is a fairly well written story (despite the first few chapters being OLDER THAN OLD) and I know if you give it a chance you'll agree Zexion + Vexen = sexiness the likes of which this world has never seen.

This story is of course an AU because it is part of a collection of AU Organization XIII fics I decided I would do to make myself write more frequently. About this chapter, it's VERY LONG. I hadn't intended for all this information to be dumped in the first chapter already but it has a good stream going so I couldn't find a good place to break it off. THUS you have a shit load of information dumped into your lap in the first chapter. This fic? Probably not as long as my XigDem one, we can only pray.

"Dr. Even... Dr. Even, you are needed in the new admissions department."

Vexen sighed as the overhead intercom echoed its demand through the hall. He'd been paged six times already and it was only noon. He adjusted his stark white coat and slid his employee card in the awaiting slot as he approached the electronically locked door. The heavy door clicked twice and groaned quietly as it slid open. The too familiar smell of latex gloves and iodine flooded Vexen's nostrils as he passed through the infirmary and took a sharp left. It was a quick ride in the elevator to the bottom floor where three orderlies and a bloody faced nurse stood across the room from a sadistic looking young man with pen in his hand. "What seems to be the problem?"

"D-dr. Even!" Demyx held his face and pointed toward the slivery-blue haired patient standing in the corner of the room. "I just tried to put a damned identification bracelet on the little fucker and he punched me! He's been threatening to stab himself in the eye for the past fifteen minutes."

Vexen looked at his four petrified co-workers with a bored expression. "And none of you thought to restrain him? I mean, quite obviously if he's threatening to stab himself then he poses no immediate threat to you, correct?" Vexen turned to the distraught patient with a smile. "Correct?"

Zexion paused in thought before shaking his head violently. "Fuck no! I'll stab that son of a bitch! I can't wear shit on my arms... I have sensitive skin!"

"Oh... I see." Vexen turned his gaze to Demyx and tugged on his glasses. "Very well then nurse, have his information sewn into his clothing."

Demyx gawked at Vexen. "But Dr. Even... That isn't protocol!"

Vexen snapped a sharp glare Demyx's way and grit his teeth. "Forget protocol! Our number one intention is to make our guests feel as comfortable as possible. Now, if Mr..." Vexen glanced back at the new patient who seemed much calmer now.

"Ienzo... Zexion Ienzo." Zexion dropped the pin to the ground and rubbed his arm stiffly.

"Right. If Mr. Ienzo says that he has delicate skin then who are you to refute this? Need we pull up all medical records dating back to his birth? I don't think it is difficult to allow such a minor slip in the program, do you? After all, I do run this facility."

"Yes sir, Dr. Even." Demyx nodded and motioned for one of the orderlies to restrain their new "guest."

"Restraining him won't be necessary." Vexen pulled a clip board off of Demyx's desk and gave it a quick glance. "Ward six eh?"

"Yes... He's very dangerous." Demyx looked up at Vexen nervously as he dabbed his nostrils with tissue.

"Then where is his police escort?" Vexen tugged off his glasses and quickly pocketed them. "No, wait... Let me guess. Once he's inside these walls he's no longer in their jurisdiction..." Vexen glanced at Demyx who gave him a very annoyed nod. "Bloody government funded bastards." He placed the clip board back on the desk and turned to Zexion. "Come on then! Up we go."

Zexion looked at Vexen in awe. "No handcuffs? No straight jacket!?"

"No need." Vexen smirked and motioned for the young man to follow him. "You don't seem to pose much of a threat. Not to me anyhow..."

Zexion stared up at the doctor in disbelief. Nobody had ever really trusted him to be free of restraints… At least, not lately. He followed the peculiar doctor into an elevator and watched as he pushed the number eight. "The sixth ward is on the eighth floor? Strange."

Vexen mused quietly to himself and glanced down at the short young man. "So what did a tiny thing like you do to get labeled as criminally insane?"

Zexion blinked up at Vexen. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you..."

"You'd be surprised what I'd believe Mr. Ienzo." Vexen smirked and folded his arms as the elevator crept slowly up the shaft.

"I snuck into a neighbor's house... She had hundreds of cats. I hate cats... I killed them all and shaved them and hung them from her ceiling fans." Zexion shifted his weight uncomfortably. "Twice."

"And you got caught..." Vexen snickered lightly. "Well that would get you put here. And I'm sure the nurse and orderlies thought you'd killed a human or something."

"I would." Zexion twitched his nose quickly and stared up at the doctor. "If I had to I'd kill just as many humans as I did cats..."

Vexen nodded slowly. "Indeed... That's why you are here. But don't worry. Those fucks in the police department send just about every criminal they have here. Doesn't matter if its petty theft or... Cat killing." Vexen smirked as the young man snickered. "The nearest prison is in the next state and since they very well can't transfer you "criminals" to a different state and they don't want to drive one-hundred and fifty miles North to the shitty little one we've got up there, they send you all here. I don't mind really... Makes my job interesting."Zexion opened his mouth to ask a question but the elevator came to an abrupt stop and the doors slid open. He followed the peculiar doctor out of the elevator and looked around. Everything was white... Everything. He hated the color white. It looked good on Dr. Even though. "Dr. Even?"

Vexen glanced back at Zexion. "Just call me Vexen..."

Zexion nodded. "Vexen... This place seems strange. Do you run it how ever you want?"

"I do." Vexen slid his employee card into a waiting slot as he approached a locked door. "I do not own the facility. A man named Xemnas does. About ten years ago a friend of his got into trouble. Real trouble... He actually killed thirty two people on a bus by grabbing the wheel and spinning the bus out of control. He pled insanity... So they tried to ship him about two-hundred miles west of here to a government funded facility. Xemnas didn't like the idea of that so he commissioned this facility to be built and here I am."

Zexion blinked calmly at the back of Vexen's head. "So where did you work before you came here?"

Vexen paused for a moment before continuing on. "I was… At the other facility."

Zexion nodded quietly to himself and continued to follow the doctor without a word. After many twists and turns down identical hallways they finally came to a stop. Zexion stared in awe at the large room opening before him. All over the place were familiar looking people. People he'd seen in news papers or on local television channels... Criminals far worse than he was.

"I have to leave now. I'll be back later to check on you. If you need anything just ask this man." Vexen motioned to the orderly standing beside the door. "His name is Lexaeus. He'll take care of you..."

"But..." Zexion froze as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He whipped around to see a devious looking blonde woman with sinister eyes.

"I'm Larxene... Come on! I want you to come hang out with us." Before the young man could object, Larxene tugged him over to her group of friends. She slung him into a chair and sat across from him. "So what's your name?"

"Zexion." Zexion blinked at the blonde woman.

"This is Marluxia..." Larxene said pointing to the pink haired man on her right. "And this is Axel." She threw her finger into the red haired man's chest before turning the frighteningly well manicured appendage in Zexion's face. "You were with Dr. Even!"

Zexion nodded slowly. "I was."

"He's a criminal! He's no better than the rest of us!" Larxene stared hard at Zexion. "I heard he killed a man."

Axel snorted and rolled his eyes. "Ignore her. Every time she sees a new patient come in with Dr. Even she goes off on her conspiracy theory rants. "Dr. Even this! Dr. Even that!" I get sick of it..."

"Vexen..." Zexion glanced around the group and rubbed his arm stiffly. "His name is Vexen."

Axel snorted again and chuckled. "Don't let yourself get on a first name basis with these douche bags... They use that to make you feel comfortable. It's a form of psychology... They try to make you think that you're one of their good friends. But it's all bull shit, really."

"Well what does it matter? If it makes you feel better then isn't that a good thing?" Zexion shrugged.

"Not if they're trying to get information out of you." Axel glanced around before leaning closer to Zexion. "I committed an act of arson about five years ago. Killed about fifteen people. They still haven't pinned it on me! I'm only in here for five more months. They picked me up for setting cars on fire and pushing them off cliffs but if they found out I killed fifteen people I'd be in this shit hole for the rest of my life!"

Zexion furrowed his brow. "If that's so then why are you telling me all this?"

Axel laughed loudly. "Well, shit kid! They think you're fucking crazy! They won't listen to damn thing you say..." Axel smiled. "There are no secrets among the insane... We can tell each other all our deepest secrets and nobody believes a fucking word! I love it... We get the weight off our shoulders and nobody gives a rats ass cause they think you're making it up anyway."

"Oh..." Zexion nodded slowly. "Well in that case..."

"Don't you wanna hear what I did!?" Marluxia spat out randomly. He didn't care if Zexion wanted to know or not... He wanted to tell it.

Axel rolled his eyes and stood up. "This story is old news. See you later..."

Zexion watched Axel walk away before turning his attention back to Marluxia. "What did you do?"

Marluxia laughed sadistically. "I used to be blond... But there was a mix up at my hair salon and I got stuck with somebody who wasn't my usual stylist. She made my hair pink! I freaked out and strangled her with the cord on a hair drier. Then I burned parts of her body with a straightening iron..." Marluxia shrugged. "She didn't die and I decided I like my hair but they won't let me out of here for another two months. And it sucks 'cause my roots are starting to show." Marluxia pouted and turned to Larxene. "Larxene's story is good."

Larxene rolled her eyes and looked at Zexion. "I killed my husband... Big deal."

"AND his mistress!" Marluxia laughed and kicked his legs excitedly. "Doesn't it just knock the pants off of you!?"

"Uhm, sure..." Zexion cleared his throat and wiggled around in his chair. "Anyway, I..."

"Mr. Ienzo." Lexaeus stood a few feet away from the short young man. "Dr. Even would like to speak with you... Privately."

"Ooh... Look who's got Dr. Even's tighty whities in a twist!" Marluxia giggled.

"Shut up, fag..." Zexion glared at Marluxia and stood. "He probably doesn't even wear tighty whities..." Zexion grumbled and walked with Lexaeus back to the door he'd come through only minutes earlier. As it groaned slowly open he could see those piercing green eyes digging deep into his. "Vexen?"

"Come with me Zexion. I need to have a word with you..." Vexen turned on heel and motioned for Zexion to follow. He led the boy down the many long corridors to a quiet location. He stood in the hall looking through the barred plastic windows out at the filthy sky. "You lied to me..."

Zexion tensed up. "Vexen, I..."

"One thing I expect from my patients is honesty Mr. Ienzo. But you lied to me... You may have killed that woman's cats but you did that when you were eleven. I checked your records..." Vexen waved a thick file in the air before slinging it down at Zexion's feet. "Physical and mental abuse!? Rape!? Drug use!?" Vexen cleared his throat and eyed his new patient. "Why didn't you tell me your parents were so awful? This isn't insanity, it's a cry for help. One heard a little too late..."

"I wouldn't think they'd have those kinds of awful things on file..." Zexion rubbed his arm and stared down at his file like it was a window to his past. A cold and evil window he'd rather kept shut. "You can burn that thing... That isn't who I am anymore. I'm eighteen now. Fuck those people. They don't exist..."

"No they don't..." Vexen stepped toward Zexion and kicked the file away. "They don't exist anymore because you killed them. But they still exist up here..." Vexen touched a finger to Zexion's left temple. "And they still exist in here." He lowered his hand from Zexion's head to his chest. "And they'll exist there forever, still hurting you. Unless you do something about it. I can help you but you have to let me in. You can't lie to me and expect me to be able to help you with false information."

"I'd rather not talk about what they did to me..." Zexion crossed his arms and looked away from the doctor. "I don't need help. I just need to be locked up where I can't hurt anybody..."

"Does that include yourself?" Vexen reached out and grabbed Zexion's arm. He turned the boy's hand palm up and took note of a deep scar tracing all the way up his arm. "That's the real reason you didn't want that nurse putting on an identification bracelet. You didn't want him to see you've attempted suicide... You don't think that we wouldn't see that when we read your file?"

Zexion tore his arm away. "I don't care! I'm tired of people feeling sorry for me! All those social workers feeling so sorry but nothing they could do! Everybody feels sorry but nobody can help me!"

"I don't feel sorry for you... But I can help you." Vexen crossed his arms. "Your file says you were admitted into the hospital for that nice cut up your arm a year ago. You almost died..."

"Just another thing I failed at!" Zexion crossed his arms and looked at the doctor bitterly. He was beginning to change his opinion on this man very quickly.

Vexen smiled and pulled a set of keys from his pocket. He turned to the gate over the plastic windows and unlocked it. Before Zexion could even question his motive, he threw the window open and forced Zexion onto the ledge. "There you go!"

Zexion stood petrified. He could practically see the entire town... This had to be the tallest building there. He looked down at the cemented side walk below in terror. "Vexen! What the fuck!?"

Vexen released the grip he had on Zexion's top and smiled. "You're complaining that you failed at killing yourself! It's my job to help you accomplish your goals. Don't worry, a fall from this height is sure to kill you... I'll even give you a little push if you'd like!" Vexen tapped Zexion's back lightly and received a rather loud squeal in return.

"Vexen! Are you fucking insane!?" Zexion reached back and grabbed Vexen's jacket tightly.

"No my friend, you are!" Vexen laughed and tried to shake his arm free of Zexion's grasp. "Go on now... Isn't this what you want?"

"No!" Zexion clung to Vexen's arm for dear life. "No... Please Dr. Even!" He could feel the tears start to flow down his cheeks. "Please! I don't wanna die! I wanna live!"

Vexen smiled at Zexion evilly. "If you don't want to die then why did you attempt suicide?"

"It's different now!" Zexion was growing desperate. "Please... I have a reason to live now!"

Vexen stared at him calmly. "Oh, What? To get help? You don't want help, remember?"

"Yes! Yes I do! I want your help... I need it!" Zexion held onto Vexen tightly. After a moment of silence he felt himself being pulled back into the building. Once he was safely inside he fell to the ground and began to cry hysterically. "What the fuck!?"

Vexen leaned down and yanked Zexion to his feet. "When I was your age I killed my father... No real reason. I just did it... I tried to kill myself but as you can well see that didn't go through. They locked me up in a fucking institution and every day I just kept thinking of ways that I could kill myself in that place. Then one day a man named Saïx threw me out of a second story window. I woke up in the infirmary and he was there. He said that I obviously wanted to live because I fought like hell to keep from falling. I realized he was right... So I decided that once I was released I was going to become a doctor that specialized in mental patients. Here I am twenty years later doing the same thing for you. I'm not here to tell you you're sick or that you need help. I'm here to offer my help and you can take it or leave it. I get paid either way..." Vexen turned away from Zexion and started down the hall. "But one piece of advice, whether you want my help or not... Before anybody can stop feeling sorry for you, you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself."