Not mine in any way. This is not exactly as I want it, but...
Gradually, a small crowd had accumulated outside of the Hospital Wing. Severus, Sirius, Remus, Mary, Olivia, Lily, James, Olivia's fiance, Vincent Crabbe, and Sirius' brother, Regulus, who, when everyone's attention appeared to be elsewhere, whispered an encouraging, "She'll be okay, Siri. They've called in the best Orthopedic Healer, Bruce Latham. I heard Pomfrey mention it when everybody else was talking." It only confirmed something that Severus had long suspected, especialyy since he now knew that Sirius went through the same things that he did away from school; that the two brothers were closer than many were privileged to realize. He looked over at James, who he had become somewhat friends with after being grouped with him, Lily, and Olivia on a defense project, and he nodded slightly and winked, confirming Severus' new hypothesis that the two brothers were closer than he had previously realized, considering that they avoided each other, and when they could not, they hexed each other. Severus realized now that neither sent hexes at the other that would actually hurt them. He had the knowledge, due to the shifing alliances of Slytherin House, that Sirius and Regulus' parents had tried to betroth Sirius to Olivia and Regulus to Jade, and he now realized that the four youths actually liked each other. Eugene, Olivia and Jade's father, was known for being a truly decent Slytherin. He never let his ambition make him cruel or arrogant despite being very wealthy. His grandfather had been known as the "Hufflepuff Headmaster", because that had been the house he came from, and supposedly he had been Dumbledore's inspiration for the way he ran a school. Severus had been comforted by the ghost of Eustace Cummings many times in his academic career, and he was one of the few ghosts who could occasionally make Peeves go somewhere else; the only other who could consistently do it was the Bloody Baron. Cummings was a low-profile ghost; he gave up all his affiliations when he became a headmaster. His mother had a tattered copy of Ruling Through Loving Guidance, considered the best biography of the late headmaster, that he had read from cover-to-cover.
His musings were interrupted by the arrival of Jade's brother, Richard, and eldest sister, Eleanor.
"Livy, how's things with Jade?" Richard asked.
"As well as can be expected. They've called in an orthopedic healer from the States named Bruce Latham."
"Good. He's one of the best ib the business," Richard replied. Eleanor just embraced her sister.
Richard then acknowledged the group with gratitude for their well-wishes.
It was at this point that Department Head Eugene Cummings and his wife, Alyce, walked in. Eugene was a grave, careworn man with iron-grey hair and piercing blue eyes. Alyce looked like an older version of Olivia; tiny, with black hair. Eugene immediately went over and squeezed Sirius' shoulder, somehow sensing that he needed more support than any of his biological children.
It was a couple of hours before Madam Pomfrey came out. "She's resting comfortably," she said. "I'll let each one of you see her, one or two at a time, for about five minutes."
The lots were drawn, with Eugene and Alyce first, and Severus and Sirius last.
Finally, it was their turn, and they made their way to the only occupied bed in the infirmary.
"I'm glad you're all right, Jade," Sirius said. "You scared me."
"I'm sorry for that." She then smacked Sirius on the arm. "Lily told me what you did. Though, if it got you two in a room without killing each other, perhaps it was a blessing in disguise."
Severus and Sirius looked at each other, their fragile bond strengthening a little more.
"Now come here." She pulled Sirius into an embrace. She then pulled a reluctant Severus into an embrace. "I'm glad James was there to stop you. You matter, whether you believe or realize it or not, and the world would be the less for the lack of you."
Severus wasn't sure he believed that, but he gave a small smile and said nothing.